I dreamed that I was in my former supervisor Winston's office, which oddly looked like my husband's study. Winston mentioned there were some issues with the tasks I had handed over before leaving the company and asked me to explain.
When I arrived at his office, I realized that the person who took over my work hadn’t properly reviewed the files. Many documents, assumed to be missing, had been redone unnecessarily, wasting significant effort. I explained to Winston that all the files were stored in the server directory. He was surprised and noted how much easier this would make things.
As I left his office, I ran into my old colleague Alice. She invited me to her desk, saying she needed help with some work issues. I quickly grabbed my glasses and found that, once again, the tasks I had handed over were causing trouble. The person who had taken over had left without clarifying things, and now Alice was struggling to locate the files and had to redo them. She asked me many questions, but her computer screen was small, so I had to squint to find the necessary information. It was a bit exhausting, but I managed to solve her problems.
A new female hire also came to ask me where the files were and how to handle them. I realized this team was under a lot of pressure. They already had their own projects, and now they had to manage my previous work without clear guidance. As a result, they couldn’t find my files and had to redo almost everything.
I asked Alice why the company didn’t hire more people. She replied that they had already brought on two new hires—a young woman and a man—but the man had a heavy workload. So, this young woman was brought in to help, along with Alice and Winston, to handle all the company’s work.
I tried to recall who I had handed over my work to, but I couldn’t remember. The files were all on the computer, yet they had been overlooked. I went back to Winston and explained this. He responded briefly, saying, “As long as you’ve explained, it’s fine,” and returned to his office, which was still oddly like my husband’s study.
I saw Winston sitting at his desk, and he seemed a bit lonely. Our team used to be large, but now everyone had left. Winston said, “If you feel sorry for me, then come back to work here!” But I thought about how I’d already left and had new plans, so I wasn’t considering returning. At the same time, I felt bad for Alice, who was overwhelmed with both her own projects and my old tasks, without much support or resources.
The new young hire came over again, looking very frustrated. She said she didn’t want to continue. I replied, “What? Don’t say that!” thinking, “I just spent time explaining everything, and now you want to quit?” But she was firm in her decision. She returned to her desk, saying the work was too exhausting, with incomplete handovers and missing files requiring everything to be redone. No matter what I said, she insisted on quitting.
I stood in the hallway near the door to my laundry room when water suddenly sprayed on me. Confused, I thought, “Where is this water coming from?” Then I noticed the wall was leaking, with water occasionally spurting out. I wondered, “How did I not know this wall had a leak?”
I went to tell Winston about the leak, but he was in a virtual meeting. As I stood in the hallway, I noticed another spot leaking water. Touching the wall, I realized it had leaked before, leaving stains that had been cleverly covered up to resemble a flower. Because of this, no one noticed the issue until now. Suddenly, water would spray from the wall again, soaking anyone nearby. I exclaimed, “This house is falling apart! There are leaks everywhere!” I wanted to inform Winston, but he was still in a meeting. I felt deeply troubled, unsure of what to do, and woke up.
When I closed my eyes again, I returned to the dream. It seemed Winston originally had someone helping him—Sun Wukong. However, even Wukong had many complaints. He felt he had worked so hard and put in so much effort but wasn’t given what he deserved. Wukong wanted to stay but believed he deserved better conditions, which Winston refused to provide.
Wukong said to me, “I’ve done so much, worked so hard; this is what I deserve. Why won’t he give it to me?” Winston seemed to ignore his requests, so Wukong decided, “If you don’t think I’m worth it, I’ll just leave.” I sensed that Wukong genuinely wanted to stay but couldn’t understand why Winston wouldn’t try to keep him.
I walked outside to an area with some short trees. Most of their leaves had fallen, covering the ground, making it feel like late autumn transitioning into winter. The sun was shining, and I strolled through the outdoor space.
Eventually, I came to a tree slightly taller than me. Unlike the others, it still had some leaves, making it stand out. It felt like this was where I was supposed to work.
