(取自 國家攝影文化中心 翁庭華,黑白童年系列)
《Challenges in a Monochrome Life》
No one paid attention to the child, Ajun was out working.
The child cried until hoarse, and the grandfather who returned from outside quickly took her to the clinic in town. The doctor busily treated the fever, unaware that the child's optic nerve was damaged. The child became blind.
Such is fate! Ahua already burdened by her own mistakes, and now with the child's condition like this, her life was destined to be black and white.
Facing such an unbearable situation, Ahua, a member of a large family, felt even more isolated. Enduring hostile words and mental torment, she silently bore the blame and insults in her predicament. This only deepened her resentment towards her circumstances.
The pain of her wounds was known only to her. Unable to return to the past and unable to change her reality, she suffered silently. Ahua was like a mute person swallowing bitter pills, equivalent to a walking corpse. Trying to hold onto a livelihood that was already fragile, she forced herself to accept it. Embrace fate or defend herself? No one knew.
Her family was impoverished and powerless to help Ahua. Ajun still had to face this large family.
In desperation, Ajun pleaded with his parents to give him a chance, to move out and start a new family. On one hand, it would reduce conflicts, and on the other hand, he saw her weak wife struggling with farm work, having to take care of two children, one blind, the other just born. Ajun suffered the most.
Of course, it sparked another family revolution, with sarcasm and ridicule inevitable. The ultimate answer was being kicked out of the house.
Amidst the hardships and desolation, Ahua suddenly felt a glimmer of hope. It turned out her husband was on her side. No matter how much resentment there had been, it could all dissipate, and they could start anew.
Every beginning is difficult, every blade of grass, every world. With hope, even the bitterest days taste sweet.
Yet, in the current environment, earning a living wasn't easy. Job opportunities were scarce, and without money, children suffered. The weight of responsibility was overwhelming.
Ajun himself was clueless. Working like a workhorse, he still couldn't fill the mouths that demanded to be fed. Especially with three children and one more on the way.
Though it was tough, Ahua's family helped by taking care of the children, easing her burden. With some support, Ahua's face regained its radiance. Despite renting a courtyard house, with a living room and a bedroom, for Ahua, it was already satisfying. Life had to go on!
Every hurdle is crossed eventually. After the war, roads needed to be built, and Ajun registered early to work on them. Joining agricultural teams during busy farming seasons was common. There was no choice but to leave his wife and children behind.
In 1961, their eldest daughter died young, only from what they knew was a cold. Where she was buried? Unclear.
在無可奈何之下,央求父母給予機會,另闢家庭搬出去住。一方面減少衝突,二來眼看軟弱妻子農事做不來,還要帶 2 個孩子。一個盲眼,一個剛出生。最苦還是阿俊。
阿俊自己也無頭緒。因為化作二頭牛,拚死拚活也填不滿張口要吃的嘴。更何況眼下 3 小 1 大人、加自己。
民國 50 年大女兒夭折,只知道感冒引起。埋在哪?說不清。