I dreamed that I arrived at an event venue where our company had sent many people, and our department was to be reported by supervisor Wayne on stage.
I found my assigned area and took a seat. Previously, the company had asked us to write our names on packets placed at each seat, which turned out to be assigned seating. I found my seat at the last row, a single seat separated from the others by a partition, which I found quite nice.
Later, I walked around the venue. Wayne was the seventh speaker, second to last on the list. His cue cards were covered with sticky notes that would obstruct his speech. He asked if anyone could help him by removing the sticky notes as he progressed through his speech.
I wanted to offer help but hesitated, not wanting to be seen as sucking up. Just as he considered doing it himself, someone suggested he wait and see how the speakers before him handled the notes. He agreed.
As more people filled the venue, a glamorous lady appeared with voluminous hair, wearing a very short mini-skirt and towering heels. She asked everyone to return to their seats. I checked the time; there were still ten minutes until 2 o'clock! She asked us to fill out a survey about our leisure activities, and I wondered what to write since I don't usually exercise.
The scene shifted to discussing stories from Jin Yong novels, and each of us had a bowl of porridge with many ingredients. I remember there were salted duck eggs, which looked really good!
Later, for some reason, we finished that porridge and the scene changed again. The lights dimmed slightly, and we had another bowl of porridge, still related to Jin Yong novels. It seemed there were two people discussing Jin Yong today.
This porridge looked relatively plain but also had many ingredients. In the end, we were supposed to rate which porridge was better: the first one from a well-known brand or this new one from a startup. The entrepreneurial girl introduced her porridge, hoping we would like it. I noticed hers was served in light green bowls, and the ingredients looked good, showing her dedication. I thought I could give her a better rating to encourage her.
During the mid-event break, I returned to the front to see if Wayne had found a solution for the sticky notes and if he needed help. I was willing to assist; we just needed to establish good communication. I needed to understand his eye signals for when to remove the sticky notes, so as not to disrupt his speech. In short, we needed to develop good teamwork and understanding.
夢見我來到一個活動會場,公司派了很多人過來,我們部門就是由主管 Wayne 上台報告。
接著我來到會場前方,到處走走看看。Wayne 是排在第七個、倒數第二個演講者。因為他提示稿上面貼著便利貼,會蓋到講稿內容。他在詢問是否有人可幫他,在他演說時,依演講進度撕掉便利貼。
我看時間,明明距離下午 2 點還有 10 分鐘啊!美艷小姐請大家填個問卷,問我們平常的休閒活動都是做什麼。我心想「我平常休閒的時候,都沒有去運動耶!那我要填什麼呢?」
來到活動中場休息,我又來到會場前方,看看 Wayne 是否找到方法來處理便利貼,有沒有需要幫手。其實我是蠻樂意幫他做這事,只是說我們默契要培養好。我得知道他的眼神訊號,何時需要我撕便利貼,免得他還沒講完被我誤撕,就弄亂了他的演講。總之,就是默契要培養好。

1. 活動會場與座位安排:自我定位與社會角色
2. Wayne 與便利貼:權威與協助的衝突
Wayne 作為你的主管,代表著某種權威形象或父親原型(father archetype)。他在夢中需要幫助處理便利貼,而你內心猶豫是否要主動協助,這可能反映了你在現實生活中對權威的複雜情感:一方面你想表現自己的能力與合作精神,另一方面又擔心被視為「拍馬屁」。這種矛盾心理可能與你的陰影有關,即你內心中未被完全接納的部分,例如對權威的順從或對他人評價的過度在意。
3. 美艷小姐與問卷:阿尼瑪的顯現
4. 金庸小說與粥:文化與滋養的象徵
5. 燈光與評分:潛意識的評判與選擇
6. Wayne 與默契:合作與自我表達
夢的最後,你再次關注 Wayne 是否需要幫助,並強調「默契要培養好」,這可能反映了你在現實生活中對合作與溝通的重視。你希望能夠在不被誤解的情況下,有效地支持他人,同時也保護自己的獨立性。這種對默契的需求,可能與你內在的自我表達與人際關係之間的平衡有關。
你的夢境發生在一個有組織的活動中,其中的角色、座位安排和簡報演說都是結構化的,但在這種結構中,不確定性和個人決策的因素就會出現。有一個反覆出現的主題:參與與觀察,你既參與其中,又從遠處評估情況。這個夢境也引入了選擇、團隊合作和變革的象徵,特別是透過幫助 Wayne、兩碗粥和企業家人物的角色。
