In my dream, I appeared to be a strange scientist, wearing a light aqua-green doctor's robe, fleeing from a dilapidated building.
It seemed like there were villains chasing after me. Suddenly, someone drove a hovering car, crashing through the iron gate beside the ruined building. Bang! Bang! Bang! They nearly hit me.
The car came to a stop, and someone shouted for me to get in quickly. I wanted to ask, "Who are you? Are you here to kill me?" He said he was here to rescue me. I asked about my companions. He reassured me that other cars were coming to rescue them and insisted on taking me away first.
True to his word, I saw other sports cars approaching, so I hurriedly jumped into his car.
Inside the car were actors Tai Chih-yuan and former President Tsai Ing-wen. Tai Chih-yuan said to Tsai Ing-wen, "You are wealthy yourself, but everyone is struggling."
I added, "Because life has become too difficult, we've decided to rebel. Since life is unbearable, maybe there's still a chance through resistance. That's why everyone is taking to the streets." The key point is to urge the government to prioritize these poor but determined individuals. They want to work but can't find jobs. How can their lives be improved? So, the government needs to take care of them and help them escape poverty.
Then we arrived at a place where I watched Tai Chih-yuan demonstrate how to wrap buns, some of which contained screws inside.
Tai Chih-yuan mentioned that most of these buns were made by Academia Sinica. Even Academia Sinica couldn't stand by and had joined in to help, joining the ranks of the resistance, hoping to address the problem of wealth inequality and assist the poor in escaping poverty.
I felt those buns were no longer just buns; they contained screws or even microchips. But I didn't understand their purpose.

Ending 1: Peaceful Resolution
As we drove away, the tension gradually lifted. The hovering car took us to a peaceful countryside where we could see fields of green and clear skies. Tsai Ing-wen and Tai Chih-yuan discussed how to implement policies that would help everyone, and I felt a sense of hope and relief. We arrived at a community center where people were working together to rebuild their lives. It was a place of safety and cooperation, and I knew that change was possible.
Ending 2: Surprising Revelation
As the car sped through the streets, we were suddenly surrounded by more cars and drones. They turned out to be not enemies, but allies. They escorted us to a secret underground base where scientists and activists were working together on innovative solutions to solve poverty and inequality. I was welcomed as a key contributor, and we began brainstorming new ways to help our community. The dream ended with a sense of unity and purpose, ready to face challenges together.
Ending 3: Magical Intervention
The car suddenly lifted off the ground and flew into the sky, transforming into a magical chariot. Tai Chih-yuan and Tsai Ing-wen revealed themselves as mystical guardians. They showed me a vision of a future where technology and magic combined to create a utopia where no one was poor or hungry. We landed in a city filled with laughter and light, where everyone had access to education, health, and happiness. The dream ended with a feeling of wonder and possibility.
Ending 4: Personal Empowerment
As the car drove through the ruins, I felt a surge of determination. I asked to be dropped off at a makeshift community center where people were organizing and planning. I took charge and began coordinating efforts to help those in need. Tsai Ing-wen and Tai Chih-yuan supported me, providing resources and encouragement. Together, we turned the community center into a thriving hub of innovation and support. The dream ended with me standing confidently among my peers, ready to lead the change.
Ending 5: A Twist of Deception
Just as I was starting to feel safe, I noticed something odd about Tai Chih-yuan and Tsai Ing-wen. They began speaking in strange, coded language. It turned out that they were actually part of a larger conspiracy to manipulate public opinion. I managed to escape their clutches and found my true allies in an unexpected place—a group of grassroots activists. Together, we exposed the conspiracy and worked towards genuine, grassroots-driven change. The dream ended with a sense of vigilance and a determination to uncover the truth.
Each of these endings offers a different perspective on your dream's themes of escape, support, and the desire for change, providing various avenues for resolution and empowerment.
Interpreting dreams can be subjective and may vary based on personal experiences and feelings. However, here are some possible interpretations of the elements in your dream:
Being a Strange Scientist: This might represent a feeling of being different or out of place in your current situation. The doctor's robe could symbolize a desire for healing or transformation, either for yourself or others.
Fleeing from a Dilapidated Building: This could signify a need to escape from a situation that feels old, broken, or no longer serves you. It might also indicate a fear of something crumbling in your life.
Villains Chasing You: This often symbolizes pressures, fears, or negative influences that you feel are pursuing you in your waking life. It could be work-related stress, personal conflicts, or unresolved issues.
Hovering Car and Narrow Escapes: The hovering car might represent a new or innovative way to escape your problems. Narrowly avoiding collisions could reflect close calls or near-misses in your life where you managed to avoid major issues.
Rescue by Unknown Person: This person could represent a part of yourself that is ready to help you, or it might be someone in your life who offers support. The initial mistrust suggests a hesitation to accept help or change.
Famous Figures in the Car (Tai Chih-yuan and Tsai Ing-wen): These figures might symbolize wisdom, authority, and experience. Their conversation about wealth and struggle could reflect your own concerns about social issues, inequality, and the well-being of others.
Discussion on Rebellion and Protests: This might indicate a feeling of wanting to take action against unfairness or difficulties in your life. It could also symbolize a desire for societal change or a need to voice your opinions.
Buns with Screws and Academia Sinica Involvement: Buns typically symbolize nourishment and sustenance, while screws inside them could suggest something hidden or unexpected within something seemingly ordinary. Academia Sinica’s involvement might symbolize the involvement of intellect or research in addressing issues, or it might point to the need for systematic change.
Screws and Microchips in Buns: This could represent complexities and intricacies within simple aspects of life, or it could indicate a sense of artificiality or manipulation in situations that should be natural and wholesome.
Overall, your dream seems to reflect a mix of personal and societal concerns, highlighting a desire for change, escape from negative influences, and addressing inequalities. It suggests a journey towards finding solutions and receiving support, even if it initially seems unfamiliar or untrustworthy.