I dreamed that I was a young man, kind of like a college student. I would often hang out on campus, casually chatting with other students, just like how college students do, not really taking anything seriously.
In the dream, it seemed like I lived in my old house on Zhiyu Road. I had a dog, and every afternoon, I would take it for a walk.
One day, I returned home, and my family told me the dog was missing. I thought, "OK, I don't really care that much," and went to take my afternoon nap.
The dog seemed to have some kind of telepathic connection with me, and it was calling me to bring it home. Since I didn’t care much, I thought it was just my imagination and kept my eyes closed to continue sleeping. But then the dog called me again through this telepathy, so I woke up from my nap in the dream.
Once awake, I started thinking about whether I should go get the dog. My parents told me not to leave the house, saying it was just my imagination. I agreed and decided to stay home to continue my nap. But the dog kept calling me, and even though I was still dreaming, I was awake in the dream and felt that the dog was really calling out to me.
Later, the doorbell rang. Through the intercom, someone said they had our dog and asked us to pay 400 dollars to get it back.
I grabbed the money from my mom and, still in my pajamas — the sleeveless frilly pajamas my mom bought me in Japan when I was a kid (at this point, I had turned back into a girl) — I went downstairs.
I saw two girls holding two dogs. The white one was mine.
It looked like my dog had just been bathed, as its fur was nicely groomed. The dog was very happy to see me, and I picked it up. I told the girls I was willing to pay to get the dog back.
I handed them 500 dollars. One of the girls took the money, put it in her pocket, and didn’t say anything. I thought, "Wait, wasn’t it 400? Shouldn't she give me 100 dollars back?"
The girls said they were leaving, clearly not intending to give me change. I thought, "Oh well, I guess it’s fine. They bathed the dog too, so let's just say it's worth 500."
I happily carried the dog back upstairs, and the dog was happy too because I had come to get it.
我回到家,家人跟我說狗不見了。我心想 OK,反正我也不是很在乎,去睡我的午覺。
後來有人按鈴。透過對講機,他說我們的狗在他那裡,叫我們拿 400 元來贖狗。
我跟媽媽拿了錢,穿著睡衣,這睡衣像是我小時候媽媽在日本買給我的花邊無袖睡衣 (此時我又變成女生)。我就這樣子到樓下去。
我拿了 500 塊給她,她收了錢以後放進口袋,就沒有任何動靜了。我心想:「咦?不是 400 嗎?她應該要找我 100 元啊?」
她們說她們要走了,一副就是沒有要找我錢的樣子。我心想:「好吧!算了!因為她們也幫狗洗澡,那就當作是 500 吧!」

金錢與交易:與兩個女孩的交易,她們保留了 500 元而不給你零錢,可以象徵著被利用或在某種情況下給予的比你預期的多的感覺。然而,你可以透過認為他們關心狗來證明這一點,這表明當你看到你關心的東西的價值時,你願意放棄某些期望。
1. The Dog Vanishes
As you hold out the money to the girls, they give you a strange look and say, "There is no dog." Confused, you look down and realize the dog has vanished from your arms. The girls walk away without taking the money, leaving you standing there, feeling an overwhelming sense of loss. You return home, realizing the dog never really existed, and wake up from the dream wondering if you’ve been chasing something in your life that isn’t real or attainable.
2. The Dog Refuses to Come Home
After handing over the 500 dollars, you reach out to pick up the dog, but it backs away from you and walks toward the girls. Surprised, you realize the dog doesn’t want to come home. It has found new companions and seems content. You reluctantly let go, watching as the dog happily follows the girls down the street. As you walk back home alone, you reflect on the idea of letting go, realizing that some things or relationships in life are beyond your control.
3. The Dog Leads You Somewhere New
When you hold the dog in your arms, it suddenly jumps down and starts running. Instead of going home, it leads you through unfamiliar streets and alleys. You follow, curious and slightly worried. Eventually, the dog stops at a beautiful, serene garden that you’ve never seen before. The air feels different, calming, and peaceful. You sit down with the dog, feeling like you’ve discovered a hidden part of yourself. You wake up with a sense of inner peace and wonder, reflecting on the possibility of finding new paths in life.
4. The Girls Return the Money
After handing over the 500 dollars, one of the girls looks at the other and says, "Wait, we charged her too much." She pulls out 100 dollars and hands it back to you with a smile. You thank her and take your dog home. As you walk back, you feel a sense of fairness and relief, like a balance has been restored. You wake up thinking that things might work out more fairly than you expect in life, and sometimes, people will surprise you with honesty.
5. The Dog Speaks
When you finally hold your dog in your arms, it looks up at you and says, "I knew you’d come for me." You are startled but overjoyed to hear your dog speak. The dog tells you that it has been waiting for you to learn how to care and be responsible, and now that you’ve proven yourself, it can guide you to greater things. The two of you walk back home, and you wake up feeling a deep sense of purpose, as if this dream is pushing you to take on a new challenge or responsibility in your waking life.
6. The Dog Transforms
Just as you're about to take the dog from the girls, the dog transforms into a different animal—a majestic white wolf. It looks at you with piercing eyes as if urging you to follow it. You drop the money, leaving the girls behind, and the wolf leads you on a journey through forests and mountains. You feel a powerful connection to the wolf, as if it represents a deeper aspect of yourself. When you wake up, you feel a sense of awe and mystery, as though the dream has awakened a desire for adventure or self-discovery.
Each ending offers a different perspective on the original dream's themes of connection, responsibility, and emotional growth. Which one resonates with you the most?
This dream seems to touch on themes of responsibility, emotional connection, and the tension between apathy and care. Here’s an interpretation:
Transformation and Identity: You switch between being a young man and a young woman, reflecting a fluidity in your identity or perhaps an exploration of different aspects of yourself. Being a college student, a period often associated with growth and self-discovery, suggests that the dream is linked to how you see yourself evolving or managing responsibilities.
Apathy vs. Care: In the dream, you initially feel indifferent when your dog goes missing, even going back to sleep despite knowing it’s calling out to you telepathically. This may reflect a current situation in your waking life where you’re dealing with a sense of detachment or are unsure whether you should invest your emotional energy into something or someone. Yet, despite this initial apathy, you end up going to find the dog, showing that you do care, even if you’re not sure how much at first.
Dog as a Symbol: Dogs often symbolize loyalty, companionship, and trust. In this dream, the dog’s calling you back suggests that there may be a part of your life, possibly a relationship or responsibility, that is seeking your attention. It could represent something that you’ve neglected or haven’t fully appreciated, but deep down, you know it’s important.
Parents' Advice and Self-Trust: Your parents tell you not to go after the dog, claiming it’s just your imagination. This could symbolize outside influences in your waking life, where others are advising you to ignore your instincts or feelings. However, you remain torn between following their advice and listening to your inner voice. The fact that you eventually go after the dog suggests that despite external opinions, you are inclined to follow your own intuition.
Money and Exchange: The exchange with the two girls, where they keep the 500 dollars without giving you the change, can symbolize feelings of being taken advantage of or giving more than you intended in a situation. However, you justify it by thinking they cared for the dog, indicating a willingness to let go of certain expectations when you see value in something you care about.
Happiness and Resolution: The dream ends on a happy note, with both you and the dog being overjoyed at being reunited. This suggests that even though you may be ambivalent or unsure at times, when you do follow your instincts and take responsibility, it leads to positive emotional outcomes.
In summary, the dream reflects an internal conflict between apathy and care, external advice and inner guidance, and how you deal with responsibility. It suggests that although you may initially be unsure or detached, when you do act on what matters to you, it brings fulfillment and happiness.