I dreamed that I was the girlfriend of Russian revolutionary leader Lenin (I have no idea why I took on this role in the dream—it’s completely baffling).
I encountered my elementary school classmate Ken, and we collaborated on several projects together. He performed exceptionally well. I even remember applauding him from the audience as he gave a presentation on stage.
Ken later approached me and confessed his feelings for me. However, since I was Lenin’s girlfriend and Lenin was the leader of the Communist Party, I told Ken it wasn’t possible. He said he’d decided to negotiate with Lenin and ask him to let me go. I thought to myself, "Do you really like me that much?"
Lenin was in a room holding a meeting with others. He came out briefly to speak to me before returning to the meeting. Ken was about to barge into the room to confront Lenin, but I stopped him. I told him not to act rashly and that I’d find an opportunity to break up with Lenin. Secretly, I was a bit scared, worried that Lenin might kill us both. Ken insisted he couldn’t wait and declared that he was going to kill Lenin. I thought, "Why is he so extreme?" and kept trying to persuade him to act with caution.
Ken was dressed like an early Communist Party member, and I saw him grab a gun and rush toward the meeting room. Then I heard gunshots. I thought, "Huh? Who got shot?" I saw Lenin being carried out—he was injured but not dead.
I panicked, thinking Ken was doomed since Lenin had survived. Soon after, I saw Ken being carried out as well—he was injured too. In the end, both of them were sent to the hospital. That’s when I woke up.
Before sleeping, I had asked my subconscious to give me a dream that would make me a better, more successful person. But this dream seemed completely unrelated!
When I went back to sleep, I re-entered the dream. This time, the setting changed: Lenin had gone to a rural school to teach dance. The background music was the song “Breakup Battlefront Alliance” by Grasshopper. Lenin invited me to join him, and in the dream, I found him quite interesting. It felt like the kind of dynamic we had when we were dating before.
夢見我是俄國革命家列寧的女朋友 (我不知道夢裡為何是這角色,我也莫名其妙)。
遇見我和小學同學 Ken,我們合作好幾個專案,他表現得很好。我還記得他在台上報告時,我在台下拍手。
Ken 來找我,向我表白。可是我是列寧的女朋友,他是共產黨的頭目,我跟 Ken 說不行,他說他決定找列寧談判,叫他放手。我心想:「你有這麼喜歡我嗎?」
列寧在房間裡跟其他人開會。他出來跟我講一些事情,接著就進去房間繼續開會。Ken 本來想要衝進房間找列寧時,被我攔了下來。我叫他不要輕舉妄動,說我會找機會跟列寧分手。其實我也有點害怕,怕他會殺了我們。Ken 說他不想等,他決定要去殺列寧。我心想他這個人怎麼這麼激烈,不斷勸說他要伺機而動。
Ken 的裝扮像是以前早期共產黨穿的衣服。然後我看到他拿了槍,往會議室的方向衝進去。接著我就聽到槍聲,我心想:「蛤?到底是誰中槍?」我就看到列寧被抬出來,可是他只有受傷沒有死。
我心想完蛋了,Ken 是死路一條,因為列寧沒死。我看到 Ken 也被人家抬出來,他也受傷,反正兩個人都要送醫院。然後我就醒了。

1. 列寧女朋友的角色
2. Ken 的表白與決心
與 Ken 合作:夢的這一部分可能反映了積極的經歷,或對團隊合作和認可的欽佩,象徵著你在現實生活中渴望得到驗證或認可。
Ken 的極端行為:他強烈決心「贏得」你的支持,甚至對抗列寧,這可能意味著外部壓力或你生活中的個人,在推動感覺激烈或壓倒性的改變或解決方案。
3. 恐懼和衝突
列寧和 Ken 的衝突:這兩個角色之間的緊張關係,可能代表了你生活中相互衝突的價值觀或決定。列寧作為領導者的角色和 Ken 作為合作者的角色,可能象徵著追隨權威/傳統,與追求個人慾望或關係之間的衝突。
4. 回歸夢境
5. 與成功無關?
權威與自主:列寧與 Ken 的衝突,可能象徵外在期望與個人慾望之間的緊張關係。
合作和認可:夢境的積極元素,例如為 Ken 鼓掌,表明需要團隊合作和認可。