I dreamt that my good friend Sophie brought her two children to a Buddhist temple for training, hoping they would receive blessings.
The monk asked the two children if these practices could only be done at the temple. The two young people replied that they understood the Dharma could be practiced at any time in daily life.
In fact, Sophie’s two children are doing very well, but she still brought them to the temple for training, hoping they would become even better.
I remember they made some vows, but I can't recall what they were now.
夢見好友 Sophie 帶著兩個孩子到佛教道場參加受訓,希望她的孩子能受到保佑。
其實 Sophie 的兩個孩子發展都很好,但她還是帶他們到道場來受訓,希望他們更好。

Ending 1: Enlightened Path
After the monk’s question and the children’s wise response, the monk smiles and gives them a special blessing. Sophie and her children leave the temple feeling a profound sense of peace and enlightenment. They carry this newfound wisdom into their daily lives, transforming their interactions and bringing positive change to their community.
Ending 2: Discovery of Hidden Talents
The children are invited to participate in a special ceremony at the temple, where they discover hidden talents in meditation and mindfulness. Sophie is overjoyed to see her children excel in these practices, realizing that the training has unlocked their potential in unexpected ways. The family becomes more involved in the temple’s activities, forming a close-knit community with other practitioners.
Ending 3: A Challenge Overcome
As the children undergo their training, they face a significant challenge that tests their patience and understanding. With guidance from the monks and support from Sophie, they overcome the obstacle, emerging stronger and more resilient. This experience teaches them valuable life lessons that they carry forward, strengthening their bond as a family.
Ending 4: A Vision of the Future
During a meditation session at the temple, Sophie has a vivid vision of her children's future, where they grow up to become compassionate and wise individuals, making meaningful contributions to society. This vision reassures her that the path she has chosen for them is the right one. She wakes up feeling a deep sense of fulfillment and hope.
Ending 5: A Shared Dream
At the end of their training, Sophie and her children sit with the monk to share their experiences. They realize that each of them had a similar dream about their journey and what they hoped to achieve. This shared dream strengthens their resolve to practice the teachings of the Dharma together, creating a family tradition of spiritual practice that lasts for generations.
Ending 6: A Mystery Resolved
Just as they are about to leave the temple, the monk approaches them and hands Sophie a scroll. When she opens it, she finds a detailed description of the vows her children made, which include acts of kindness and service to others. This moment helps Sophie remember the importance of these vows, and they become a guiding principle for the family’s actions moving forward.
Interpreting dreams can be subjective and highly personal, but here is a possible interpretation of your dream:
Sophie's Role: Sophie, as a friend, might represent a part of yourself or someone you admire. Her actions in the dream could symbolize your own desires or beliefs about nurturing and guiding others, especially children, towards spiritual or personal growth.
Children's Training at the Buddhist Temple: The temple represents a place of spiritual growth and enlightenment. Bringing the children there suggests a desire for deeper spiritual or moral education. It might indicate a wish for those you care about (or even yourself) to gain wisdom and blessings.
Monk's Question and Children’s Answer: The monk's question and the children’s response highlight an understanding that spiritual practice is not confined to specific places but is a part of daily life. This suggests an awareness in you that true practice and improvement come from everyday actions and mindfulness.
Sophie's Hope for Her Children: Despite her children already doing well, Sophie’s hope for them to be even better signifies a striving for continuous improvement and the best possible outcome for loved ones. It reflects a nurturing attitude and a high standard for personal and spiritual growth.
Forgotten Vows: The forgotten vows might represent goals or promises you’ve made to yourself or others that you cannot recall at the moment. It could be a reminder to reflect on your intentions and commitments.
Overall, the dream seems to emphasize the importance of continuous personal growth, the value of spiritual practice in everyday life, and the nurturing desire to guide and improve the lives of those you care about.