夢見我在過去主管 Winston 的辦公室,他的辦公室看起來就像是我家老公的書房。他說我過去離職交接出來的工作有一些問題,要我來說明一下。
我跟 Winston 說檔案都在伺服器的檔案目錄裡。他有點驚訝,想說這樣事情就簡單多了。
我走出他的辦公室,看到老同事 Alice,她請我到她的座位,說有一些工作問題要問我。我趕快去拿眼鏡,結果同樣是我交接出去的工作,接手的人離職時沒交待清楚,現在換 Alice 接手,找不到檔案,只好重做。Alice 問了很多問題,但她的電腦螢幕很小,我得瞇著眼睛去找資料,看得有點辛苦,但也解決她的問題。
我看到 Alice 工作這麼多,問公司怎麼不多找一些人手。她說已經多雇兩個人了,另一位男生手上的工作很多,所以又找了這個年輕女生,再加上她自己和 Winston,就接下公司所有的工作。
我努力試著想記起當初到底是跟誰交接,但怎麼想都想不起來。其實檔案都在電腦裡啊!我跑去跟 Winston 講,他簡單回說「你有說明就好」,就回到他的辦公室 (其實是我老公的書房) 了。
他說:「你如果覺得我可憐的話,那就回來做啊!」可是我又想我既然已經離開了,現在也有新的計劃,沒有考慮要再回來做。但一方面又掛著 Alice,看到她既要忙原本的案子,再加上我交出去的案子,看起來也是心力交瘁,感覺也沒有什麼資源與協助。
我要跑去跟 Winston 講漏水的事,可是他正在線上開會。我站在走廊上,發現另一個地方也在噴水。我一摸,發現原來過去這裡就已經噴過水,牆壁都已經有痕跡了,可是我們怎麼都沒有看到?
我驚訝:「啊~這房子快塌了!怎麼到處都在漏水!」我要去跟 Winston 講,但他又在開會。我心裡好難過,心想怎麼辦,就醒了。
我再閉上眼,又回到這個夢。感覺 Winston 原本身邊有個人在幫他,那人就是孫悟空。可是孫悟空也有很多怨言,他認為他做得這麼辛苦、這麼努力,但 Winston 並沒有給他應得的。孫悟空其實想要留下來,但他覺得他值得更好的待遇與條件,只是 Winston 就是不肯給。孫悟空看到我說:「我做了那麼多,那麼辛苦,這些都是我應得的啊!為什麼不給我?」
感覺 Winston 就是漠視孫悟空的請求,所以孫悟空覺得說:「既然你不覺得我值得這些,那我就離開吧!」我感覺孫悟空其實也很想要留下來,但我不明白 Winston 為何不婉留他。

1. 你先生的書房作為 Winston 的辦公室
Winston 的辦公室和你丈夫的書房之間的重疊,可能象徵著與工作相關的壓力,或過去未解決的問題如何滲透到你的個人或家庭生活中。它也可以反映對你生活中的權威人物或角色的潛意識比較。
2. 未解決的交接與溝通不良
3. 愛麗絲和過度勞累的團隊
Alice 的掙扎和新員工的沮喪,可能反映了你對那些在管理期望和工作量方面面臨挑戰的其他人的同情心。這可能表示你對他人的負擔負有責任,即使這不再是你的義務。
4. 牆壁滲漏和隱藏損壞
5. 孫悟空的抱怨
6. 室外有樹的場景
價值與認可:你與 Winston 和孫悟空的互動,都涉及你的努力受到重視和讚賞的主題。
1. Rebuilding Together
As the water continues to spray from the walls, you find Winston finally ending his meeting. You approach him, and instead of frustration, he looks at you with gratitude. Together, you discuss ways to repair the building, symbolizing mutual acknowledgment of past mistakes and a joint effort to fix them. Sun Wukong reappears, but this time as a collaborator, offering his strength to support the team. In the outdoor scene, you plant new seeds around the tree with leaves, a sign of hope and rebuilding for the future.
