In my dream, I saw myself with my past rival Penny and her female friend, sitting together in a Hong Kong-style dim sum restaurant discussing things. Penny mentioned that her friend had a curvy figure, suitable for selling furniture in such a restaurant. I wondered, "Are these two things related?"
But I felt that when Penny mentioned "curvy figure," they both were looking at me. Okay, I admit I've put on a bit of weight recently. But I didn't intend to work for her!
Later, they both ordered tofu pudding. It came in narrow-necked bottles, and they had to add toppings and syrup themselves, which was tricky due to the small opening. The friend seemed a bit clumsy, making a mess of it. That's how they ate it.
After chatting for a while, we moved to another area of the food court and noticed someone selling furniture in a corner.
The corner space was tiny, fitting only a small double bed and a few small cabinets. I thought to myself, "Isn't this what I used to do?"
In the dream, it seemed like I used to run a furniture store in a space smaller than three point three square meters in a department store. Now, looking at the salesperson in this corner furniture shop in the food court, she seemed like a reflection of my past self. I muttered to myself, "It's hard to sell furniture in such a small space." It felt like I was talking about my own experience.
I knew from experience that you could extend into the corner space to use it effectively, placing things to occupy more space. Standing beside me was someone who looked like my former employee Tracy (who has passed away). She asked, "Is that so?" I replied, "Yes! The contract definitely wouldn't cover using that external space." I detailed to Tracy how to utilize such a space effectively.
Then I continued towards the middle of the food court to find something to eat. There, I saw David, a hardware engineer from the computer company where I used to work. He was in uniform, saying he was called here on a mission during his lunch break at the food court.
David mentioned the company was planning an awards ceremony, which he was organizing. He discussed his ideas for designing the awards ceremony, including arranging a descent from high altitude—details like that.
夢見我和我過去的對手 Penny 和她的女性朋友,一起坐在一家港式飲茶餐廳談事情。Penny 說她這朋友身材圓潤,適合在飲茶餐廳賣家具。我心想:「這兩件事有關聯嗎?」
可是我覺得當 Penny 在講 "身體圓潤" 的時候,她們倆人都在看我。好嘛!我承認最近體態比較豐腴些。可是,我沒有要幫她工作啊!
我知道說在角落的位置可以延伸出來使用,把東西放出來,多佔一點使用空間。站在我身旁的,像是我前員工 Tracy (已過世)。她問:「是這樣嗎?」我說:「是啊!合約上一定沒有包含這外部佔用的空間。」我如數家珍般,告訴 Tracy 這樣的空間要如何運用。
然後我繼續往美食廣場的中間走,想要找東西吃。然後看到以前工作的電腦公司硬體工程師 David。他身穿制服,說他工作做到一半被找來這邊出任務,中午來美食廣場吃東西。
David 提到公司要辦一個授獎典禮,由他負責。他在講設計頒獎典禮的理念,好像他還要安排從高空降落下來的橋段,就是這些細節。

1. Penny 和她的朋友:
競爭與比較:Penny 被描述為過去的對手,這可能表明尚未解決的競爭或比較的感覺。她對朋友曲線身材的評論,以及你覺得他們在評判你的微妙暗示,可能代表了你對外表或自我形象的不安全感,尤其是當你提到最近體重增加時。
2. 豆花場景:
3. 街角的家具店:
Tracy(已故員工):Tracy 的出現表明你可能仍在努力應對過去未解決的感受,尤其是那些影響你生活但不再存在的人。引導她使用這個空間,可能意味著你的成長,或從先前的鬥爭中獲得的智慧。
4. 硬體工程師 David:
與工作相關的聯繫:David 的出現,可能代表了你過去或當前的工作聯繫,特別是涉及專案和職責的聯繫。他的使命和頒獎典禮,可能象徵著你對認可、成功或成就的想法。有關高空特技的細節,可能表明雄心勃勃的目標,或創造令人印象深刻的東西的願望,但它也感覺不合適,反映出與工作相關的潛在過度複雜或壓力。
1. Positive Growth Ending:
As I walked toward the center of the food court, David mentioned how much he admired my work and how he had learned from the furniture store I used to run. He told me the awards ceremony would be honoring people like me—those who had persevered and found success despite difficult circumstances. Suddenly, the tiny furniture store in the corner started to expand, growing into a spacious, beautifully lit showroom. I realized that this represented my ability to turn small opportunities into something much bigger. I smiled, knowing that my past struggles had led to a brighter future.
