I dreamed that I was in my senior year of high school, preparing for the college entrance exam. I was in a bookstore, thinking, "I haven't studied at all! What should I do?" I noticed that they were selling test prep books and wondered, "If I buy one now, will I still have time to catch up?"
As I was choosing a book, I saw my middle school homeroom teacher, Ms. Hsieh. She saw me browsing and told me, "You're in the wrong section!" She thought I should be looking at specialized reference books for each subject instead.
I told her, "It's too late for that, teacher. I haven't studied anything at all. I probably need a summary book that covers all subjects if I want to have any chance at all." But the exam was about to start soon, and I thought, "I haven’t studied anything… I’m probably going to get a zero."
I entered the exam hall and saw my classmate, Deberah. Because I had helped her with something before, she said, "Just try to write as much as you can. I’ll copy my answers onto an extra exam paper for you."
The teacher at the front started explaining the rules. I thought, "This is a disaster. I came to the exam completely unprepared. My score is going to be terrible."
I told Deberah, "I’m in really bad shape. I never learned any of the calculus they taught later on. You’re telling me to write whatever I can, but I probably won’t be able to write anything at all."
She asked me what I did know. I said, "I know basic math! The kind you use in daily life. But anything beyond that, I never even attended the classes. I don’t understand the formulas or their principles at all. So I can’t answer anything."
Deberah said she would try to help by copying her answers for me, but she wasn’t sure how much that would help. I replied, "I know… My level is just too low. I probably won’t pass. I should start preparing to enter the workforce instead."
Then the scene changed, and everyone was discussing something. Somehow, I ended up in a completely dark room. I said, "Why is it so dark in here?" Then I woke up.
When I fell back asleep, I saw a teacher standing at the front of a classroom, explaining calculus. I questioned them, "What’s the point of learning this?" I even suggested that they should invite some graduates to come back and share how they’ve actually used calculus in their daily lives. The other students seemed to think my suggestion made sense.
Then the scene shifted. I was standing outdoors, across the street, looking at a building that felt like a school. Two older female students were watching me, and it seemed like they were saying, "Learning calculus isn’t really useful in everyday life."
The scene changed again. It felt like I was pouring "calculus" into a bowl of instant noodles—just treating it as something useless. Suddenly, an American appeared, looking surprised or displeased, as if he was shocked to see calculus being treated that way.
Then I was at some kind of event where the host invited people to share their thoughts. I saw someone wearing a white mask speaking, saying something about how calculus wasn’t useful. I don’t remember exactly what they said, but I just remember thinking, "Even when sharing opinions, they don’t dare to show their real face and let others know who they are…"
我進入考場,看到同學 Deberah。好像因為我曾經幫過她什麼忙,她跟我說「妳盡量寫。我會用我的答案,幫妳來寫一份考卷。」
我跟 Deberah 說「我的狀況很慘。學校後來教的微積分,我全部都不會。妳叫我能寫盡量寫,我應該是完全寫不出來。」
Deberah 問我會什麼,我說「我會基本的數學啊!生活會用的算術我也會。可是其他數理,我連課都沒有上,連公式的原理是什麼,我完全都不懂。所以我根本寫不出任何答案。」
Deberah 說她能幫我的,就是用她的答案幫我寫另一份,可是她不知道這能夠幫多少忙。我說「我知道,因為我的程度太差,所以應該是考不過,要準備進入社會工作了。」
接著場景又變了,感覺我好像把 "微積分" 這東西,倒到一碗泡麵裡,就是覺得它沒什麼用。然後突然出現一個美國人,看來點驚訝或不高興,覺得怎麼 "微積分" 被弄成這個樣子?

👉 榮格解析:這可能表明你的「自我」(想要做好準備和有能力)和你的「陰影」(懷有對失敗和不足的恐懼)之間的衝突。這個夢境可能會促使你承認這些恐懼,而不是逃避它們。
Deberah 的角色(阿尼瑪和支持系統)
Deberah 願意透過複製她的答案來幫助你,這反映了你生活中的外部支持系統。這表明你可能會感到依賴他人,或擔心在沒有外部驗證的情況下,自己是否能夠成功。然而,你對她的幫助是否足夠表示懷疑——這表明你內心相信,沒有任何外部支持,足以完全補償個人的準備和成長。
👉 榮格解析:Deberah 可能代表「阿尼瑪」(心靈中女性化、直覺的一面),鼓勵你「嘗試」而不是沉迷於完美。然而,你的猶豫表明你在與自信心作抗爭——你相信自己有能力成功,還是覺得自己注定會失敗?
