I dreamed that I rented a small shop and set it up with brand-new home decor items leftover from my previous store. I hired two girls to help me: one was my former colleague Betty, and the other seemed like a child.
Betty wanted to host a birthday party. She had a small office in the shop and wore a blue-and-white dress paired with high heels with blue ribbons. She danced exaggeratedly and asked me, "Do I look good?" I replied, "You look great!" It turned out she was brainstorming her birthday outfit.
In the next moment, Betty changed into another look, dressed like a man, and asked, "What about this?" I told her it looked good too, and if she wanted to dress as a man, adding a mustache would make it even more fun.
Later, a group of people came for the celebration, and everyone was dancing. Betty danced in circles in the middle of the room, and a little girl joined in. I noticed I was wearing a black dress with pink lace trim, standing at the entrance, watching everyone dance in a circle.
Nearby, another woman—apparently Betty's former supervisor—stood next to me. I watched Betty dance and play with the group. At one point, Betty picked up the little girl and kissed her. She spun around and stopped in front of me. I hugged Betty tightly because I found her so adorable. She gave me a quick kiss, and I kissed her back because I really liked her cheerful personality. Betty’s former supervisor stood beside us, seemingly envious of our close relationship.
Later, we were back at the shop because I was planning to return to the U.S. soon, leaving Betty to manage the store. I asked her to gather designer contacts and reach out to see if they were interested in our products. At the same time, I wanted to invite a former partner, Sonny, to visit the shop under Betty’s name.
When Sonny arrived, he was surprised by the exquisite products on display, wondering why there was such a shop. When I walked out, he realized it was mine. I explained that these items had always existed, but he hadn’t put much effort into selling them before.
I saw Betty enthusiastically introducing a pink vessel to Sonny, arranging it beautifully. I thought it should sell well.
A father came to the shop and asked if he could trade some items from his car with us. I went outside with him, and he opened his trunk, revealing a pile of children’s goods. I negotiated with him to trade them through a special purchase deal.
When I returned to the shop, I saw Sonny lounging on a recliner, asking me questions. I told him I was heading back to the U.S. soon, and Betty would be managing the shop moving forward.
As Sonny talked, he began picking at his feet. I thought, "This is so rude!" His feet smelled bad, and he was sitting on one of my brand-new recliners with his bare feet, rubbing them together as he spoke to me.
I told him, "Hey! Your feet stink! Stop doing that." Even though I said it, he kept rubbing his feet on purpose. It was so obnoxious. I thought, "This guy is hopeless," and then I woke up. Even after waking up, I could still remember how awful his feet smelled.
夢見我租了一個小店面,擺放我過去門市的一些全新家飾品存貨。我雇了兩個女生來幫我,一個是前同事 Betty,另一個像小孩子。
Betty 想辦生日宴會,她在公司有個小辦公室。她穿著藍白的小禮服,搭配藍色帶子的高跟鞋,跳著誇張的舞姿,問我好不好看。我說很好看啊!原來她在思考生日的裝扮。
一轉身,Betty 換了另外一個造型,變成像是女扮男裝,問我「這個呢?」我說這個也很好,如果要扮男生的話,我建議加個鬍子,這樣就更有意思了。
後來有一群人來參加慶生,大家都在跳舞,Betty 在場內繞圈圈,有個小女孩也跟著大家跳舞。我發現我穿著粉紅花邊的黑色小禮服,站在門口,看著大家繞圓圈跳舞。
另外有個女生,好像是 Betty 以前的主管,站在我旁邊。我看著 Betty 跟一群人跳舞,跟大家玩。Betty 把小女孩抱起來,親了一下。她繞了一圈,繞到我面前,我用力抱著 Betty ,因為我覺得她太可愛了。Betty 親了我一下,我也回親了 她一下,因為我就是很喜歡這樣活潑的女孩。Betty 的前主管在旁邊看著,好像有點羨慕我們的好關係。
後來來到我們門市,因為接下來我要回美國,就是 Betty 要幫我看店。我請 Betty 收集設計師資料,聯絡他們,看看對我們的商品是否有興趣。我同時想用 Betty 的名義,請過去的合作夥伴 Sonny 過來看。
Sonny 來到店裡,看到展示的精緻商品有些意外,想說怎麼會有這樣子的店。我走出來,他才發現原來這是我的店。我讓他知道這些商品以前就存在,可是他並沒有用心賣。
我看到 Betty 很認真的跟 Sonny 介紹一件粉紅色的器皿,她擺放得很漂亮,我想應該可以賣得不錯。
我回到店裡,看到 Sonny 坐在一張躺椅上問我事情。我跟他講我快要回美國了,以後就是 Betty 管店。
Sonny 一邊講話,一邊摳腳。我心想「這很沒水準耶!」因為他的腳很臭,坐在我要販售的全新躺椅上,光著兩隻腳在那裡互相搓啊搓,跟我講話。

1. 租用店鋪和舊庫存
2. Betty 活潑的個性和多變的服裝
Betty 代表了你自己的一部分或原型,可能是你的阿尼姆斯(榮格術語中的內在男性氣質)或你心靈中頑皮、自由奔放的一面。她不斷變化的服裝,象徵著你正在考慮的不同身份或角色的探索。男性化的偽裝和添加小鬍子的想法,表明你可以嘗試個性中非傳統或大膽的方面。
3. 跳舞和社交聚會
4. Betty 與你的親密關係
與 Betty 的擁抱和相互感情,表明了對這種活潑、創造性能量的深刻聯繫或欽佩。它可能象徵著擁抱自己的這一部分,或與同樣充滿活力的人建立更密切關係的願望。主管的嫉妒,可能代表其他人如何看待你建立有意義的聯繫的能力。
5. Sonny 和店鋪動態
Sonny 在商店裡的驚訝,表明你意識到了你過去可能被忽視或低估的能力或創造力。他作為前合夥人的角色可能象徵著過去合作中未解決的感情或衝突。 Betty 在展示產品中的角色,表明了你對委派和認可團隊合作價值的信任。
6. 父親和孩子的物品
7. Sonny 的不當行為
Sonny 的不尊重行為,反映出對那些無視你的界線或專業精神的人的沮喪。他的臭腳和蔑視,可能象徵著對你現實生活中,破壞你的努力或違反規範的人的未解決的憤怒或失望。
8. 總體主題
認同探索:Betty 有趣的角色轉變,凸顯了你對自我表達的好奇心和嘗試。
界線與尊重:Sonny 的行為強調了在互動中,設定界線並要求尊重的必要性。
過渡和授權:你返回美國並將商店留給 Betty 的計劃,象徵著繼續前進的願望,相信其他人會繼承你的過去榮耀。
你的個性中是否有某些方面,是你希望更充分地接受的,例如 Betty 的活潑?
你的生活中是否有人像 Sonny 一樣,其行為令人沮喪或不尊重?