I dreamed that I was attending a university class. One day, the teacher mentioned that she also taught at another school and shared an idea she had: she wanted to promote culture by having us work in groups to creatively interpret cultural themes and turn them into theatrical performances for an audience.
I thought this was a fascinating idea and kept it in mind. Later, I seemed to notice in a newspaper that the Cultural Affairs Bureau was organizing an event involving storytelling with a nostalgic twist.
In the dream, I remembered the teacher introducing two topics in class, though now I can only recall one of them—"Cultural Impressions." During the second class, the teacher brought up the idea again. Perhaps because none of the students responded, she said she thought Pisces might like this concept since they tend to have a romantic sensibility.
I couldn’t help raising my hand and said, "It’s true! Teacher, since you mentioned it last time, I’ve been seriously collecting ideas. I even noticed that the Cultural Affairs Bureau has a similar activity involving storytelling with a nostalgic theme." I continued, "You mentioned collaborating with other schools and using storytelling as a performance medium. I think it’s a fantastic idea! I’m a Pisces, so I really resonate with your thoughts."
The teacher replied, "See! I’m not a Pisces, but I think I must have a lot of Pisces in my chart!" She looked a bit like my real-life friend Jane. She seemed very pleased, as though she felt a sense of connection. She encouraged everyone, saying, "Think about it and see if you’re interested in this kind of theme."
I added, "Exactly! If everyone could use performances to tell stories, with each group presenting in a unique way, we’d get to enjoy a variety of stories as if watching a play." I felt this idea was truly wonderful!
After class, some classmates approached me. One male student, who resembled Anderson, a friend from a real-life club, handed me a bottle of cold water. I asked him, "What’s this about? Do you want to join my group?" He said no but hesitated before eventually asking, "Can I?" He was in a different group for this class.
In fact, my group already had a female leader, but I found her rather disorganized and unreliable. In the end, many classmates gathered around me, seemingly eager to join my group, perhaps because they felt I had great ideas and that being in my group would be fun.
I remember the teacher had mentioned two storytelling-related topics, though I can now only recall the one about "Cultural Impressions." I need to think more to remember what the other topic was.
老師說:「你看吧!我雖然不是雙魚座,可是我覺得我應該蠻多星在雙魚座喔!」這老師看來有點像我現實生活的朋友 Jane。她看來很高興,應該是感覺得到共鳴。她跟大家說:「你們想一想,看看對這樣的主題有沒有興趣。」
下課後,有一些同學來找我。有個男同學過來,看起來像是現實生活社團同學 Anderson,他跑來給了我一瓶冰水。我問他「什麼意思?你是想要加入我這一組嗎?」他說不是啦,稍後他就問「可以嗎?」主要因為他在這堂課是不同組。

1. 老師與教室環境
2. 說故事弘揚文化的理念
3. 你作為領導者或影響者的角色
4. 雙魚座的占星參考
5. 散漫的組長和同學對你的信任
6. 兩個主題
7. 夢境的情緒基調