I dreamed that my husband, child, and I went to a bookstore. Suddenly, they disappeared, and I couldn't find them.
I went downstairs in the bookstore but still couldn't see them. I had only my phone with internet access and wanted to call them, but I didn't have their phone numbers. What should I do?
I realized I was barefoot, and it started to snow. I began to panic, thinking, "Ah! I can't find them. What should I do?"
It was cold, so I walked back and forth to stay warm, constantly thinking, "How can I call them?"
Suddenly, I remembered my husband's phone number. I called him, but his friend Terry answered. Terry said my husband was doing some astrology calculations and couldn't come to the phone. I thought, "Huh? I didn't know he liked astrology." I asked Terry to tell him to call me back.
I waited a long time, but the call never came. I had only a little over 100 dollars with me. I looked around and realized I was in a place that looked like the Gongguan Night Market. I glanced down and noticed I was wearing canvas shoes. I thought, as long as I had shoes, I could walk home. It wasn't too far, even if it took me from day to night.
Then I looked down again, and my shoes had turned into Crocs.
I figured my husband was too busy to come get me. Just as I was about to walk home, I accidentally stepped in dog poop and decided to wash my shoes first.
When I was about to wash my shoes, my husband arrived. He brought me another pair of Crocs. I asked whose shoes they were, and he said they were an old pair he bought for our daughter. She never wore them, and he thought they were my size, so he brought them for me.
While I was busy washing the poop off my original shoes in the restroom, my former colleagues Tiffany and Jennifer came in to use the bathroom. I let them go first since they seemed in a hurry.
After using the restroom and washing their hands, they noticed the Crocs in the sink but didn't see the poop. I told them I was washing something.
Once I finished and was ready to go home, I met my elementary school classmate Olivia on the road. She wanted to borrow my phone to make a call. She said she wanted to use Google's incognito mode to make the call. At that moment, I thought, "I don't even know how to make a call using Google's incognito mode!"
Olivia then went to borrow my husband's phone, also asking to use incognito mode. My husband said he didn't know how to do it either.
I thought, "It doesn't matter who you call; I won't tell anyone." But she insisted on using the incognito feature.
I tried to figure it out and managed to find a way. I handed her the phone to make the call but couldn't help worrying if she might make a long-distance call.
突然記起老公的電話。我撥電話給他,是他的好友 Terry 接電話。Terry 說我老公正在算占星,無法接電話。我心想:「蛤?我怎麼不知他喜歡占星?」我請 Terry 轉告他回電給我。
可是我等了好久,電話都沒有打來。我算了一下,身上剩 100 多塊。我環顧四周,有點像是公館夜市。低頭看,突然發現腳上穿著一雙布鞋,心想有鞋就可以走回家了。反正大不了就是從白天走到晚上,走得到就對了,也沒有太遠。
當我在廁所忙著要洗掉原來鞋子上面的大便時,以前同事 Tiffany 和 Jennifer 進來要上洗手間。我想說她們上廁所比較急,先給她們用。
洗完準備回家,然後我在路上遇到小學同學 Olivia,她要跟我借手機打電話。她說她想用 Google 無痕的方式打電話。那時候我還心裡想:「我還不知道要怎麼樣用 Google 無痕方式打電話呢!」
Olivia 跑去跟我老公借手機,也是說她要用無痕的方式打電話,老公也說他不知道要怎麼弄。

Ending 1: Reconnection and Warmth
As I handed Olivia the phone, my husband walked up with our child. They had been looking for me as well and were relieved to find me. We all hugged tightly, feeling the warmth of our family bond. My husband then surprised me with a warm pair of boots and a cozy coat. We decided to go home together, laughing and chatting along the way, leaving the night market behind.
Ending 2: Magical Realization
Just as I was figuring out how to use incognito mode for Olivia, the night market transformed into a magical winter wonderland. The snowflakes sparkled like diamonds, and a gentle warmth filled the air. Suddenly, my husband and child appeared, riding a beautiful sleigh. They told me they had found a magical way to find me. We all climbed into the sleigh and enjoyed a magical ride home.
