In my dream, my friend Sunny and I were running a shop together on the second floor of Taipei's East District, but business wasn't going well, and we had to close it down. I was wearing my favorite apple green Crocs as I went to the shop to organize my belongings.
After gathering my passport, wallet, and other essentials, I prepared to leave. Before leaving, I reminded Sunny that the store needed to be vacated and suggested he pack up quickly to avoid incurring additional costs.
Sunny and his friend were still packing up when I mentioned it. It was only then that he revealed the shop belonged to his friend, so it wasn't urgent to move out.
I remarked calmly, "So this is your friend's place. Why didn't you mention it earlier? You could have negotiated for a better rent for us too."
Sunny was speechless, feeling embarrassed. I didn't bother with him anymore because the shop was closing anyway, and there was nothing more to say.
I headed downstairs with my backpack, passing through the ground floor lobby, and noticed Sunny watching me.
I had plans to meet my friend Mr. Fang for dinner, so I quickened my pace. Walking through the alleys behind the East District, I pulled out my phone to call Mr. Fang, asking him where he was since I was almost at the restaurant where we agreed to meet...
夢見我和朋友 Sunny 在台北東區二樓合開的店經營不善,要關店了。我穿著喜愛的蘋果綠 Crocs 休閒鞋,到店裡去整理我的物品。
我把護照、錢包與重要物品收得差不多了,準備離開。離開前我提醒 Sunny,門市要退租,建議他儘快打包,免得有其他費用產生。
Sunny 和他朋友仍在打包。他這時才告訴我這門市是他朋友的房子,晚幾天搬走沒關係。
Sunny 啞口無言,覺得不好意思。我也懶得理他,因為反正店都要收了,多說無益。
我背著背包下樓,走過一樓大廳,發現 Sunny 在看我。

Ending 1 - A New Beginning
After speaking with Mr. Fang, you learn about an exciting new business opportunity that aligns with your interests and goals. This marks the start of a successful and fulfilling partnership, underscoring the importance of embracing new beginnings and pursuing opportunities that resonate with your values.
Ending 2 - A Chance for Reconciliation
Sunny approaches you, apologizes for the miscommunication, and suggests giving the business another try with better planning and open communication. You both agree to work on rebuilding trust and making more informed decisions together, highlighting the potential for growth and learning through challenging experiences.
Ending 3 - A Surprise Encounter
As you're about to meet Mr. Fang, you run into an old friend who introduces you to a potential business partner. This chance encounter leads to an exciting new venture, emphasizing the importance of staying open to unexpected opportunities and the value of connections in both personal and professional life.
Ending 4 - A Reflective Moment
After leaving the shop, you take a moment to reflect on the experience and consider what you've learned about communication, trust, and decision-making. This self-reflection helps you make more informed choices in future partnerships and personal relationships, showcasing the power of introspection and personal growth.
Ending 5 - A Twist in Perspective
In a dream-like twist, you realize that the shop is actually a metaphor for a personal relationship that's been facing difficulties. This revelation leads to a deeper understanding of your emotional landscape and encourages you to address any underlying issues with honesty and empathy.
Each of these endings offers a unique conclusion to your dream, exploring the themes of communication, trust, and decision-making within the context of personal and professional relationships.
Your dream seems to revolve around themes of communication, trust, and decision-making within a business partnership. Here's a brief interpretation of the key elements:
Closing the Shop: The unsuccessful business venture might symbolize a real-life situation where you feel a lack of progress or uncertainty in a project, partnership, or personal goal.
Gathering Belongings: Collecting your essential items could represent your desire to reassess your priorities and focus on what truly matters to you in the face of a challenging or unsuccessful endeavor.
Sunny's Reveal: Sunny's belated revelation about the shop's ownership might indicate a sense of frustration or disappointment in the dream, possibly reflecting real-life situations where you've felt misled or left out of important decisions.
Expressing Your Thoughts: Voicing your thoughts to Sunny demonstrates your ability to express your feelings and assert your needs, emphasizing the importance of open communication in personal and professional relationships.
Moving Forward: Your decision to leave the shop and meet with Mr. Fang might symbolize a willingness to move on from difficult situations, focus on new opportunities, and nurture relationships that offer support and connection.
Overall, your dream encourages you to consider the role of communication, trust, and decision-making in your personal and professional relationships and emphasizes the importance of reassessing priorities and seeking new opportunities in the face of challenges.