👉 榮格解析:夢中的黑暗往往代表壓抑的情緒、不確定性或轉變。這可能反映出你對未來、老化,以及你的努力是否有進展的擔憂。
👉 榮格解析:這個場景與「個性化」一致,即你正在擺脫社會規範,並尋求個人意義,而不是盲目遵循外部的成功標準。
將 "微積分" 倒入一碗泡麵中的行為,是一種強而有力的象徵性拒絕。泡麵代表快速、簡單且易於理解的解決方案,而微積分則象徵複雜、結構化和抽象的系統。這可能反映出你對實用性而非僵化結構的渴望——無論是在教育、職業或個人成長方面。
👉 榮格解析:這一幕凸顯了實用性和學術/理論知識之間的張力。它暗示了一種更深層的內在衝突,即遵循既定道路,還是開闢自己的道路——這個主題與你的職業和個人成長衝突,產生共鳴。
👉 榮格解析:「人格面具」(我們在社會中穿戴的面具)受到質疑。你是否真實地展現自己,或者你是否感到有壓力遵守外在期望?
✔ 相信自己的旅程—即使你感覺落後,進步仍然是可能的。
✔ 擁抱你獨特的視角—你無需遵循傳統的成功模式。
✔ 認識到做好準備,不僅僅是外在的——信心和適應能力也很重要。
✔ 不要再懷疑你夢境的專案是否值得——僅僅因為它非傳統,並不意味著它缺乏價值。
Here are four alternative endings for your dream, each inspired by Jungian psychology and emphasizing themes of growth, transformation, and resolution.
1. Embracing the Challenge: The Exam as a Rite of Passage
As you stand in the exam hall, realization dawns—this isn’t a test to expose your weaknesses but an opportunity to prove your resilience. The darkness around you fades, replaced by a soft, golden light emanating from within. Deberah's help transforms, not into copied answers, but into a whispered reassurance: "You already know what you need."
When you open the exam booklet, instead of calculus problems, you find questions about your own journey—why you chose to rebuild, what your dreams mean to you, and what wisdom you've gained. The moment you put pen to paper, the fear dissolves.
👉 Meaning: The test represents self-evaluation and inner growth, and you discover that you are already prepared because the answers were within you all along.
2. The Transformation: Stepping Into the Unknown
Instead of panicking, you walk confidently into the dark room and embrace the void. Suddenly, the room shifts, and you find yourself standing in an endless cosmic space, surrounded by glowing equations that float like constellations. Instead of feeling overwhelmed, you realize these symbols aren’t separate from you—they are part of the universe’s language, waiting to be understood in your own way.
Then, the masked figure removes their disguise. It’s you—an older, wiser version of yourself. They smile and say, “The answer isn’t in the formulas. It’s in how you choose to see them.” As they step forward, the universe collapses into light, and you awaken with a deep sense of clarity and direction.
👉 Meaning: The darkness represents facing the unconscious, and by stepping into it, you merge with a higher understanding of yourself and your journey.
3. Rejecting the Illusion: The Classroom Was Never Real
Just as the test begins, you pause and look around. Something feels off. The students seem frozen, the teacher's voice is an echo. You stand up and walk to the front, pushing against the walls—and suddenly, the entire classroom shatters like glass, revealing a vast, open landscape beyond.
You step out and see a road leading forward, no longer bound by outdated rules and meaningless tests. Deberah joins you, laughing, saying, "I was waiting for you to figure it out." Together, you walk forward, free from the illusion, ready to build something meaningful on your own terms.
👉 Meaning: This ending represents breaking free from imposed structures—realizing that the fear of failure was just an illusion holding you back.
4. Rewriting the Equation: A New Perspective on Learning
Instead of fearing the test, you decide to turn it into something new. Taking your pen, you start drawing symbols, stories, and patterns on the exam paper instead of following rigid formulas. The teacher approaches, intrigued rather than angry. “This… makes sense in a different way,” they say.
As you continue writing, the test transforms into a dream journal, filled with reflections, creativity, and ideas that matter to you. The other students, inspired, do the same—reshaping learning into something meaningful. Instead of failing the test, you redefine success on your own terms.
👉 Meaning: This ending shifts the perspective on structured learning, showing that value isn’t in rigid formulas but in how you interpret and integrate knowledge into your life.
Final Reflection
Each ending offers a different path:
✔ Facing the test and realizing you are already prepared.
✔ Embracing the unknown and merging with wisdom.
✔ Breaking free from the illusion of imposed systems.
✔ Redefining knowledge to fit your personal journey.
This dream reflects deep-seated anxieties about preparedness, self-worth, and the practicality of knowledge. Let’s analyze it through Jungian psychology, exploring its symbols and underlying meanings.
1. The Fear of Unpreparedness (Ego and Shadow Conflict)
The dream begins with you realizing that you haven't studied for a major exam, symbolizing a critical life challenge you feel unprepared for. Exams in dreams often represent tests of competence, self-evaluation, or transitions—this could relate to your past struggles with rebuilding your career, feeling behind, or doubting whether your dream project is "practical."
