In my dream, I found myself discussing my experiences with Buddhism. I mentioned that in today's world, we can seek answers to any questions from AI. If there's anything we don't understand and want clarification on, why not turn to AI for insights?
Continuing on, I pondered about how Master Sheng Yen never encountered AI during his lifetime. I wondered how he would interpret AI from a Buddhist standpoint if he were alive today.
我夢見我在分享我的學佛經驗。我說現在凡事皆可問 AI。如果有不懂的現象想要尋求解釋,不妨問問 AI。
接著我又說,聖嚴師父在世時還沒有 AI。不知如果師父還在,他會如何用佛法的觀點來看 AI。