In my dream, I discovered that actress Rainie Yang had written many books, so I went to the bookstore specifically to find her books. However, I couldn't find them, so I asked assistance from the store clerk. It turned out that she had also written many textbooks, showcasing her diverse talents!
I asked the clerk to help me find her books, and he led me around the bookstore, even checking the dictionary section, but we still couldn't find them.
Feeling apologetic, the clerk handed me an envelope with the bookstore's phone number on it. He suggested that next time, I should call them first to find the books, so I wouldn't make a wasted trip.
It was a used envelope with other information on it. I asked the clerk if all the information on it was irrelevant, and he confirmed it was.
As I left the bookstore and went downstairs, I noticed that I was carrying my old Coach blue leather bag, which I rarely used. I wondered, "Where are my usual belongings?" Upon opening the bag, I found a bunch of shredded tissue paper inside.
Later, as I left work and walked along Keelung Road toward my parked car, I opened my bag to find the car keys, but it was full of shredded tissue paper, and I couldn't find the keys anywhere. I started to feel anxious.
Wanting to call my husband, I picked up my phone, but the camera screen kept appearing, and I couldn't switch to the phone dialing screen. I kept worrying that if I couldn't retrieve my car, the parking fee would be exorbitant.
Upon entering the B2 parking management office, I found many people inside, including a woman wearing sunglasses and a bridal veil.
I explained to the manager that I had parked my car there yesterday, and he had given me a receipt, but I hadn't left the keys. I mentioned that I had forgotten to bring the keys today when changing bags, and he said it was troublesome. I asked if he remembered me and if he could show me where my car was parked and how the situation would be billed now. I was still considering whether to go home now to get the keys or to take a taxi to work tomorrow and then retrieve the car after work.
Note: The scene of this parking lot was very familiar, as it had appeared in my other dreams before.
離開書店下樓時,我發現我提著我的 Coach 藍色舊皮包,心想「這不是我平日常用的包。那我常用的物品呢?」打開包,裡面一堆衛生紙碎屑。
走進停車場 B2 管理室,裡面很多人,還有一位戴著墨鏡、頭戴婚紗的女人。

Ending 1 - A Helpful Stranger
As you're contemplating your options in the parking management office, a friendly stranger overhears your dilemma and offers to drive you home to retrieve your keys. This gesture of kindness helps you resolve your problem and restores your faith in the goodness of others.
Ending 2 - A Resourceful Solution
The parking lot manager, recognizing your distress, suggests a temporary solution: he offers to keep your car in a safe spot overnight, waiving any additional fees. This allows you to return home, get your keys, and retrieve your car the next day without extra expenses.
Ending 3 - Discovering Hidden Resources
While searching through the shredded tissue paper in your bag, you find a spare car key that you had forgotten about. This discovery provides relief and reminds you of the importance of being prepared and organized in your daily life.
Ending 4 - A Serendipitous Encounter
As you exit the parking management office, you recognize a former colleague who happens to have a spare key to your car from a previous occasion. They gladly give you the key, and you have a pleasant conversation, reconnecting with an old friend and resolving your problem simultaneously.
Ending 5 - Embracing Change
You decide to leave your car in the parking lot and take a taxi to work the next day. This choice represents your ability to adapt to unexpected situations and embrace change. Through this experience, you learn to be more flexible and open to alternative solutions when facing challenges.
These alternative endings present various ways your dream could conclude, showcasing different approaches to problem-solving and personal growth. Each highlights the importance of resilience, resourcefulness, and the value of positive relationships in navigating life's obstacles.