I had a dream where I took my daughter to a potluck hosted by my friend Reign, and my daughter brought potato wedges.
For some reason, I started talking about how we’re all business people and shouldn’t meddle in others’ family affairs. I mentioned that I run a restaurant and sometimes see familiar faces with different women, but I don’t tell their wives because it could cause unnecessary trouble in their family.
Reign got a bit upset and questioned why I was telling her this—did I not trust her? She even threatened that if I didn’t trust her, she could make it difficult for me to stay in Seattle.
Our conversation became really awkward, almost impossible to salvage. Suddenly, I pretended the conversation never happened. I said, “My daughter prepared potato wedges. Let me heat them up so we can eat together!”
After that, Reign and I acted as if the argument never occurred, and everything seemed harmonious. I even mentioned that the food I brought last time was also made by my daughter and asked her opinion on it, as my daughter was eager for feedback.
I told Reign that I rarely attend gatherings with Taiwanese people and thanked her for the invitation.
At Reign’s house, I noticed a beautifully crafted Ming-style chair made of ebony. I thought to myself, “This chair is stunning! You probably can't find craftsmen who make such pieces nowadays.” I stood there, quietly admiring the chair.
As I was leaving, I saw Reign graciously saying goodbye to each guest at the door, and I thought to myself how impressive she was.
夢見我帶女兒去參加朋友 Reign 辦的 Potluck,女兒弄了薯塊帶過去。
Reign 有點生氣,覺得我為什麼要跟她講這事,難道我是不相信她嗎?她還突然威脅說,既然我這麼不相信她,她也有辦法讓我在西雅圖這裡待不下去。
然後我和 Reign 就好像一付剛剛沒有吵架的樣子,顯得很和樂。我還問她上回到她家,我帶來的食物也是女兒做的喔!「不知道妳覺得怎麼樣?我女兒也很想知道是否有可以改進的地方。」
我和 Reign 說我很少參加台灣人的聚會,謝謝她這次的邀請。
在 Reign 家,我看到一張黑檀木做成明式風格的椅子,我心想「這張椅子好美啊!這種工藝,現在應該找不到師傅做了。」我站在這椅子前面,一直盯著這椅子看,靜靜地欣賞。
離開時,我看到 Reign 在門口一一送客道別,姿態相當柔軟,我就覺得她蠻厲害的。
Reign 令人印象深刻的告別:Reign 對每位客人親切的告別,表明了透過分享經驗和真誠互動,培養牢固的社會聯繫,和培養社區意識的重要性。