A. 分配的座位-隔離還是獨立?
B. 便利貼與幫助 Wayne-行動與洞察之間的緊張關係
Wayne 的援助請求,突顯了一位領導人物正在與一些小障礙作抗爭——即便利貼擋住了他的演講的問題。你覺得自己有能力提供幫助,但又猶豫不決,擔心別人會如何看待你的參與(害怕評判,害怕顯得「討好別人」)。
還是你會保持被動,讓 Wayne 掙扎?
C. 迷人的女人-權威還是干擾?
D. 粥與兩個選擇-傳統的成功與新的開始
E. 回到 Wayne-未竟之事的主題
夢境的最後,你回去查看 Wayne 的狀況,仍在考慮是否要幫助他。這種回到未解決時刻的循環,可能表明正在進行的內部掙扎:你願意做出貢獻,但對執行和溝通仍然猶豫不決。提到「培養默契」可能表明需要更好的自信心、角色的清晰性,以及對自己提供支持的能力的信心,而不必擔心被誤解。
猶豫是否要幫助 Wayne,可能象徵著在領導角色中需要自信——無論是在你的創意專案、個人生活,還是協作努力中。
有人呼籲在提供幫助時克服自我懷疑。對 Wayne 的猶豫,可能表示你因擔心社會認知而猶豫不決。
未解決的因素表明正在進行的內部工作。最終回歸 Wayne 意味著繼續需要完善溝通,相信自己的直覺,並與他人建立更直覺的工作節奏。
1. The Unspoken Collaboration (Teamwork & Understanding)
As Wayne steps onto the stage, I instinctively position myself at the edge of the audience, watching for his signal. When he subtly nods, I peel off the first sticky note at just the right moment. Our silent coordination continues smoothly throughout his speech, impressing the audience with our seamless teamwork. After the presentation, Wayne thanks me quietly, acknowledging that true understanding doesn’t always need words. I leave the event feeling a sense of accomplishment, realizing that offering help isn’t about proving anything to others—it’s about doing what feels right.
2. The Unexpected Recognition (Personal Growth & Confidence)
Just before Wayne starts his speech, the glamorous host announces a surprise activity: the audience is invited to vote for the most helpful colleague during the event. To my shock, multiple people nominate me, having noticed my silent but crucial assistance in managing Wayne’s sticky notes. As I step onto the stage to receive a small token of appreciation, I realize that true contribution is recognized, even when done quietly. Walking back to my seat, I no longer hesitate to offer help when I feel it’s needed.
3. The Symbolic Choice (Decision-Making & Transformation)
As the event draws to a close, I stand before the two bowls of porridge, holding a spoon in each hand. One represents tradition, stability, and familiarity—the well-known brand. The other represents change, risk, and fresh possibilities—the startup’s creation. I take a bite of each and reflect on my own journey. In the end, instead of rating them, I place my spoons down and say, “Both have value in different ways.” The audience murmurs in agreement, and I realize that life isn’t about choosing one path over another, but about embracing the richness of both.
4. The Reality Shift (Surreal & Mysterious Ending)
As I prepare to submit my porridge rating, the lights flicker, and a deep voice echoes through the venue, “You have chosen.” Suddenly, the entire event hall dissolves like mist, and I find myself standing in an ancient teahouse, dressed in traditional Chinese robes. The bowls of porridge are still in front of me, but now they are offerings on an altar. A mysterious figure across the table nods and says, “Every choice shapes your path. Are you ready for the next step?” Before I can answer, I wake up, my heart pounding, wondering what decision I was meant to make.
Here’s a Jungian interpretation of your dream, analyzing its key symbols and their psychological significance.
Dream Interpretation: The Structured Event, The Porridge, and The Unspoken Collaboration
1. Context and Key Themes
Your dream takes place in an organized event where roles, seating arrangements, and presentations are structured, yet within this structure, elements of uncertainty and personal decision-making emerge. There is a recurring theme of participation versus observation, where you are involved but also evaluating situations from a distance. The dream also introduces symbols of choice, teamwork, and transformation, particularly through the act of helping Wayne, the two bowls of porridge, and the role of an entrepreneurial figure.
