I dreamt that I was assisting in promoting the principles of Dharma Drum Mountain.
Master Sheng Yen came in and asked if we had other candidates who could lead this initiative. Following discussion, we remained convinced that Master Sheng Yen was the best spokesman.
At that moment, former President Ma entered and exchanged greetings with Master Sheng Yen. He asked Master Sheng Yen's well-being and whether he had found any other suitable candidates.
Meanwhile, I was on the side organizing materials, attempting to search for information related to the "Second Phase of Dharma Drum Mountain" online. However, I kept making typos and had to continuously correct them...
我在旁邊整理資料,想在網路上尋找 "法鼓山第二期" 相關資訊,可是一直打錯字,不斷更正...