I dreamed that I was in Malaysia, discussing business matters with my female boss. She kept complaining about how the economic environment was affecting our operations. However, the conversation took an unexpected turn when she started praising her son's abilities and expressing hopes for his marriage. I knew that her son was gay, something the boss couldn't accept. The scene then shifted to a restroom, where I saw feces sprayed all over the toilet. As I cleaned it up, I pondered on how to help the boss accept the fact that her son is gay.

在一個繁忙的辦公室環境中,老闆不斷地抱怨經濟環境對業務運營的影響。突然間,她轉變了話題,談論起她對兒子早日安定下來的期望。然而,有一個問題 —— 她的兒子是同性戀,這是老闆難以接受的。
當辦公室中的緊張和尷尬氣氛籠罩時,同事們紛紛交頭接耳,不知如何應對這種情況。年輕同事 Sarah 是位有同理心的人,因為她的哥哥就是同性戀。原本有位交往已久的伴侶,由於父母一直無法接受這關係,他們被迫分離,有天哥哥伴侶傳出意外,哥哥傷心欲絕,無法原諒自己,至今仍是形單影隻。也讓父母後悔當初不應自我偏見,而毀了孩子原本可能的幸福人生。
Sarah 無法忍受看到老闆在愛子與自身偏見之間掙扎,決心要化解這種隔閡。趁著一次出差時的晚餐時間,Sarah 輕輕探問老闆對接受同性家庭的想法和感受。Sarah 把發生自家的傷心事告知老闆。透過親身經歷與發自內心真誠的同理心,Sarah 逐漸消除了籠罩在老闆心頭的無知和恐懼。
Title: Embracing Reality
In a bustling office environment, the boss constantly complains about the economic impact on business operations. Suddenly, she changes the subject and talks about her hopes for her son to settle down soon. However, there's one issue — her son is gay, something the boss finds difficult to accept.
As tension and awkwardness envelop the office, colleagues whisper to each other, unsure of how to handle the situation. Young colleague Sarah, empathetic by nature, decides to bridge the gap. During a dinner on a business trip, Sarah gently probes the boss's thoughts and feelings about accepting same-sex families. Sarah shares the heartbreaking story of her own family, where her brother's long-term partner was separated from him due to her parents' inability to accept their relationship. The partner's tragic accident left her brother devastated, unable to forgive himself, and still single to this day. Her parents regret their past prejudices, realizing they ruined their child's potential for happiness.
Sarah can't bear to see the boss struggling between her love for her son and her own biases, so she resolves to dissolve the barrier. Back at the office the next day, the boss's son senses his mother's inner turmoil and decides to have a candid conversation about his sexual orientation. With trembling hands and a worried heart, he bravely reveals his truth, anticipating possible rejection but still clinging to hope.
To everyone's surprise, the boss remains silent, suddenly bursting into tears as she embraces her son. In the midst of tears and emotions, she realizes the depth of her love for her son and the harm caused by her rejection. In that vulnerable and honest moment, the walls of prejudice crumble, opening the door to acceptance and understanding.
As the story unfolds, it teaches us that acceptance isn't always easy. But with genuine love, care, and understanding, even the firmest beliefs can change.