I dreamt that my mom repotted the large pot of basil I had planted. Originally, I had the plant positioned in the center of the pot, but my mom chose to divide it into smaller plants and relocate them to the edges of the pot.
I wasn't please about the change because the original setup allowed the plants to grow naturally. Now, by moving them to the edges, it felt like forcing them to grow towards the center, which seemed even more unbalanced. Besides, since I was the one taking care of the plants, I couldn't understand why the replanting was done without asking me first.
The scene then shifted to a scenario where ten of us were voting on several comic artworks generated by AI. I, along with seven others, voted in favor, while two opposed. A reporter interviewed a doctor who had voted against, and he expressed his respect for the outcome of the vote.
場景換到我們有 10 人針對幾幅 AI 生成的漫畫作品投票。我和其他 7 人都投贊成票,2 人反對。記者採訪一位投反對票的醫生,他說他尊重大家投票的結果。