I had a dream where many people had opinions about Huang Shan-shan, a legislator from the Taiwan People's Party, and every day there were various groups criticizing her.
I saw Huang Shan-shan sitting there, looking calm and composed, as if nothing could faze her. There were even people kneeling at her feet, asking her to rest her legs, and she seemed like an empress dowager.
I glanced at Huang Shan-shan, and she quickly toned down a bit, probably realizing it was better to stay low-key before the trial began. It seemed like she wasn’t fully grasping the seriousness of the situation.
Just before the trial started, a slightly chubby man in a suit approached her. He seemed to be her former boss.
Huang Shan-shan said, "Ah! Boss, you’re here." The man replied, "I wanted to come and support you, so you wouldn’t feel alone!"
It appeared that the group holding the trial changed judges every day, and today, Huang Shan-shan’s former boss happened to be one of the judges.
The trial began, and people took turns listing her wrongdoings. Initially, the man tried to defend her, but the evidence was so clear. At first, he spoke loudly in her defense, but as the evidence piled up and the situation worsened, his voice was drowned out.
While watching the trial, I was also chatting with my middle school classmate, Ling. It seemed like we were planning to open a furniture store. Her previous store had closed down, and she asked if I was interested in a bed and a nightstand she still had in stock. I told her I’d ask my daughter, but I knew we didn’t need them, and I was just brushing her off.
Of course, I wasn’t going to ask my daughter, but later I got a LINE message from Ling, following up and asking if my daughter had decided, and going on about how good the furniture was.
I thought to myself, "You don’t need to tell me all this; I know the quality of the items!" But they just weren’t my daughter’s style, nor did they meet her needs. So, no matter how good they were, they were useless to her.
This reminded me of how I used to feel. Even though I sold great furniture, customers would decline for reasons like "the budget isn’t enough," "there’s not enough space," or "it doesn’t match the décor." No matter how good your products are, if the market isn’t there, what’s the point?
我一邊看著審判進行,另外一邊就是跟國中同學 Ling 講話。好像我們要開家具店,她之前的家具店收掉,庫存中有一張床和床頭櫃,問我有沒有興趣。我回應說我來問一下我的女兒,可是實際上我知道我們家不需要,但我還是虛應一下。
我當然也不會問女兒,但後來我就收到 Ling 傳來的 LINE 訊息,一直追問我女兒決定了沒,還一直講這些家具有多好。

Ling 和家具:
Ling 提供不需要的家具,而你不願意接受,可能象徵著這樣一種情況:人們提供的東西(想法、建議、解決方案)不符合你的需求或願望,但你感到有壓力,出於禮貌而考慮它們。家具的比喻可能代表生活中實際、有形的事物——決定、機會或資源——表面上看起來不錯,但與你或家人的真正需求不符。
收到 Ling 的後續消息的挫敗感,可能反映出被他人的期望或堅持所壓倒的感覺,即使你已經下定了決心。
1. Optimistic Ending
As the trial concludes, Huang Shan-shan unexpectedly receives a surprising show of support from the crowd. The overwhelming evidence against her is tempered by heartfelt testimonies from her friends and colleagues who vouch for her character. The former boss steps forward and delivers a powerful speech about her past contributions and integrity. The atmosphere shifts, and the trial ends with a reconciliation. Huang Shan-shan leaves the scene with renewed confidence, and you feel uplifted by the demonstration of unity and support.
2. Pensive Ending
The trial reaches a climax where the evidence is irrefutable, and Huang Shan-shan is found guilty. However, as the verdict is read, the atmosphere becomes reflective rather than punitive. The focus shifts from blame to understanding the complexities of the situation. Huang Shan-shan takes this opportunity to address her critics with humility, and the group begins to discuss solutions and learning points from the trial. You leave with a sense of contemplation about how criticism can lead to growth and learning.
3. Surreal Ending
As the trial intensifies, the scene around you begins to distort and warp. Huang Shan-shan’s calm demeanor starts to influence the environment, and the trial itself becomes an elaborate performance art piece. The crowd’s criticism morphs into abstract expressions of various emotions. You find yourself drawn into the performance, participating in a surreal dance where the boundaries between reality and imagination blur. The dream ends with a sense of whimsical acceptance, where judgment and support intertwine in an enigmatic harmony.
4. Disheartening Ending
The trial concludes with Huang Shan-shan being harshly judged and rejected, despite the efforts of her former boss. The persistent criticisms and overwhelming evidence lead to a disheartening result, leaving her in a state of defeat. You watch as the crowd disperses, and the once-supportive figures fade away. The dream ends with a lingering sense of frustration and helplessness, reflecting the challenges of facing persistent criticism and unfulfilled expectations.
5. Empowering Ending
The trial ends with Huang Shan-shan taking a stand and addressing her critics directly. She acknowledges her mistakes and presents a compelling argument for her actions, shifting the narrative from condemnation to understanding. Her powerful response turns the tide, and the crowd starts to view her in a new light. You feel inspired by her bravery and resilience, and the dream concludes with a sense of empowerment and the belief that facing challenges head-on can lead to positive change.
This dream seems to blend feelings of external judgment, personal support, and the frustration of unmet expectations. Here’s a breakdown of its key elements and potential meanings:
Huang Shan-shan and the Trial:
Huang Shan-shan might represent someone in a position of authority or influence, and the trial could symbolize public scrutiny or personal judgment. She appears calm, even though people are criticizing her, which might reflect your own perception of how leaders (or people in general) deal with pressure—some remain composed despite external challenges.
The trial, with judges and accusations, could signify a situation in your life where you feel judged or evaluated by others, possibly at work, in personal relationships, or in social settings. The fact that evidence against Huang Shan-shan became overwhelming might point to a fear of being unable to defend yourself against criticism, even if you initially feel confident.
The Former Boss and Support:
The appearance of the former boss offering support but eventually being overwhelmed by evidence could suggest that, even when others try to defend or support you, sometimes external forces or circumstances become too strong to resist. This might reflect a feeling of isolation or being let down when facing difficulties.
Ling and the Furniture:
Ling offering unwanted furniture, and your reluctance to take it, could symbolize a situation where people are offering things (ideas, advice, solutions) that don’t fit your needs or desires, but you feel pressured to consider them out of politeness. The furniture metaphor might represent practical, tangible things in life—decisions, opportunities, or resources—that seem good on the surface but don’t align with your or your family’s real needs.
The frustration of receiving follow-up messages from Ling could reflect feelings of being overwhelmed by others’ expectations or persistence, even when you’ve already made up your mind.
Reflection on Selling Furniture:
The comparison between your own past experience selling furniture and the current situation might indicate a sense of helplessness when others don’t see the value in what you offer, despite your best efforts. It could also reflect a broader frustration about how external factors (market demand, timing, personal preferences) can affect success or satisfaction.
Overall Interpretation:
This dream seems to point to feelings of being scrutinized, misunderstood, or unappreciated. It reflects a struggle between presenting calmness on the surface while dealing with external judgment or expectations. There’s also a theme of trying to balance what others offer or expect of you with what you actually need or value.
In your waking life, this could represent personal or professional situations where you feel evaluated or unsupported, or where the needs of others conflict with your own. It might also reflect concerns about how well others understand or appreciate your contributions, decisions, or preferences.