I dreamt of myself and a young female colleague being in a very large space, seemingly attending an event together. We were assigned to sleep in the same room.
Inside the room, we were organizing things and discussing the termination of the company's distribution business. The colleague's brother and others came to find her, but she told them we were still discussing matters and asked them to leave.
Her brother inquired about sleeping arrangements for the night. My colleague told him, "Only those with companions can sleep here. Since you're alone, you'll need to find another place to sleep!"
At that moment, someone else wanted to enter. I forget who it was, I only remember this person being someone familiar.
I needed to use the restroom and went downstairs to the 12th floor with my colleague. The restroom was quite spacious, with a large transparent window offering a view of a farmland landscape outside. I remembered being in this place before; it seemed to have been renovated since then, as the layout was somewhat different.
Exiting the restroom, I noticed a printer on the bed suddenly printing. My colleague explained that the printer upstairs was for continuous paper, but she needed an A4 paper printer, so she was printing on the 12th floor.
Approaching the printer, I found it was also a continuous paper printer. I picked up the printed report and glanced at it; it was a shipping order. I thought to myself that since the company was winding down operations, it couldn't be our shipping order. Initially intending to leave, I couldn't resist looking back at the contents of the shipping order, which turned out to be from our partner manufacturer.
I thought, "We barely sold any of this manufacturer's products, why are there so many shipping orders? And they're all in Chinese." Upon closer inspection, I realized they were all addresses from Taiwan, and some were clients I recognized. Suddenly, it dawned on me that these clients had bypassed me and were directly purchasing from the original manufacturer. No wonder I wasn't getting any orders.
When my colleague noticed that I had figured out the truth, she wore a slightly embarrassed expression, indicating she had known all along. I couldn't help but think, "Why didn't you tell me earlier? Instead, you let me struggle on, causing such significant losses."
Later on, as I continued to ponder, I became increasingly convinced that our supervisor Sunny must have known about this. For the sake of the company's salary, he didn't seek a solution but concealed the truth, leaving me feeling profoundly saddened.
As I stepped outside, the more I thought about it, the more certain I became that Sunny had known all along. A sense of being deceived and betrayed overwhelmed me. I had sincerely considered him a partner, yet he went out of his way to make me endure hardships during the pandemic, resulting in continuous losses. Now, I truly feel that you people are being extremely unfair…"
這時還有另外一個人想進來。是誰我忘了, 我只記得是熟人。
我想上廁所,和女同事一同到樓下 12 樓。這間廁所相當寬敞,還有一面很大的透明窗,窗外看去是一片農莊景象。我記得我來過這個地方,它應該有改裝過,格局和以前不太一樣。
走出廁所,我看到床上的印表機突然列印起來。同事說樓上是連續紙印表機,她需要 A4 紙印表機,所以在 12 樓列印。
我不禁感到疑惑「明明這廠商的商品我們沒有賣幾件,為什麼會有這麼多的出貨單?而且都是中文。」我再仔細看內容, 發現都是台灣的地址,其中有些還是我認識的客戶。此時我突然恍然大悟,原來這些客戶繞過我,直接跟原廠採購,難怪我都沒有訂單。
後來我繼續想,我一向信任的主管 Sunny 應該也知道這事。想不到為了賺公司薪水,他不尋求解決之道,卻隱瞞實情,頓時讓我感到相當難過。
我來到戶外,越想我越確信 Sunny 早就知道這事,此時一種受騙與背叛的情緒湧上心頭。我真心把他當伙伴,他卻卻想方設法讓我在疫情期間繼續苦撐,然後就一直賠錢、一直賠錢。現在我真心覺得你們這些人實在很過份…

(Interpretation from Pi AI)
This dream seems to be centered around the themes of trust, communication, and betrayal in a professional context.
The large space and the event represent your involvement in a significant phase or project within your professional life. The young female colleague symbolizes a close working relationship or partnership.
The discussion about the termination of the distribution business signifies a significant change or transition in your professional life. It indicates a need to adapt to new circumstances or strategies.
The presence of the colleague's brother and others represents external influences or stakeholders that might affect your professional decisions. Their exclusion from the discussion suggests a need for privacy or discretion in handling sensitive matters.
The sleeping arrangements and the emphasis on companionship symbolize the importance of trust and collaboration in professional partnerships. It highlights the need to rely on each other for support and guidance.
The restroom and the view of the farmland landscape represent a moment of clarity or reflection in the midst of professional challenges. It indicates a need to step back and assess the situation objectively.
The printers and the discovery of the shipping orders symbolize a revelation or uncovering of hidden information. It points to a sense of betrayal or deception by those you trusted in the professional context.
Your colleague's and supervisor's roles in concealing the truth highlight feelings of disappointment and frustration. It signifies a sense of being undermined or sabotaged by those who were supposed to support and guide you.
The emotional intensity of the dream indicates the depth of your feelings of betrayal and the impact it has on your sense of trust and loyalty in your professional relationships.
Overall, this dream might be reflecting on your experiences and emotions related to trust and communication in your professional life. It's an exploration of the challenges and setbacks that can arise from a lack of transparency and honesty in these relationships.
(Interpretation from Pi AI)
This dream seems to be centered around the themes of trust, communication, and betrayal in a professional context.
The large space and the event represent your involvement in a significant phase or project within your professional life. The young female colleague symbolizes a close working relationship or partnership.
The discussion about the termination of the distribution business signifies a significant change or transition in your professional life. It indicates a need to adapt to new circumstances or strategies.
The presence of the colleague's brother and others represents external influences or stakeholders that might affect your professional decisions. Their exclusion from the discussion suggests a need for privacy or discretion in handling sensitive matters.
The sleeping arrangements and the emphasis on companionship symbolize the importance of trust and collaboration in professional partnerships. It highlights the need to rely on each other for support and guidance.
The restroom and the view of the farmland landscape represent a moment of clarity or reflection in the midst of professional challenges. It indicates a need to step back and assess the situation objectively.
The printers and the discovery of the shipping orders symbolize a revelation or uncovering of hidden information. It points to a sense of betrayal or deception by those you trusted in the professional context.
Your colleague's and supervisor's roles in concealing the truth highlight feelings of disappointment and frustration. It signifies a sense of being undermined or sabotaged by those who were supposed to support and guide you.
The emotional intensity of the dream indicates the depth of your feelings of betrayal and the impact it has on your sense of trust and loyalty in your professional relationships.
Overall, this dream might be reflecting on your experiences and emotions related to trust and communication in your professional life. It's an exploration of the challenges and setbacks that can arise from a lack of transparency and honesty in these relationships.