I dreamed that I worked as a kitchen assistant in the military. There was a basket of bananas in the kitchen, and I had to cross-check it with the inventory list before proceeding with further tasks.
After completing the inventory check, I returned home. In my dream, I was a father with three children: an eldest daughter, a second son, and a youngest daughter. My eldest daughter, who was quite well-behaved, called home from outside, expressing her wish to attend a party. My wife bombarded her with questions over the phone, and I could barely stand listening. I told my daughter to go ahead and attend the party if she wanted to. I told to my wife that asking so many questions might discourage our daughter from sharing things with her in the future.
I called the school dormitory to find my youngest daughter, but my son answered the phone. I asked him if he knew what his sister had been up to lately, and he said he didn't know. He went to fetch his sister so she could talk to me.
Then the scene shifted to me standing at the dormitory door, watching my youngest daughter rollerblading towards me. She was a petite girl with long blond hair, wearing in stylish blue knee-high boots with thick braided straps.
As she skated past me, I asked her about her school life and friends. She continued to answer my questions while gracefully gliding in front of me. Watching her, I felt that my daughter was both cool and beautiful.
Afterward, we walked together through the campus, chatting as we strolled.
完成比對後,我回到家。我是爸爸,有三個孩子 (大女兒、二兒子、小女兒)。大女兒很乖,她在外打電話回家,說想參加 Party。太太電話中問她一堆問題,我在旁聽了都快受不了了。我跟女兒說「想參加就去參加吧!」我跟太太說「妳問這麼多問題,以後女兒可能任何事都不想跟你講了。」