I dreamed that I brought two employees to my home and told them that I was moving out.
When we arrived, they asked for the Wi-Fi password. I searched for the wireless network and noticed that the name had been changed. While I was still puzzled by this, the employees asked me for the password again. I gave it to them, but they said it didn’t work. I then suggested trying my phone number, but that didn’t work either. I told them I would need to find my notes.
At that moment, my business partner, Sonny, and his younger brother came to see me, as we seemed to have some handover matters to take care of. The two employees informed them about my move, and Sonny asked me if it was true. I confirmed it.
The employees were surprised that Sonny and his brother hadn’t known about my move, as it seemed I hadn’t planned on telling them. In any case, I handed over some sorted items to them.
The employees kept asking me for the Wi-Fi password, and I told them I would look for it later—it should be saved on my phone. I did check and found an eight-digit number. I thought, "Oh! This was my company’s earliest phone number." But every time I tried to enter it as the password, I kept making mistakes and couldn’t successfully connect to the internet.
來到我家,他們說要上網,問我 Wi-Fi 密碼。我搜尋了一下無線網路,發現名字被改了。當我還在納悶時,員工又來問我密碼,我跟他們講了密碼,他們測試後回報不對。我請他們試電話號碼,也不對。我說那我得找出我的筆記才行。
此時,我的合作夥伴 Sonny 和他的弟弟來找我,好像我們有一些事情要交接。這兩個員工告訴他們我要搬走的事,Sonny 來問我,我回說對。
這兩個員工發現 Sonny 兄弟竟然不知道我要搬走這事,感到很訝異,因為好像我也沒有打算要跟他們講。總之我把一些整理出來的東西交給他們。
這兩個員工一直來問我網路密碼,我說我待會去找一下,我的手機上面應該有資料。我其實有找,看到 8 個數字,想說「喔!這是我公司以前最早期的電話號碼。」可是當我想要輸入這個密碼時,總是一直會按錯,無法順利連上網路。
1. 搬家的象徵
你告訴員工你要搬走,但合作夥伴 Sonny 和他的弟弟卻不知道,這可能暗示你在現實生活中對某些人隱瞞了重要的變化,或者你對這些變化感到不安,還未準備好完全公開。
2. Wifi 密碼的象徵
Wifi 密碼代表「連接」和「溝通」。夢中無法找到正確的密碼,可能象徵你在現實生活中感到與他人(特別是同事或合作夥伴)的溝通出現了障礙,或者你覺得自己無法順利表達內心的想法。
3. 員工的角色
員工對 Sonny 兄弟不知道你要搬走感到驚訝,這可能反映你內心的矛盾:一方面你想隱瞞某些事情,另一方面又希望他人能理解你的處境。
4. Sonny 和他的弟弟
Sonny 和他的弟弟可能代表你內心的「合作夥伴」或「支持系統」。他們來找你交接事情,可能象徵你正在處理某些未完成的事務,或者你需要在變動中找到新的平衡。
5. 無法順利輸入密碼
6. 潛意識的提示
這個夢境可能反映了你對生活中某些變化的不安和焦慮,特別是與工作、合作關係和溝通相關的部分。夢中的象徵(如搬家、Wifi 密碼、員工等)提示你需要面對這些變化,並尋找新的方式來應對挑戰。榮格心理學強調夢境是潛意識的表達,通過解析這些象徵,你可以更好地理解自己內心的需求和衝突,並找到平衡與成長的方向。
1. 搬走:改變與放手的象徵
搬家的行為意味著重大的人生轉變,通常與個人成長、職業轉變或情感終結有關。用榮格的術語來說,這可能代表了一個「個體化過程」──一個邁向自我實現新階段的運動。員工在 Sonny 之前了解到這一舉動的事實,表明你的部分心靈(以員工為代表)比其他人(Sonny 和他的兄弟)更了解這一轉變,這可能表明你存在關於將過去拋在腦後的內在衝突。
2. Wi-Fi 密碼:連線與通訊的難題
Wi-Fi 代表了與外在世界和其他人的連結(無論是字面意義還是隱喻意義)。多次嘗試連線失敗,表示維持或重建通訊有困難。網路名稱已更改這一事實,表明身份或環境發生了變化,使得先前的連接方式過時。忘記或想不起密碼,意味著在彌合過去和現在的關係方面受到挫敗,可能反映了在這個過渡階段與他人溝通的現實生活中的困難。
3. Sonny 和他的弟弟:自我的各個面向或過去的合作
Sonny 和他的弟弟可能代表你與過去的夥伴關係、責任或未完成的事業相關的部分。他們對沒有被告知的驚訝,可能反映了一種無意識的內疚感或迴避感,因為你過去的某些方面沒有得到解決。物品的移交表明了一種結束的嘗試,儘管情感上暗示著揮之不去的依戀。
4. 被遺忘的八位數:與過去不再有效的聯繫
This dream reflects themes of transition, disconnection, and unresolved communication, which can be analyzed through the lens of Jungian psychology.
1. Moving Out: A Symbol of Change and Letting Go
The act of moving signifies a major life transition, often related to personal growth, career shifts, or emotional closure. In Jungian terms, this could represent an individuation process—a movement toward a new phase of self-realization. The fact that the employees learn about the move before Sonny suggests that parts of your psyche (represented by the employees) are more aware of this transition than others (Sonny and his brother), possibly indicating an internal conflict about leaving the past behind.
2. The Wi-Fi Password: Struggles with Connection and Communication
The Wi-Fi represents a connection—both literal and metaphorical—to the outside world and to others. The repeated failed attempts to access it symbolize difficulty in maintaining or re-establishing communication. The fact that the network name has changed suggests a shift in identity or circumstances that makes previous ways of connection obsolete. Forgetting or struggling with the password implies frustration in bridging past and present relationships, possibly mirroring real-life difficulties in communicating with others during this transitional phase.
3. Sonny and His Brother: Aspects of the Self or Past Collaborations
Sonny and his brother could represent parts of yourself associated with past partnerships, responsibilities, or unfinished business. Their surprise at not being informed may reflect an unconscious feeling of guilt or avoidance about leaving certain aspects of your past unresolved. The handover of items suggests an attempt to bring closure, though the emotional undertones imply lingering attachments.
4. The Forgotten Eight-Digit Number: A Link to the Past That No Longer Works
The number being your company's earliest phone number symbolizes a deep-rooted connection to your past identity. However, the inability to input it correctly suggests that while this past holds significance, it no longer functions as a means of access in your present reality. This aligns with Jung’s idea that holding onto outdated aspects of the self can hinder progress toward individuation. The repeated failure may indicate subconscious resistance to fully embracing the new phase of life.
Conclusion: Embracing the Transition
This dream highlights an internal struggle between moving forward and remaining connected to past relationships, roles, or identities. It suggests a need to consciously acknowledge and integrate these changes—perhaps by directly addressing unresolved emotions or finding new ways to connect with those who were once significant in your life. Letting go does not mean losing everything; rather, it means evolving into a new version of yourself while recognizing the lessons and values that remain.