I dreamed that I was talking with my friend Brian about my thoughts during the later stages of my business venture.
I told him that at the time, I felt like I was under attack from all sides, struggling to pivot and transform the business. I thought I was finally about to cross that hurdle and move to the next stage, but then the pandemic hit. The financial situation was already tight, and the pandemic just made things worse, eventually leading to the business’s closure.
Brian said, being honest and hoping I wouldn’t get upset, that he had always thought my business would be hard to run and had wanted to advise me against it a few years earlier.
I replied that a few years ago was exactly when the business was making money, so who would stop at that point? But looking back now, I realize that closing it was the right decision. The changes in the overall environment—like the US-China trade war and inflation—made things worse, but a few years ago, I hadn’t sensed any of that.
Hearing my explanation, Brian agreed. He said that when he found out I decided to close the company, he was happy for me and also felt a sense of relief.
夢見我和好友 Brian 談起創業後期那段時間的想法。
Brian 說他講實話要我別生氣,當時他一直覺得我的生意很難做,幾年前就想勸我不要做了。
聽我這樣解釋,Brian 說也對。所以當他得知我決定結束公司的時候,他替我感到高興,覺得也鬆了一口氣。

與布萊恩對話:Brian 作為朋友,可能代表理性的聲音或外在的觀點,而這些是夢者在掙扎期間可能沒有考慮到的。他的誠實和對公司倒閉的寬慰,可能表明夢者的某些部分知道公司是不可持續的,儘管他們繼續前進。
Brian 的建議和事後諸葛亮:Brian 早些時候對業務的懷疑以及夢者認為關閉最終是正確決定的反思,表明事後諸葛亮的想法更加清晰。這可能意味著雖然夢者曾經相信自己的生意或冒險,但他們現在意識到放手是明智的。
最後如釋重負:Brian 在聽到關閉的消息後感到如釋重負,這可能反映了夢者自己未被承認的如釋重負的感覺。這個夢可能表明在內心深處,做夢者感覺自己已經擺脫了人生的這一章,卸下了重擔。
1. Renewed Determination
As Brian and I continue talking, he mentions that, despite the challenges, he admired my perseverance. He says that he believes if I ever want to start something new, I’ll be even more prepared this time. Hearing this, I feel a sense of renewed determination, realizing that the closure wasn’t a failure, but a valuable learning experience. I wake up with the idea that maybe I’m not done with entrepreneurship just yet.
2. Rediscovery of Self
After hearing Brian’s words, I feel a deep sense of relief wash over me. I realize that for years, I had been chasing success at the expense of my own happiness. Brian then asks me what I want to do next, but I hesitate. Instead of thinking about a new business, I start talking about the things I used to enjoy before everything became about work—painting, traveling, and spending more time with loved ones. As I wake up, I feel an inner peace, knowing that I’m rediscovering who I am beyond the world of business.
3. A Surprising Offer
After I explain my decision to close the business, Brian nods thoughtfully. Then, to my surprise, he offers a different perspective. He tells me he’s been thinking about starting something new himself, and asks if I’d consider partnering with him. The idea excites me—working with someone I trust and respect, starting fresh. As we discuss the possibilities, I wake up with a sense of excitement, feeling that perhaps the end of one chapter could lead to an unexpected opportunity for the future.
4. Acceptance and Closure
Brian listens to my explanation, and after a long pause, he says he’s proud of me for making such a tough decision. I feel the weight of his words deeply, as if they’ve granted me the permission I hadn’t known I needed—to let go. In that moment, the frustrations, the what-ifs, and the regrets fade away. I realize that closure isn’t just about ending something; it’s about making peace with the past. As I wake up, I feel a profound sense of acceptance and readiness to move on.
5. A Sudden Revelation
As Brian and I continue talking, I suddenly remember something—a forgotten idea from years ago, one that I was passionate about but never pursued because I was too busy with my business. It hits me like a bolt of lightning, and I excitedly share it with Brian. He looks at me with wide eyes, nodding in agreement, saying that it sounds like the perfect next step. I wake up filled with inspiration, eager to revisit that old idea with a fresh perspective.
Each ending shifts the tone and emotional resolution of the dream, from closure and reflection to new opportunities, creative rediscovery, or rekindled ambition.
This dream could symbolize a process of reflection and acceptance regarding past decisions, particularly in the context of business or major life endeavors. Here's a possible interpretation:
Conversation with Brian: Brian, being a friend, may represent a voice of reason or an external perspective that the dreamer may not have considered during their time of struggle. His honesty and relief at the closure of the business might suggest that some part of the dreamer knew the business was unsustainable, even though they continued pushing forward.
Feeling of being “under attack”: The dreamer's recollection of feeling under immense pressure and “attacked from all sides” could reflect the stress, struggles, and hardships they faced during that period. This may also symbolize a personal battle or conflict within themselves, trying to manage both external and internal challenges.
Pandemic as a turning point: The mention of the pandemic as the final blow hints at an uncontrollable force or external circumstance that led to the eventual downfall. This might represent life’s unpredictability and how certain things, despite best efforts, are beyond one's control.
Brian’s advice and hindsight: Brian’s earlier doubt about the business and the dreamer’s reflection that the closure was ultimately the right decision speaks to the idea of hindsight being clearer. It could signify that, while the dreamer once believed in their business or venture, they now realize that letting go was wise.
Relief at the end: Brian feeling relieved upon hearing about the closure might reflect the dreamer’s own unacknowledged sense of relief. The dream may indicate that, deep down, the dreamer feels a weight has been lifted now that they’ve moved on from that chapter of their life.
Overall, this dream may be about processing past failures or difficult decisions and coming to terms with them. It reflects a journey from stress and struggle to understanding and relief, emphasizing the importance of both external perspectives and self-awareness in personal and professional growth.