I dreamt of being pregnant, sitting by the poolside with my big belly exposed. Suddenly, the temperature dropped, prompting me to seek warmth indoors. My husband, seeing me outside with my belly exposed, thought I was feeling too hot and wanting to cool it down. I reminded him that there's a baby inside my belly, so of course, we need to stay warm~
The scene shifted to a realization that I was over 50 years old and surprisingly lacked medical insurance, causing some concern. Encountering an old friend, George, he expressed his frustration about not having insurance and feeling neglected by his wife, contemplating writing a "Dear Stranger" letter to express his emotions.
I comforted George, emphasizing the importance of prioritizing our health above all else.
場景切換到我發現我過了 50 歲,竟然沒有醫療保障,感到有些擔憂。碰到老朋友 George,他感慨他也沒有醫療保險,覺得老婆不管他的死活,要寫 "Dear Stranger" 來抒發情緒。
我安慰 George。我說我們都要把自己身體顧好才行啊...