I dreamt of meeting a friend to discuss collaborating on story creation.
Feeling the need to use the restroom, I followed directions, passing through what seemed like a dormitory with numerous beds. Though the room looked familiar, I couldn't recall when I'd been there before.
Eventually, I reached a small room and saw my sister-in-law, Phoenix, and my niece, Sunny. They said there were empty beds available, and later I could sleep with them.
They asked why I was there, and I said I needed to use the bathroom. Phoenix pointed out the location and walked with me.
It was a peculiarly designed restroom. On the left was a large sink with continuously flowing water, but no toilet. In front of the sink was a small step, and in front of that, a small drain. Above the step was a faded red plastic stool with a hole in the middle. I also felt familiar with this restroom, like I had been there before.
I asked Phoenix how to use the restroom, and she told me to sit on the stool and urinate directly there. I felt embarrassed about possibly dirtying the stool, but she insisted it was fine.
After using the restroom, I wanted to find toilet paper, but accidentally dropped the stool and the tissue into the urinal behind. I felt clumsy and embarrassed. Seeing Phoenix's almost despairing expression, as she was trying hard to keep things clean, made me feel worse. Not only did I drop the plastic stool into the urinal, but the entire roll of toilet paper was soaked. I told Phoenix, "Let me clean the restroom!" because I was really embarrassed about making such a mess.
Once done, I returned to my friend to discuss our creative endeavor. He found my idea promising and expressed interest in joining.
I told him that initially, it was for participating in a government grant program, but those grants turned out to be scams. After saying that, I left in a taxi.
Sitting in the taxi, I regretted being so honest and discouraging him earlier. Also, I thought about how "creativity," if turned into a benevolent act, could encourage more people to engage in creation. Regardless of the quality of the work, as long as there is practice, it's beneficial for both mental and physical well-being.
走到底,來到一個小房間,看到弟媳 Phoenix 和姪女 Sunny。她們說這裡還有空鋪,待會兒我可以跟她們一起睡。
她們問我來做什麼,我說我想上廁所。Phoenix 指著廁所的位置,並隨著我一起走過去。
我問 Phoenix 要如何使用廁所,她要我坐在板凳上,直接在那裡尿。我覺得會把這板凳弄髒不好意思,她直說沒關係。
上完廁所我想找衛生紙,結果一不小心把小椅子跟面紙弄到後方水池尿槽裡。我很懊惱自己實在有點笨手笨腳。看到 Phoenix 快要崩潰的表情,因為她很努力想要維持很乾淨。這下我不但把塑膠板凳弄到尿池裡,而且整捲衛生紙也泡"尿" 了。我跟 Phoenix 說「讓我來把廁所洗乾淨吧!」因為我實在很不好意思,把廁所弄得一團糟。

Ending 1 - A Successful Collaboration
Despite your initial hesitation, you decide to contact your friend again and propose a new approach to your creative collaboration. Your friend agrees, and together, you embark on a successful project that promotes creative practice and personal growth.
Ending 2 - A Creative Workshop
Inspired by your reflections on the importance of creative practice, you organize a workshop to encourage others to explore their artistic potential. The event is well-received, and participants share their gratitude for the opportunity to express themselves and connect with like-minded individuals.
Ending 3 - A Personal Resolution
As you ride in the taxi, you resolve to embrace your creative passions without seeking external validation or rewards. This decision signifies your commitment to personal growth and self-expression, regardless of potential recognition or grants.
Ending 4 - A Mentorship Opportunity
After your conversation with your friend, you realize the value of mentorship and decide to guide others on their creative journeys. Your experiences and insights inspire aspiring creators to pursue their passions and overcome self-doubt.
Ending 5 - A Transformative Revelation
The taxi driver overhears your regrets about discouraging your friend and offers a profound piece of wisdom that shifts your perspective. You decide to reframe your honesty as a valuable lesson for both you and your friend, highlighting the potential for growth through self-reflection and learning from mistakes.
Each of these alternative endings provides a unique conclusion to your dream, further exploring themes of creativity, personal growth, and the importance of supportive relationships within the context of your collaborative story creation and the challenges you encounter along the way.
Your dream combines elements of creativity, self-expression, and personal growth within the context of collaborating on a story and navigating an unfamiliar environment. Here's a brief interpretation of the key elements:
Meeting a Friend: This encounter symbolizes your desire to collaborate and share ideas with others, highlighting the importance of connection and teamwork in creative pursuits.
Unfamiliar Dormitory: The unfamiliar yet strangely familiar dormitory represents the unexplored aspects of your creative potential, indicating a willingness to step outside your comfort zone and embrace new experiences.
Phoenix and Sunny: Meeting your sister-in-law and niece suggests the presence of supportive relationships in your life, emphasizing the significance of encouragement and understanding from loved ones.
Unusual Restroom: The unconventional restroom symbolizes the challenges and vulnerabilities involved in the creative process. Your embarrassment and Phoenix's support represent your internal struggle with self-doubt and the importance of self-compassion.
Cleaning the Restroom: Your act of cleaning signifies taking responsibility for your actions and learning from your mistakes, emphasizing the value of resilience and perseverance in the face of setbacks.
Discussing Creativity: Your discussion with your friend about the creative endeavor underscores your passion for storytelling and self-expression, as well as your desire to foster growth through creative practice.
Overall, your dream seems to revolve around themes of creativity, personal growth, and the importance of supportive relationships in pursuing artistic endeavors. The dream encourages you to embrace new experiences, overcome self-doubt, and prioritize creative practice as a means of fostering mental and physical well-being.