I dreamt that my boyfriend’s daughter had a strange illness. My boyfriend went to a temple to pray and dreamt that his daughter would be healed by an AI prophet, but he was skeptical.
Later, he found out that I also had the same illness. I told him that I had consulted an AI prophet online, and it also said that I would be cured, but I was still feeling very sick.
Since I was on a business trip, I stayed at his place for a while, and he happened to tell me about his dream. He said it felt strange, like a prophetic dream that revealed the outcome in advance, but he had no idea what to do next. And now, coincidentally, I’m visiting him again.
In short, he thinks that the AI prophet is me. I told him I’m not a prophet and I can’t heal anyone; in fact, I’m sick myself.
However, since the AI gave the same prediction, we might as well believe it for now. We should get proper rest, follow the doctor's instructions, and see if there’s any improvement or further information.
我夢見我男朋友的女兒,得了奇怪的病。我男友去廟裡祈禱,夢見他女兒會被 AI 先知治療好,我男友感到半信半疑。
後來他發現我也得了這個病。我說我問了網路的 AI 先知,也是說我的病會治療好,可是我就生病很不舒服啊!
總之,他覺得那個 AI 先知就是我。我跟他說我不是先知,我也沒有能力治病,而且我自己都生病了。

Ending 1: The Miracle Cure
After following the AI prophet’s advice and resting, both you and your boyfriend's daughter experience a miraculous recovery. Your boyfriend realizes that sometimes, combining faith, modern technology, and proper medical care can lead to unexpected and positive results. This experience strengthens your bond and gives you a new sense of hope and trust in the future.
Ending 2: The Discovery of Self-Healing
As you continue to follow the doctor's instructions and rest, you begin to notice subtle improvements in your health. Your boyfriend's daughter also starts to recover. Eventually, you both fully heal, and you come to understand that while external guidance can be helpful, the power of self-healing and resilience plays a significant role. This journey brings you closer together and instills a sense of inner strength.
Ending 3: The Realization of Inner Strength
Instead of immediate healing, you and your boyfriend's daughter face ups and downs in your recovery journey. Through this process, you both discover your inner strength and resilience. You learn to rely on each other and find comfort in mutual support. The dream about the AI prophet turns out to be a metaphor for trusting your inner wisdom and strength, rather than external sources.
Ending 4: The Unexpected Revelation
One day, while following the AI prophet’s advice, you and your boyfriend's daughter stumble upon a new treatment or therapy that was previously overlooked. This discovery leads to a significant breakthrough in your recovery. Your boyfriend realizes that the dream was a way of guiding you to this important finding, reinforcing the idea that sometimes dreams can offer valuable insights and directions.
Ending 5: The Journey of Acceptance
Despite following the AI prophet’s advice, the recovery is slow and challenging. You and your boyfriend's daughter learn to accept the situation and adapt to the new reality. Through this process, you find peace and strength in acceptance. The dream serves as a reminder that not all problems have quick fixes, and sometimes, the journey itself brings valuable lessons and growth.
Ending 6: The Newfound Purpose
During your recovery journey, inspired by the dream, you and your boyfriend decide to delve deeper into the world of AI and healthcare. You both start a project or initiative to help others in similar situations, using technology to provide guidance and support. The dream transforms into a source of inspiration, leading you to a new purpose and a way to positively impact others' lives.
These different endings can offer various perspectives on the themes of hope, healing, and the interplay between faith, technology, and personal strength.
Possible Interpretation:
Concern for Loved Ones: The illness of your boyfriend's daughter in the dream may symbolize your concern for the well-being of those you care about. It reflects anxiety about health and the desire to find solutions for loved ones' problems.
Reliance on Technology: The AI prophet represents modern technology and how people increasingly rely on it for answers and solutions. Your dream may be highlighting a conflict between traditional methods (praying at a temple) and contemporary solutions (AI predictions).
Skepticism and Hope: Your boyfriend's skepticism towards the AI prophet suggests a theme of doubt and uncertainty in the face of modern technology. Despite this skepticism, there is a glimmer of hope that the AI could provide a solution.
Personal Health Concerns: Discovering that you also have the illness might reflect your own health anxieties. It shows a shared struggle and the need for mutual support.
Search for Guidance: The dream could symbolize a search for guidance and direction in dealing with problems. The prophetic dream suggests a hope for foreknowledge or a clear path forward, even if it’s uncertain.
Role Confusion: Your boyfriend thinking that you might be the AI prophet might indicate his reliance on you for guidance and support. It reflects the pressure or expectation to provide answers and solutions, even when you are also in need of help.
Trust and Action: Deciding to trust the AI's prediction and follow practical steps (resting, following doctor’s instructions) suggests a balance between hope in technology and practical action. It signifies a willingness to trust in positive outcomes and take responsible steps towards healing.
This dream seems to reflect themes of concern for loved ones, the interplay between traditional beliefs and modern technology, skepticism and hope, shared struggles, and the search for guidance. It suggests that while you might feel pressured to provide answers and support, it's important to take practical steps towards healing and trust in positive outcomes.