I had a dream where my mom, my younger brother Adolf, and I went to a sports stadium for an event. After the event, we took a taxi. It was raining, and the streets along the way felt familiar, but I couldn't recall when I had been there before.
The taxi driver offered special services, which made my mom feel a bit embarrassed. Thus, she agreed to buy dinner bento for the driver.
The driver turned into an alley to find a restaurant. As we passed by a well-known eatery selling discounted pork rib bentos, he suggested we dine there! I got out of the taxi and took a look at the bento, which was filled with lots of bamboo shoots.
Later, our family arrived at the fish market. The restaurant owner mentioned they had fish bentos available. My mom chose a Silverfish bento, saying it was fresh and delicious.
Suddenly, my daughter (toddler version) appeared and chose a fish tail bento. I was still puzzled: this fish had bones, do you know how to eat it?
The owner offered me a piece of fish tail to taste. As I sampled it I accidently drop almost half of the fish on the ground. Suddenly, a little boy rushed over and picked up the fallen fish meat to eat it. I felt a bit reluctant, thinking the fish meat was dirty, is it okay to eat like this?
Turning around, I saw my friend, Sunny also dining at the restaurant. He suggested I buy a fresh fish and cook it for my husband. I expressed my concern about the bones in a whole fish and my lack of experience in handling innards and fish scales. If not handled properly, it could be bitter and unpleasant to eat. I would rather just buy salmon, which is convenient and boneless.
Glancing back, I saw my mom eating a colorful yellow-billed tropical fish. She was peeling off the fish skin, describing it as delicious. But I still felt that the fish looked somewhat frightening.
夢見我和媽媽、(已過世) 小弟 Adolf 到體育場參加活動。活動結束搭計程車。下著雨,沿路的街景都感到很熟悉,但想不起何時來過。
此時 (幼年版) 女兒突然出現,選了一個魚尾餐。我心裡還納悶:這魚有刺,妳會吃嗎?
轉頭看到朋友 Sunny 也在餐廳吃飯。他建議我買條鮮魚回家煮給老公吃。我說全魚有刺,他不會吃。而且我也不會處理內臟和魚鱗,弄不好會很苦不好吃,我只會買鮭魚來料理,方便又無刺。