I dreamed that I was at a training event, and during the lunch break, I planned to ride my bike to get lunch. I ran into my middle school classmate, Deborah. Knowing her husband was still in class, I asked her if she wanted to join me for lunch, and she said yes.
Since we needed employee badges and lunch tickets to eat, I told her I needed to go back to my seat to get them. Deborah said it was fine and that she wasn't in a hurry, so she could wait for me.
When I came back, I asked Deborah if she wanted to wait for her husband. She said it wasn't necessary, as he could handle it on his own.
As Deborah and I walked past a place where many people were dancing, I felt a strong urge to join them. Deborah asked if I still danced, and I said I used to but not anymore. She mentioned that she was currently practicing dance and demonstrated a dance move followed by a split. She thought it was really cool that she could immediately stand up after the split.
I told her I couldn't do a split but was tempted to try. I gave it a shot, but my back leg was bent, and I couldn't straighten both legs. Deborah laughed and said I was getting there and suggested practicing more later.
We arrived at a cafeteria, and I told Deborah that I knew the staff, so they would let me skip the line to get food.
Just then, her husband showed up. Hearing that I didn't have to wait in line, he complained that even when he tried to buy a soda from an automated machine, it made him wait in line. I laughed and said the machine was quite smart because it always let me skip the line whenever I used it.
夢見我在一個教育訓練場合,中午休息時間,我本來要騎車去吃飯,遇到國中同學 Deborah。我知道她老公還在課堂上課,我問她要不要一起吃飯,她說可以啊!
因為用餐需要員工證和午餐券,我說我要先回座位拿。Deborah 說沒關係,她還沒這麼快要去吃飯,可以等我。
我回來後反問 Deborah 是否需要等老公一起吃,她說不必,她老公自己會處理。
我和 Deborah 經過一個場所,裡面好多人都在跳舞。我看了也好想跳舞喔!
Deborah 問我現在還有在跳舞嗎?我說之前有跳但現在沒跳了。她說她現在有去練舞,就比了一個舞姿加劈腿。她覺得這招式很酷,而且劈腿後還可以馬上站起來。
我說我不會劈腿,但又忍不住想練習看看,就試著劈下去,只是我的後腳是彎曲,無法兩腿伸直。Deborah 笑說有點樣子,待會再來練習。
我們來到自助餐廳,我跟 Deborah 說我認識餐廳員工,他們會讓我不用排隊直接拿菜。

成長與自我發現的結局: 您在自助餐廳排隊時,突然意識到自己不需要依賴別人的幫助或特權。您決定耐心等待,這個過程中您發現了自己的內在力量和獨立性。
重聚與連結的結局: Deborah的老公加入了您們,三人一起共進午餐。在談話中,您意識到舊友之間的連結仍然存在,並決定重新開始跳舞,作為與過去連結的一種方式。
創造與表達的結局: 在餐廳裡,您被一群跳舞的人吸引,決定加入他們。您發現跳舞是一種釋放壓力和表達自我的方式,這讓您感到非常快樂和滿足。
自我接納與樂觀的結局: 嘗試劈腿時,您笑了起來,因為您意識到自己不需要完美。您接受了自己的限制,並決定以更加開放和樂觀的態度面對生活的挑戰。
Ending 1 - A New Hobby
Inspired by Deborah's passion for dance, you decide to enroll in dance classes together. This shared experience deepens your friendship and introduces a fun, new activity into your life.
Ending 2 - A Reunion
After reconnecting with Deborah, you organize a middle school reunion, bringing together old friends and classmates for a night of nostalgia and camaraderie.
Ending 3 - A Business Venture
The training event turns out to be the catalyst for a new business venture between you, Deborah, and her husband. Your strong connections and complementary skills lead to a successful partnership.
Ending 4 - A Serendipitous Encounter
While at the cafeteria, you run into an old dance instructor who offers to help you improve your flexibility and achieve a full split. This chance meeting signifies the potential for unexpected opportunities to arise when you step out of your comfort zone.
Ending 5 - A Personal Revelation
Reflecting on your dream experiences, you gain a deeper understanding of the importance of nurturing friendships and pursuing personal interests. This newfound clarity motivates you to prioritize self-growth and connection in your waking life.
Each of these alternative endings provides a unique conclusion to your dream, further exploring themes of reconnection, exploration, and the value of friendships within the context of a training event and the encounter with your old classmate, Deborah.
Your dream touches on themes of reconnection, nostalgia, and exploring personal interests and abilities. Here's a brief interpretation of the key elements:
Training Event: The training event represents a setting for personal growth and learning, indicating your openness to acquiring new skills and knowledge.
Riding a Bike: Biking symbolizes a sense of freedom and independence, highlighting your desire to navigate life's challenges on your own terms.
Deborah and Reconnection: Meeting your middle school classmate, Deborah, signifies the rekindling of old friendships and the potential for shared experiences to strengthen bonds.
Dance and Split: The dance and split scene represent a willingness to explore new interests and rediscover personal talents, reflecting your desire to challenge yourself and embrace new experiences.
Cafeteria and Skipping the Line: The cafeteria and skipping the line illustrate the advantages of maintaining strong relationships and connections, emphasizing the benefits of cultivating positive social bonds.
Overall, your dream revolves around themes of personal growth, reconnection, and exploration. The dream encourages you to pursue new interests and strengthen old friendships while appreciating the unique benefits and advantages that come from nurturing positive relationships.