I dreamed that I was working as an administrative assistant at a company. Even though I was a seasoned professional, I kept a low profile because jobs were hard to come by. Whatever they asked me to do, I just did it.
The tasks were straightforward for me since they were typical assistant duties. While working, I would occasionally open my consulting website, thinking some of the information there could be useful for the company. However, the staff members were all young, even the managers were younger than me. I overheard colleagues privately telling the supervisor that they didn’t know how to delegate tasks to me. They also noticed I was using external resources and wanted to confirm whether it complied with company policies.
After work, I changed clothes to leave. I remember finding a strappy dress and layering it with a short-sleeve top to make it less revealing.
As I passed by the meeting room, I noticed the team was still in a meeting, but since it was the end of the day, I was ready to leave. A young female colleague, Lynn, ran over to me and asked if she could talk to me. I said, “Sure!”
Seeing her hesitant expression, I assumed she was about to criticize my work. Instead, she asked if I had time to join her for an art class. I immediately agreed, thinking to myself that my art skills were self-taught and not professionally trained. She explained that the company’s employee benefits committee had organized the class, and it had already started. She wanted to take me there as quickly as possible.
I followed Lynn to the classroom, but when we arrived, it was empty. We later found out that the teacher had ended the session early that day, and since we were late, we missed the class.
I told Lynn it was no big deal and asked her to let me know next time she planned to attend the class so I could join her.
同事們在會議室開會,我從旁邊經過,想說下班了,我要走了。年輕女同事 Lynn 跑過來,問可以問我事情嗎?我說可以啊!
我跟著 Lynn 來到課堂,發現怎麼都沒人。後來才知道老師今天提前下課,因為我們又晚到,所以就錯過這堂課了。
我跟 Lynn 說沒關係啊!反正你下次要來上這個課時,跟我講一聲,我就跟妳一起去上課。

1. 擔任行政助理
2. 使用你的諮詢網站
3. 年輕的同事和主管
4. 換衣服下班
5. 美工課邀約
Lynn 參加美工課的邀請,將夢境的基調轉變為潛在的聯繫和個人成長。課程本身代表創造力和學習——這些領域在你的生活中可能會被忽視或未被探索。接受她的邀請表明對新體驗和合作持開放態度。
6. 缺課
遲到並發現教室空蕩蕩,可能反映出錯過的機會或擔心在個人或職業追求中落後。然而,你對Lynn 的回應——「沒關係,下次告訴我」——表現出了韌性和再次嘗試的意願,強調了希望和適應能力。