I had a dream where I returned to work at the Taiwan headquarters of my former employer and was assigned a seat in a corner. While chatting with colleagues, I mentioned that salaries in Taiwan are generally low. They asked why I felt that way.
I explained that salaries are so low now that people aren’t getting the pay they deserve, so it’s no wonder employees aren’t putting in their best effort.
Curious, they asked about my salary. I said, "Honestly, given my experience, a monthly salary in the hundreds of thousands would be the minimum, but I’m not even making 20,000 now." Everyone was shocked.
"Exactly! So how can the company expect us to work hard? But right now, even with my experience, I can't find a job. That’s why I’m working for just over 20,000," I said with a sigh.
Later, I saw my younger brother Ivan and remembered he now runs a company. I asked him how much he pays his employees. He looked a bit embarrassed and said it’s hard to compare because a small company is different from a big corporation.
I asked how many people he employs. He said there’s one assistant in Taiwan and two contacts in mainland China.
I went to his office and saw his assistant and two middle-aged women from mainland China, working diligently. In the dream, I recalled that Ivan’s company is in Yiwu, Zhejiang, where communication is needed.
We were having lunch when the general manager suddenly called for a meeting, so everyone brought their lunch boxes to the meeting room.
I had already finished my meal, and my bowl was empty, but there was still a bit of food left in my pot. Since my seat was at the front, I brought the pot and the empty bowl with me.
Everyone laughed, saying, "Why are you bringing an empty bowl?" I thought to myself, "Yeah, I didn’t even need to bring the pot because I’ve already eaten." But then I noticed there was still some food in the pot, and surprisingly, there was even a sausage.
People asked where the sausage came from, and I said, "I don’t know. I just microwaved the pot, and a sausage appeared." Everyone laughed even harder.
A male colleague next to me suddenly grabbed the sausage with his chopsticks and put it in his lunch box. I was about to say, "That sausage is mine," but then I thought, it might not be mine after all, maybe it’s his!
Anyway, he put the sausage in his lunch box and smeared it around as if to add some oil to his rice. He was about to give the sausage back to me, but I said, "No need, you can have it."
The company atmosphere was really cheerful. Then the general manager arrived, and everyone listened to her speak.
後來我看到大弟 Ivan,想起他現在開公司,我問他付員工多少薪水。他面帶尷尬說不好說,因為小公司和大企業不一樣。
我問他公司請了多少人,他說台灣有一個助理, 大陸那邊有兩位聯絡人。
我走到他的辦公室,看到他的助理,還有兩位像是大媽的大陸人,很勤奮的在工作。在夢裡我記起 Ivan 的公司在浙江義烏,那邊需要有人溝通。

Ending 1: A Revelation
As the general manager begins to speak, you suddenly feel a wave of clarity wash over you. The meeting room fades away, and you find yourself in a vast, open space filled with light. In this moment of revelation, you realize that the struggles you've been facing are not insurmountable. You see a path forward—one where you take control of your career, find balance, and pursue opportunities that truly align with your values. The dream ends with you walking confidently down this new path, feeling empowered and ready to take on the future.
Ending 2: A Return to Simplicity
After the general manager finishes speaking, the meeting dissolves into a lighthearted gathering. You notice the empty bowl and pot in front of you and decide to share the remaining food with your colleagues, symbolizing generosity and camaraderie. As you do, the atmosphere becomes even more joyful, and you feel a deep sense of contentment. The dream ends with you realizing that despite the challenges, the simple pleasures of life—like sharing a meal and enjoying the company of others—are what truly matter.
Ending 3: A Surprising Opportunity
As the general manager starts talking, you notice someone new entering the room—a recruiter from a prominent company. They approach you and express interest in your unique skills and experience, offering you a job that aligns perfectly with your aspirations. The room buzzes with excitement as you accept the offer, and the dream ends with you leaving the meeting room, filled with hope and anticipation for this unexpected opportunity.
Ending 4: A Symbolic Journey
After the general manager’s speech, you decide to explore the office building. As you walk through the corridors, they gradually transform into a lush, vibrant forest. Each step you take leads you deeper into nature, where you encounter symbols of growth and renewal—blooming flowers, flowing rivers, and towering trees. The dream ends with you reaching a serene clearing, where you sit down, feeling at peace and connected to the natural world. This ending symbolizes a journey toward personal growth and finding harmony within yourself.
Ending 5: A Twist of Humor
As the general manager wraps up the meeting, your colleague who took the sausage suddenly bursts into laughter, revealing that the whole situation was a playful prank. Everyone in the room joins in, and the tension from earlier discussions dissipates. The dream ends with everyone sharing a hearty laugh, and you realize that sometimes, taking life a little less seriously can bring unexpected joy and lighten the burden of daily worries.
與家人和朋友的互動:夢中的弟弟 Ivan 可能象徵著你在現實生活中對家人或朋友的期望和擔憂。這可以提醒你在現實中與他們保持良好的溝通和關係,並在需要時尋求他們的支持。
夢中的弟弟 Ivan 和他的公司,可能象徵你對自己職業未來的期望或不確定性。與同事輕鬆閒聊和公司歡樂的氛圍,可能反映你渴望在工作中找到輕鬆和諧的環境,或者希望現實中的工作環境能更積極和支持。