Your middle school teacher tells you that you are in the wrong section, emphasizing the idea that you should approach learning differently. However, your response—wanting a summarized guide instead—suggests a desire for quick solutions due to a lack of time or resources, mirroring your real-life concerns about rebuilding your business and pursuing your passions.
👉 Jungian interpretation: This could indicate a conflict between your ego (which wants to be prepared and competent) and your shadow (which harbors fears of failure and inadequacy). The dream might be pushing you to acknowledge these fears instead of avoiding them.
2. The Role of Deberah (Anima and Support Systems)
Deberah offers to help you by copying her answers, reflecting an external support system in your life. This suggests you may feel reliant on others or worry about whether you can succeed without external validation. However, you express doubt that her help will be enough—indicating an internal belief that no external support can fully compensate for personal preparation and growth.
👉 Jungian interpretation: Deberah may represent the anima (the feminine, intuitive side of the psyche) encouraging you to "just try" rather than obsess over perfection. However, your hesitation suggests a struggle with self-trust—do you believe in your own capacity to succeed, or do you feel destined to fail?
3. Entering the Dark Room (The Unconscious and the Unknown)
At one point, you find yourself in a completely dark room, symbolizing the unconscious mind or the fear of the unknown. This could represent a loss of direction or clarity—a moment where you feel lost in your journey, unsure of what comes next.
👉 Jungian interpretation: Darkness in dreams often represents repressed emotions, uncertainty, or transformation. This could reflect your concerns about the future, aging, and whether your efforts are leading anywhere.
4. Questioning the Value of Knowledge (Individuation and Society’s Expectations)
You later challenge the teacher by asking why calculus matters in real life. This represents a rebellion against conventional education or societal expectations, mirroring your real-life questioning of what is truly "useful" in your journey. The fact that other students agree suggests a collective unconscious critique—many people share this frustration with impractical knowledge.
Then, you see older students looking at you as if agreeing that calculus is useless. This could reflect a fear that even those ahead of you (more experienced people) do not see meaning in certain structured systems—perhaps paralleling your doubts about traditional career paths or your unconventional dream project.
👉 Jungian interpretation: This scene aligns with individuation, where you are moving away from societal norms and seeking personal meaning rather than blindly following external standards of success.
5. Pouring "Calculus" into Instant Noodles (Rejection of Traditional Structures)
The act of dumping calculus into a bowl of instant noodles is a powerful symbolic rejection. Instant noodles represent fast, simple, and accessible solutions, whereas calculus symbolizes complex, structured, and abstract systems. This could reflect your desire for practicality over rigid structures—whether in education, career, or personal growth.
However, the American figure looking shocked suggests that there are still societal forces (or parts of yourself) that resist this rejection. This could be a representation of external expectations—perhaps from cultural influences, authority figures, or even an internalized belief that abandoning structured paths is "wrong."
👉 Jungian interpretation: This scene highlights tension between practicality and academic/theoretical knowledge. It suggests a deeper inner conflict about whether to follow established paths or carve out your own way—a theme that resonates with your career and personal growth struggles.
6. The White-Masked Speaker (Authenticity and the Persona)
At the end of the dream, a masked person shares their thoughts but hides their identity. This could symbolize:
The fear of speaking one’s truth openly
The pressure to conform or avoid judgment
The idea that people often critique systems but don’t reveal their true selves
Since you specifically noted that you found it strange that they wouldn’t reveal their face, this could reflect a subconscious desire for authenticity and honesty, both in yourself and others.
👉 Jungian interpretation: The persona (the mask we wear in society) is being questioned. Are you presenting yourself authentically, or do you feel pressure to conform to external expectations?
Conclusion: What Is This Dream Telling You?
You are dealing with fears of unpreparedness and failure—whether in career, personal growth, or pursuing your dreams.
You are questioning the value of conventional knowledge and systems, reflecting an ongoing search for meaning and practicality in your journey.
You may struggle with self-trust—even when help is offered, you doubt whether it will be enough.
You are undergoing a transformation, stepping away from societal norms and seeking an authentic, self-defined path.
You desire authenticity and openness, both in yourself and others.
This dream is encouraging you to:
✔ Trust your own journey—even if you feel behind, progress is still possible.
✔ Embrace your unique perspective—you don’t need to follow conventional success models.
✔ Recognize that preparedness isn’t just external—confidence and adaptability matter too.
✔ Stop doubting whether your dream project is worthwhile—just because it’s unconventional doesn’t mean it lacks value.
In Jungian terms, this dream reflects the individuation process, where you are breaking free from external conditioning and moving toward a self-defined, authentic path. The journey may feel uncertain, but it’s leading you toward greater self-awareness and fulfillment.