2. Letting Go with Peace
The water leaks grow stronger, but instead of panicking, you decide to leave the house. Outside, in the sunshine, you see Alice, Winston, and the team working together, finding solutions without needing you to intervene. Sun Wukong appears, smiles, and tells you, “It’s okay to leave; they’ll figure it out.” You walk toward the tree with leaves and realize it represents your own life. You begin tending to it, symbolizing your focus on nurturing new growth and letting the past rest.
3. A Sudden Epiphany
As you stand in the hallway soaked by the leaking water, you suddenly notice a hidden lever on the wall. Pulling it, the leaks stop, and the building stabilizes. Winston steps out of his office, astonished, and Sun Wukong reappears, clapping in approval. Together, everyone recognizes your contribution, and they promise to build something more solid this time. You step outside, feeling lighter, as the autumn leaves begin to transform into green sprouts, signaling renewal and a fresh start.
4. Walking Away from Chaos
Overwhelmed by the leaking walls and the unresolved chaos inside the building, you decide to walk out. Sun Wukong meets you at the door and says, “You’ve done your part. This is not your burden anymore.” You step into the outdoor scene, where the sunlight feels warm, and the tree with leaves becomes a focal point. As you approach, the tree grows taller, symbolizing your growth and the opportunities awaiting you. You realize that leaving the past behind is not abandonment but a step toward freedom.
5. Restoring Balance
In the dream, you decide to stay and address the issues one by one. You gather Winston, Alice, and the team, guiding them to uncover the hidden files and fix the leaks together. Sun Wukong joins in, realizing that his effort is valued when the team acknowledges his role. By the end, the building is repaired, the team works harmoniously, and you step outside to see the tree blooming with vibrant flowers—a symbol of harmony restored and shared effort paying off.
This dream is rich with symbols and may reflect feelings about responsibility, transitions, and unresolved issues. Here's a breakdown of its potential meanings:
1. Winston’s Office as Your Husband’s Study
The overlap between Winston’s office and your husband’s study might symbolize how work-related stress or unresolved issues from the past are bleeding into your personal or domestic life. It could also reflect a subconscious comparison of authority figures or roles in your life.
2. Unresolved Handover and Miscommunication
The recurring issue of incomplete handovers and missing files likely represents lingering guilt, frustration, or concern about unfinished business in your professional or personal past. It may also signify a feeling that others are not fully appreciating or utilizing your contributions.
3. Alice and the Overworked Team
Alice’s struggles and the new hire’s frustration might mirror your own empathy for others who face challenges in managing expectations and workloads. This could suggest that you feel responsible for others’ burdens, even when it’s no longer your obligation.
4. Leaking Walls and Hidden Damage
The leaking walls and concealed stains could symbolize suppressed emotions or hidden problems in your life. These issues may occasionally surface (like water spraying out), forcing you to confront them. The flower-shaped cover-up suggests that you or others have tried to mask or beautify these issues, but they remain unresolved.
5. Sun Wukong’s Complaints
Sun Wukong, a symbol of strength and rebellion, might represent someone in your life who feels undervalued—or it could even symbolize a part of yourself. His decision to leave despite wanting to stay highlights themes of unmet needs and unrecognized efforts.
6. The Outdoor Scene with Trees
The autumnal setting with falling leaves may symbolize endings or transitions. The lone tree with leaves could represent hope, renewal, or a new focus for growth in the midst of decay or loss. Standing before this tree suggests readiness for a new chapter or role.
Core Themes and Insights
Transition and Change: The dream reflects a period of transition, where past responsibilities or roles still weigh on your mind, even as you move forward.
Responsibility vs. Letting Go: You may feel torn between helping others and pursuing your own goals, highlighting a need to establish boundaries.
Unresolved Emotions: The recurring imagery of leaks and hidden damage suggests that there are unresolved emotions or issues in your life that need acknowledgment and resolution.
Value and Recognition: Both your interactions with Winston and Sun Wukong touch on the theme of feeling valued and appreciated for your efforts.
Message from the Dream
This dream seems to encourage reflection on how much responsibility you continue to carry for things (and people) you’ve already stepped away from. It might be time to trust others to handle their tasks and focus on your own growth and goals. The recurring leaks and emotional undercurrents suggest a need to address unresolved feelings before moving forward fully.