I dreamt that there were many new employees joining the company, and I, along with a few colleagues, were in the midst of introducing them to their roles.
Suddenly, I realized that one of my phones had slipped away, even though I had just been holding it. I exerted myself, thinking, "Huh? Where could it have fallen to?" I began searching along my path, looking back, but still couldn't spot my phone.
Later, I ran into a colleague and asked if he could call me. I knew my phone was on silent mode, but there might be a message or a flash of light when a call came through, giving me a chance to find it.
Sure enough, I saw a flash under a desk, but it was my old iPhone 6S Plus, not the one I was looking for. What puzzled me was: why did this iPhone receive a signal when my colleague called?
Where was my phone? I continued searching everywhere but couldn't find it. The office was too cluttered. Thinking about the new colleagues arriving, I began tidying up the mess on the floor.
As I organized a specific area littered with magazines and books, I remembered that the colleague I was helping had already left for the day, so I decided to tidy up for him too.
Just then, the colleague who had helped me look for my phone rushed over and asked if I had found it. I said I hadn't.
He asked why I was so anxious to find my phone, as if he knew I needed to contact a doctor for an abortion. Then he said perhaps it was fate, delaying my abortion appointment to give me time to think.
I sighed, saying, "There are still things that need to be dealt with!" It seemed like he wanted to ask me more questions, but I didn't want to answer because it was difficult to explain briefly.
Nevertheless, where could my phone possibly be?
果然,在桌子下看到閃光,但那是我以前的 iPhone 6S Plus,不是我在找的手機。不過讓我納悶的是:同事打電話我,為何這支 iPhone 會收到訊號?
整理到某個區域,地上滿是雜誌和書。我記得那位同事已經下班了, 就順便幫他整理。

Ending 1 - A Helpful Discovery
While tidying up, you stumble upon a notebook containing your colleague's contact information. You realize you can use another phone to reach out to him, asking him to call your lost phone again. This time, you find your phone hidden under a stack of files, resolving your anxiety.
Ending 2 - A Supportive Conversation
You decide to open up to your colleague about your personal struggles, including the abortion appointment. He listens empathetically and offers his support, helping you process your emotions and make an informed decision.
Ending 3 - A Twist of Fate
Your colleague suggests looking for your phone in the break room, where you find it on a table. As you're about to leave, you notice a flyer for a support group addressing issues similar to yours. This discovery helps you gain new perspectives on your situation.
Ending 4 - A Shift in Priorities
As you continue searching for your phone, you realize that focusing on work and helping others has distracted you from your personal life. You decide to take a step back and prioritize your well-being, ultimately finding a better balance between work and personal matters.
Ending 5 - A Happy Distraction
While still unable to find your phone, you receive an unexpected visit from a close friend or family member. This surprise encounter reminds you of the love and support you have in your life, providing comfort and reassurance amidst your personal struggles.
Each of these alternative endings provides a unique conclusion to your dream, further exploring themes of responsibility, loss, and decision-making within the context of your work environment and personal life.