Multiple Lives in Parallel Universes
Being a Pisces with many planets in the 12th house, I've been a vivid dreamer since childhood.
Though my dreams feel incredibly real, they rarely reflect my current life. While some suggest they may be memories from past lives, the modern settings and characters make me feel like I'm living multiple lives in parallel universes.
Experts and books advise me to record these dreams, hinting that answers may come in the future. Despite being busy before, I've decided to take up this task now.
One day, I had an idea: instead of waiting for answers, why not create my own conclusions and turn them into story inspirations? I'm even inviting others to join in, as I believe many share my experience of vivid dreams. Hence, this platform was born.
Perhaps one day, we all find the answers we seek here.

或許因為我是雙魚座,又有許多星在第 12 宮。從小,我一直是多夢的人。
Neptune Gal Y