Ending 3: Self-Discovery and Independence
Olivia managed to make her call, and as I watched her, I realized how capable I had become in navigating difficult situations on my own. I decided not to wait for my husband and began my journey home alone, feeling empowered and independent. Along the way, I encountered various kind strangers who helped me, reinforcing my belief in the goodness of people and my own resilience.
Ending 4: Unexpected Help
While Olivia was making her call, a kind stranger approached me and offered me a pair of warm socks and sturdy boots, noticing my plight. He also gave me a map with directions to a nearby café where I could wait comfortably. I thanked him and followed his advice. At the café, my husband and child eventually found me, and we reunited with gratitude for the unexpected help we received.
Ending 5: Technological Solution
Just as I worried about Olivia making a long-distance call, my phone buzzed with a message from my husband. He had tracked my location using a family locator app and was on his way to pick me up. Relieved, I waited at a nearby bench. Soon, he and our child arrived, and we all headed home together, grateful for the technology that brought us back together.
Ending 6: Dream Within a Dream
As I worried about Olivia making a long-distance call, I suddenly woke up in my own bed, realizing it was all a dream. I found my husband and child peacefully sleeping beside me. The relief of finding them safe and sound made me appreciate them even more. I snuggled back into bed, feeling grateful for my family and the comfort of reality.
Each of these endings provides a different perspective and resolution to the dream, ranging from emotional reunions to empowering self-discovery and even a touch of magic.
Interpreting dreams is highly subjective and can vary based on personal experiences and emotions. However, here are some possible interpretations of the various elements in your dream:
Bookstore and Disappearance: The bookstore might symbolize a place of knowledge or personal growth. Losing your husband and child there could represent fears of losing connection with loved ones amidst personal development or new pursuits.
Barefoot and Snow: Being barefoot in the snow suggests vulnerability and discomfort. This could reflect feelings of being unprepared or exposed to challenges in your waking life.
Phone and Lack of Numbers: Not having phone numbers despite having a phone suggests a feeling of disconnection or helplessness in reaching out to those you need. It might indicate anxieties about communication or being unable to contact those you care about in times of need.
Astrology and Surprise: Learning that your husband is interested in astrology, which you were unaware of, could symbolize discovering new, unexpected aspects of people you think you know well. It may reflect feelings of surprise or realization about hidden interests or traits in your relationships.
Night Market and Limited Money: Being in a night market with limited money could symbolize feelings of financial constraint or the need to navigate your resources carefully. The night market, a bustling and often chaotic place, might represent the unpredictability of life.
Shoes Changing: The shoes changing from canvas to Crocs may indicate changing perceptions or adapting to new circumstances. It might symbolize finding comfort or practicality in unexpected ways.
Dog Poop Incident: Stepping in dog poop and needing to clean it off suggests encountering and dealing with messy or unpleasant situations in your life. It could represent the need to address minor but irritating problems.
Husband's Help and Old Shoes: Your husband bringing you old shoes for your daughter that fit you could symbolize support from loved ones, even if it's not in the form you expected. It might reflect resourcefulness and the idea that help can come from surprising places.
Colleagues and the Restroom: Encountering former colleagues in the restroom and letting them go first suggests putting others' needs before your own. It might indicate a habit of prioritizing others, even when dealing with your own issues.
Classmate and Incognito Call: Your classmate insisting on using incognito mode to make a call, even though you don't understand it, might symbolize a desire for privacy or secrecy. It could reflect concerns about trust or the need for discretion in certain aspects of your life.
Worry about Long-Distance Call: Worrying about her making a long-distance call on your phone might indicate concerns about overextending yourself or the impact of others' actions on your resources or boundaries.
Overall, the dream seems to highlight themes of vulnerability, unexpected discoveries, the need for communication, and the importance of adaptability and support. It might reflect underlying anxieties about being unprepared for challenges, discovering new aspects of relationships, and balancing personal needs with those of others.