I dreamed that my boss resembled Arsène Lupin. He was dressed in a traditional European gentleman’s suit and wore a top hat. He had opened a high-end bedding store in Europe, and I worked there as a sales manager.
In the store, we displayed exceptionally soft and comfortable bedding and quilts. As I was introducing the products to a customer, Arsène Lupin walked in. I continued my presentation without interruption, and afterward, he complimented my English.
Later, another customer arrived, and I introduced the products in English. The customer praised the quality of our bedding and quilts. While explaining, I gently ran my hands over the fabric—it was rose-colored, smooth, shiny silk, long like a bridal gown, and very beautiful. As I stroked the bedding, I slowly walked deeper into the store.
The customer asked, "Is this fabric very light?" I replied, "Yes, it's soft and delicate." Arsène Lupin then corrected my English, pointing out that instead of saying, "It's our own brand," I should simply say, "It's our brand," as "own" was unnecessary.
As I continued walking, the customer mentioned that he was actually looking for bedding for his bedroom. I responded, "Alright." Moving further inside, where the space was larger, I began asking about his needs: "How big is the space? What size is the bed?" Eventually, I realized he needed a bed, so I started introducing our furniture.
After my introduction, the customer revealed that his bedroom was actually very large. As we walked through the store, I asked how big it was. He continued talking and then mentioned he also needed curtains. I followed up, "Is your space high-ceilinged? How tall is it?"
As our conversation went on, he suddenly admitted he had another reason for coming to us. Then, a small object fell from him and rolled to Arsène Lupin’s feet. As he reached for it, Lupin’s assistant stopped him.
The customer collapsed to the ground, appearing to have a heart attack. In the dream, I believed he was Russian. Arsène Lupin picked up the fallen object, opened it, and discovered it was a film reel.
The Russian man looked nervous, as if the reel contained classified material, and now that it was in our hands, he feared the worst.
When Arsène Lupin examined the contents, he found it contained numerous photographs of artwork. He suspected the item was dangerous and not something we should be involved with. He instructed his assistant to return the film to the Russian man. The man seemed greatly relieved.
Since he was still unwell, he remained lying on the ground. When we returned his film, he let out a deep sigh of relief. It seemed that he had been tasked with protecting it, and if we had taken it, he would have been doomed.
Then, he admitted that he had actually come to us on a mission and was originally supposed to discuss the details with us. But at that moment, another dream about a form (or document) seemed to overlap with this one in my mind.
Even though I was still standing there talking to the Russian man about our bedding, I suddenly mentioned a form. Then, I had a vision of Lee Yong-ping (former Deputy Mayor of Taipei) saying, "We already gave you the form!" Meanwhile, another voice insisted, "No, we haven’t received it!" It felt like two scenes were happening at once. One scene resembled a political talk show where the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) accused the Kuomintang (KMT) of having a certain form, and Lee Yong-ping denied it, saying, "No, we already gave it to you." The other scene was me continuing to introduce bedding to the Russian man.
Then, the dream shifted, revealing that in our industry, there was actually a confidential, unofficial form used to evaluate whether a customer could afford our high-end products. As customers asked questions, we would mentally fill out their details and score them. If they passed, we would proceed with our sales pitch. This seemed like an unwritten industry rule.
Next, my vision changed again, showing a mobile phone screen with the words "Search" in yellow with a black border. A voice told me to "search for cookies." I thought, "Wasn't it supposed to be a form? Why is it cookies now?"
The Russian customer reappeared before me, and suddenly, a voice announced, "He is running for president." Another voice added, "It's great that he is running. He’s very suitable for it."
Then, I seemed to hear my writer friend, John, talking about how difficult the "Ten Major Construction Projects" were back in the day and how we are now benefiting from their results. This was because I had just uploaded the serialized chapter of Ah-San's Story that mentioned these projects. John kept telling me, "The Ten Major Construction Projects were incredibly challenging. We are now enjoying the fruits of that effort."
In the dream, I responded to John, saying, "Right now, I'm introducing bedding to a customer, and you’re bringing up the Ten Major Construction Projects. I can’t handle two completely different topics at the same time. I need to focus on presenting the bedding storyline, and you should concentrate on developing Ah-San’s Story. Let’s work separately."
Then, the dream shifted back to the form. I had the feeling that while the form appeared blank, it was actually filled with information. Suddenly, it seemed like two parallel dream worlds were unfolding—one where I was introducing bedding to the Russian customer, and another involving the mysterious form.