2. Self-Realization Ending:
While walking toward the middle of the food court, I paused. David kept talking about the ceremony, but his words started to fade as I looked back at the corner where the small furniture store was. I suddenly felt a sense of clarity, understanding that the cramped store wasn’t just a reflection of my past, but a symbol of how I had been limiting myself even now. I took a deep breath, feeling a weight lift from my chest. I didn’t need to be confined by old patterns anymore. With a sense of peace, I continued walking, ready to embrace new opportunities with a clearer sense of self-worth.
3. Closure Ending:
As I moved toward the center of the food court, I turned back one last time and saw Tracy, smiling at me. She wasn’t the quiet, unsure person I remembered, but confident and at peace. She waved, and I felt an overwhelming sense of closure—like I had finally let go of the guilt and pressure I’d carried about that time in my life. David’s voice broke through, telling me about the awards ceremony, but I realized I didn’t need any external recognition. I had already found what I was looking for: closure, peace, and a sense of self-acceptance.
4. Surreal Ending:
As I continued through the food court, the scene began to shift. The narrow hallways expanded into wide, open spaces filled with light. I glanced down and noticed I was holding a blueprint for the perfect store—a space where I could display furniture freely, without restrictions. I showed it to David, and he nodded approvingly. Suddenly, Tracy appeared again, laughing, and told me I was no longer confined to the small spaces of the past. I smiled, feeling like the entire dream had been leading me to this moment of freedom, where the limitations no longer existed, and I could create my own path forward.
5. Unresolved Mystery Ending:
As I walked toward the middle of the food court, I noticed something strange. David, Tracy, Penny, and her friend all started to fade, and in their place, new people appeared—faces I didn’t recognize, yet they all seemed vaguely familiar. I tried to ask them who they were, but they only smiled and continued their tasks. The furniture store in the corner was still there, but now it seemed even smaller, as if shrinking with each passing moment. I felt uneasy, like something important was slipping away from me, but I couldn’t quite figure out what it was. The dream ended with a sense of mystery and lingering questions, as if I had unfinished business to resolve.
Each alternate ending shifts the emotional tone, emphasizing either closure, growth, or unresolved tension depending on the direction you'd like the dream to take.
This dream seems to reflect a complex mix of personal emotions, past experiences, and relationships. Let’s break it down:
1. Penny and her friend:
Rivalry and Comparison: Penny is described as a past rival, which could indicate unresolved feelings of competition or comparison. Her comment about her friend’s curvy figure, and the subtle implication that you feel they are judging you, might represent your insecurities about physical appearance or self-image, especially since you mention recent weight gain.
Furniture in a Restaurant: The odd suggestion that her friend could sell furniture in a restaurant might symbolize how some things in your life seem mismatched or disconnected. This could represent confusion or a situation where you feel out of place.
2. The Tofu Pudding Scene:
Clumsiness with Toppings: The friend’s clumsy handling of the pudding might symbolize how people around you (or even you) are struggling with small details in life. The narrow opening could symbolize feeling constrained or limited in dealing with issues or opportunities.
3. Furniture Store in the Corner:
Reflection on Past Work: The tiny furniture store might represent your past career or experiences where you felt restricted or limited by the space or opportunities available to you. The salesperson resembling your past self may indicate nostalgia or reflection on how far you’ve come and the challenges you faced.
Tracy (deceased employee): Tracy’s appearance suggests that you might still be grappling with unresolved feelings about the past, especially concerning people who have impacted your life but are no longer present. Guiding her through using the space may signify your growth or wisdom gained from previous struggles.
4. The Hardware Engineer, David:
Work-related Connections: David's appearance likely represents your past or current connections to work, specifically involving projects and responsibilities. His mission and the awards ceremony may symbolize your thoughts about recognition, success, or achievements. The detail about high-altitude stunts might indicate ambitious goals or a desire to create something impressive, but it also feels out of place, reflecting potential overcomplication or stress related to work.
Overall Interpretation:
The dream seems to reflect themes of self-image, competition, past experiences, and personal growth. There’s a sense of looking back at previous challenges—whether in your career or relationships—and recognizing both the limitations you faced and the wisdom you gained. The presence of people from your past might signify unresolved issues or feelings of nostalgia, while your actions in the dream (offering advice, observing others’ clumsiness) suggest you’ve developed greater insight into your own journey.
This dream may also indicate a need to balance past experiences with present circumstances, without feeling stuck in old patterns. It points to an ongoing process of self-acceptance and learning from both your past successes and failures.