I had a dream where I found myself in a cozy studio apartment along Keelung Road, engaging in conversation with the landlady. In the dream, I was preparing to move to the United States. There happened to be a leaking issue in the apartment and the landlady arranged for workers to handle it.
The space was cluttered with various items, filling up the entire room and making it feel cramped. Moreover, most of the windows were sealed shut, leaving only one open in front of the desk. Pulling up the blinds, I discovered it offered a view of a building's wall, without any street scenery.
The landlady's son liked me. He made a visit from his workplace in Nantou to bid me farewell, knowing I was moving to the US.
Reflecting on the rental situation, he expressed regret that the previous rent of $26,000 would need to be raised to over $30,000 due to inflation. I mentioned that news reported that even spacious two-story houses in Keelung rented for just over $30,000, making the cost of a small studio quite expensive.
The dream then transitioned to a scene where my mother and stepfather arrived at the apartment to assist with packing. I guided them on how to drive here as I walked along the street, passing through a familiar traditional market, which felt familiar to me, but I couldn't recall when I had been there before.
Before they left, they left my car keys in the sink. However, I suddenly remembered I had sold my car, making them their keys. My mom asked me to keep the keys, saying I could use her car upon my return from the US.
Returning to the apartment, I noticed severe water stains on the ceiling. The landlady mentioned that the leaking issue on my floor was comparatively minor, with other floors experiencing more severe problems.
Note: The room and street view felt familiar, seeming like an impression of Taipei's Keelung Road, but I've never actually rented a small studio on Keelung Road.
他感慨說以前租我 $26,000,現在物價上漲,房租得調到 $30,000 以上才行。我說新聞說基隆透天兩層房也才月租 3 萬多,而且空間也大很多。小套房這價格真是蠻貴的。

(The endings crafted by Pi AI)
Ending 1:
After discussing the water damage with the landlady, you decide to address the issue together, working collaboratively to repair the damage and create a more comfortable living space. This experience strengthens your bond with the landlady and her son, reinforcing the importance of human connection during times of transition.
This ending emphasizes the value of collaboration and the potential for personal growth through shared experiences.
Ending 2:
Following your conversation with the landlady, you decide to explore the neighborhood and stumble upon a new apartment with a spacious layout and a beautiful view. You discuss the opportunity with the landlady and her son, who encourage you to pursue the new living arrangement. This decision marks the beginning of a new chapter in your life, full of hope and possibility.
This ending highlights the importance of being open to new opportunities and the potential rewards that come from embracing change.