Eventually, the form transformed into what looked like a cave. I had just been thinking about how to "fill out the form," but now it turned into "How do I navigate this cave?" The next thing I knew, I was inside a cave with a narrow opening. Peering out, I saw another cave across from me—earthy brown with a large black door guarded by someone. It felt like a hidden base tucked inside the mountains. Outside, the sky was blue with white clouds. I was hiding in my cave, observing them, as if preparing to infiltrate.
The scene then shifted again, focusing on the "president" wanting to move forward with his plans. He actually didn’t need to fill out the form, but we insisted he had to complete it before proceeding. It felt like a political tug-of-war between different factions.
In the end, the image of the "president" solidified in my mind—it was Lai Ching-te…
客人問「這質感很輕?」我說「對,質料柔軟細緻。」亞森羅蘋過來糾正我的英文,因為我說「It's our own brand. (這是我們自有品牌)」但他說是「It's our brand. (這是我們的品牌)」不用強調 "Own"。
我明明站在那裡和俄國人介紹我們的寢具,可是我突然提起有個表格。然後感覺我看到李永萍 (台北市前副市長),她說「我們表格早就給你啦!」旁邊又有一個聲音說「沒有啊!我們沒有收到啊!」感覺像是同時有兩個場景。一個像是《少康戰情室》節目,民進黨說國民黨有個表格,然後李永萍副市長說「沒有啊!那個表格早就給你們了。」另一個場景就是我在跟俄國人介紹寢具。
然後場景又變成我眼前出現了一個手機的畫面,上面顯示黃色黑邊 "尋找" 兩個字。有個聲音告訴我「尋找餅乾」,我心想「不是表格嗎?怎麼變成餅乾?」
然後我像聽到我的作家朋友 John 跟我說,當年十大建設是多麼不容易,然後才有今天的成果。因為我正好幫他的《阿三的故事》連載上架到《十大建設》的那個章節。John 在耳邊一直跟我說,「當年十大建設是一個多麼不容易的計劃,我們現在正在享受成果。」
在夢裡,我跟 John 說「我現在在跟客人介紹寢具,然後你又要跟我講十大建設的事情。我說我沒有辦法同時處理這兩個完全不同性質的工作。我要先專注跟客人介紹寢具的劇情發展,然後你去好好發展你《阿三的故事》的劇情,我們分頭進行。」
後來怎麼那個表格變成像是山洞。我剛剛是在講「這個表格要怎麼 "走"?」,後來變成「山洞要怎麼走?」接著我變成在一個像是山洞裡,這裡有個縫隙,我往外看,對面是一個土黃色岩石山洞,有個黑色大門,有人看守著,感覺像是一個藏在山裡面的秘密基地。外頭是藍天白雲,我藏在這山洞,監視著他們,好像準備找機會闖進去。
接著場景又變成 "總統" 想要做什麼事情,他要繼續往前走。其實他並不需要填寫這個表格,就可以走。可是好像我們要求總統一定要先完成這個表格,他的計畫才能進行。感覺我們像是朝野在拉扯。總之,總統就是只想要繼續往前走,然後我看到那個 "總統" 的形象,就是賴清德…

「十大建設工程」與 John 的角色
提到「十大建設」特別有趣,因為這是 20 世紀 70 年代台灣現實生活中的基礎建設項目。它的目的是實現國家現代化,並為經濟成長奠定基礎。儘管由於權力動態、資源分配和政治控制也存在爭議。
政治或系統限制:如果 John 參與控制對這些專案的訪問,這可能反映了你現實生活中的外部限制或官僚挑戰。你可能會覺得某些結構、規則或權威,阻礙了你的道路。
John 的角色
如果 John 是這些計畫的看門人,則表示你認為一個人(或一個機構)有權控制你前進的能力。
榮格觀點:建設計畫代表著長期的轉變,而 John 的出現則暗示著權威與個人自由之間的衝突。這可能是你的「阿尼姆斯」(內在的男性能量)影響決策,也可能反映出塑造你未來的外在社會力量。
你的夢境是尋求清晰、克服系統性障礙,並重建你的未來。手機上的「尋找」表明你正在積極尋求指導,而「十大建設」則表明你正在付出巨大的努力,來重建生活中重要的東西。然而,John 對其的控制,表明存在外部阻力,或在繼續前進之前需要獲得批准。