I dreamt that I was in a bridal lounge, getting dressed and putting on makeup (I wasn't the bride), waiting for the wedding banquet to start later.
Since I arrived early, I was wearing my formal dress but had slippers on my feet. I walked into the venue to have a look around.
Because my seat was in a private room, I went inside and saw my mom and stepdad already sitting there. It seemed like we had previously wanted to have a meal together but never got around to it, so now we could eat together. My mom mentioned that this spot was the best because it wasn't too bright and wouldn't hurt her eyes.
The table was only half-set, and it wasn't a complete table. I was wondering how we were supposed to eat like this when my mom said they were still setting up.
There were some empty plates on the table, and I thought maybe some early arrivals were given food by the restaurant to snack on.
My mom asked if I was hungry, and I said I was okay. Later, my stepdad went out and came back with a plate of deep-fried dough sticks stuffed with shrimp and vegetables, cut into four pieces. He asked if I wanted to eat some, and I thought, "Wow! Can we really eat this now?" It felt like the banquet hadn't started yet and the food hadn't been served, so why were guests allowed to take food already?
It seemed like the restaurant kitchen was short-staffed, and my friend Regent recommended her son to work there. I thought, "This kid is so impressive, he can even cook!" Regent said she found YouTube videos of today's dishes for her son to watch beforehand. So he knew how to prepare and plate the dishes.
Later, I left the private room and saw Sister Diana. At the entrance, a few guests were already arriving, so I went back to the bridal lounge.
I thought to myself, "Oh no! I'm wearing a light teal dress and I forgot to bring the matching shoes." But then I remembered that my other dress was paired with white closed-toe shoes. These shoes should go okay with the light teal dress, right?
夢見我在一個婚宴休息室,正在化妝打扮 (我不是新娘),等著稍後婚宴開始。
餐廳廚房好像缺人手,朋友 Regent 推薦她的兒子來打工。我想說這孩子這麼厲害,還會當廚師喔!Regent 說她把今天要出的菜,找出 YouTube影片,讓她兒子先看。所以他知道那些菜要怎麼弄,怎麼擺盤。
後來我離開包廂,還看到 Diana 師姐。到門口已經有幾個客人陸續到場,就走回婚宴休息室。

Ending 1 - A Perfect Fit
You try on the white closed-toe shoes with your light teal dress and discover that they complement each other even better than you expected. This resolution signifies the potential for unexpected solutions to be even more successful than initial plans, emphasizing your resourcefulness and adaptability.
Ending 2 - A New Connection
As you return to the bridal lounge, you strike up a conversation with another guest and discover a shared interest or connection. This outcome represents the potential for serendipitous encounters and the value of engaging with new people in social situations.
Ending 3 - A Surprise Performance
During the banquet, Regent's son surprises everyone with a live cooking demonstration, showcasing his newfound culinary skills and receiving praise from the guests. This event highlights the potential for hidden talents to be discovered and celebrated in unexpected settings.
Ending 4 - A Heartfelt Speech
At the banquet, the bride gives a moving speech about the importance of family and friendship, reinforcing the value of meaningful connections and the role they play in shaping our lives. This moment of reflection serves as a reminder to cherish and nurture your relationships.
Ending 5 - A Lasting Impression
As the event comes to a close, you receive compliments on your adaptability and resourcefulness throughout the day. This recognition signifies the lasting impression that your positive attitude and problem-solving skills can have on others, highlighting the importance of embracing challenges with confidence and grace.
Each of these alternative endings provides a unique conclusion to your dream, further exploring themes of adaptability, social connections, and personal growth within the context of a significant event.
Your dream revolves around themes of adaptability, preparation, and social connections in the context of a significant event. Here's a brief interpretation of the key elements:
Bridal Lounge: The bridal lounge symbolizes a transitional space where you prepare for an important social gathering, emphasizing your ability to adapt to new situations and present yourself appropriately.
Early Arrival and Exploration: Arriving early and exploring the venue demonstrates your eagerness to familiarize yourself with new environments and take initiative in understanding the dynamics of social events.
Family Reunion: Seeing your mom and stepdad signifies the importance of family connections and the opportunity to strengthen bonds, reflecting a desire for quality time and deeper relationships with loved ones.
Food and Table Settings: The incomplete table and anticipation of the meal represent your adaptability to changing circumstances and the potential for unexpected surprises in social situations.
Friend's Recommendation: Your friend Regent's recommendation of her son highlights the value of connections and collaboration in achieving goals, showcasing the potential for shared knowledge and resources to benefit everyone involved.
Forgotten Shoes: Forgetting your matching shoes represents a fear of not being fully prepared or not meeting expectations, but your ability to find an alternative solution reflects your resourcefulness and adaptability in dealing with unforeseen challenges.
Overall, your dream seems to underscore the significance of adaptability, social connections, and resourcefulness in managing expectations and navigating the complexities of social events. The dream encourages you to embrace change, prioritize family relationships, and leverage the support of friends and loved ones in achieving shared goals.