2. Symbolic Analysis
A. The Assigned Seat – Isolation or Independence?
Finding your seat at the back, separated by a partition, suggests a sense of detachment or autonomy. In Jungian terms, this could reflect individuation, where you are processing your unique identity within a collective environment. It may symbolize how you sometimes feel on the periphery of a structured system (such as work or society), yet comfortable in your own space.
B. The Sticky Notes and Helping Wayne – The Tension Between Action and Perception
Wayne’s request for assistance highlights a leadership figure struggling with minor obstacles—an issue with sticky notes blocking his speech. You feel capable of helping, but hesitate, fearing how others might perceive your involvement (fear of judgment, of appearing like a “people pleaser”).
This moment may reflect an internal conflict:
Do you step forward and offer your skills, risking misinterpretation?
Or do you stay passive and let Wayne struggle?
This dynamic mirrors the ego (your conscious desire to help) versus the persona (your concern about social perception). It suggests you may be navigating similar dilemmas in waking life—when to assert yourself, when to remain in the background, and how much to trust your instincts despite external opinions.
C. The Glamorous Woman – Authority or Distraction?
The sudden appearance of a striking, high-heeled woman commanding the audience suggests the emergence of a contrasting feminine archetype—perhaps the Anima, or a projection of external societal expectations. Her demand that everyone return to their seats early might symbolize external control, societal norms, or the pressure to conform to a timeline not of your own making.
D. The Porridge and the Two Choices – Traditional Success vs. New Beginnings
The introduction of porridge, particularly two versions of it, is highly symbolic.
The first porridge, from an established, well-known brand, represents tradition, stability, and a structured path (perhaps conventional career choices or societal expectations).
The second porridge, from a startup created by a passionate entrepreneur, represents innovation, personal effort, and the courage to step into the unknown.
The fact that you consider giving the startup a higher rating suggests a subconscious desire to support underdogs, new beginnings, or paths outside traditional success. This could connect to your personal journey—rebuilding after past struggles, questioning conventional success, and valuing authenticity over prestige.
The act of tasting and comparing these two porridges reflects an inner evaluation of life paths: Do you continue on a well-worn, predictable road, or embrace new possibilities that require risk but offer personal meaning?
E. Returning to Wayne – The Theme of Unfinished Business
At the end of the dream, you go back to check on Wayne, still contemplating whether to assist him. This loop back to an unresolved moment may suggest an ongoing internal struggle: you are willing to contribute, but there’s still hesitation about execution and communication. The mention of “developing a silent understanding” could indicate the need for better self-trust, clarity in roles, and confidence in your ability to support without fear of misinterpretation.
3. Psychological Reflection & Possible Real-Life Parallels
The conflict between participation and observation may mirror challenges in asserting yourself in work or social environments.
The choice between traditional success and new paths could reflect your current stage of rebuilding—evaluating risks, redefining success, and seeking encouragement.
Hesitation to help Wayne may symbolize a need for self-trust in leadership roles—whether in your creative projects, personal life, or collaborative efforts.
4. Conclusion: What the Dream Suggests
Your subconscious is presenting you with a decision-making process about action, perception, and choosing between stability and innovation. The dream suggests:
You are in a phase of evaluating your role in structured systems. Being placed at the back but feeling content suggests you don’t mind working independently, but there may be a part of you wondering how to engage more actively.
There’s a call to overcome self-doubt when offering assistance. The hesitation with Wayne may point to a waking-life pattern where you hold back due to concerns about social perception.
Your values align with supporting new beginnings. The inclination to support the startup porridge reflects an appreciation for authenticity and effort over mainstream recognition—perhaps a reflection of your own dream projects.
Unresolved elements suggest ongoing inner work. The final return to Wayne implies a continued need to refine communication, trust your instincts, and develop a more intuitive working rhythm with others.
5. Key Takeaway: Trusting Your Own Path
This dream seems to be a reflection of your current life phase—rebuilding, making decisions, and finding the balance between traditional structures and personal innovation. Your subconscious is urging you to trust your instincts more, act with confidence, and recognize that even small, quiet contributions matter. You don’t need to overthink social perception; your natural inclination to help and support others will be recognized over time.