I dreamt that I invited a group of dancers to my small apartment (not the one in Tianmu in real life). I remember my friends Leeland and Axl being there, along with some other men and women. I told everyone that we were going to Europe to perform a dance show, and we could travel around while we were there.
The schedule was tight—we were leaving early the next morning. I invited everyone over to discuss the itinerary. After hearing the plan, a few guys left. Leeland and some women stayed behind. I had invited quite a few people, but the ones I expected to come didn’t show up.
I told Leeland that we might not have enough dancers for the performance! He agreed and said that some people he thought would come didn’t show up either. Maybe everyone felt unsure about this sudden opportunity to perform in Europe. After the meeting, some people decided not to go, while others agreed to join.
Since we had to gather at the airport in the early morning, I told everyone to go home and pack quickly. I reminded them that it would be cold in Europe, giving some advice on what clothes to bring and how big their luggage should be to avoid issues at customs. After that, I was about to let everyone leave when Leeland tried to open the window and discovered a hole in the corner of the room. As he looked closer, he saw a bunch of rats, and they started scattering all over the place.
I screamed in horror. Even though they were white rats and not the usual gray or black ones, they were still rats. Big and small, they were running all over the room, terrifying some of the women, who ran out.
Leeland caught one of the rats and asked me what to do with it. I told him, ‘Don’t give it to me!’ I told him to open the window and throw the rat outside.
Since I lived on a high floor, Leeland threw the rat out the window. I leaned out to see, and it seemed like the rat had fallen to its death. So we kept catching the rats and throwing them out of the window, trying to throw them as far as we could.
I felt like I was living near Chenggong Apartments in Taipei, with an open courtyard below. I saw some people looking up at us from below, probably wondering why we were throwing rats down from above.
I asked Leeland again, ‘What are we going to do if we don’t have enough people?’ He said he had brought some male dancers who he thought would be interested, but they left after hearing the plan, which surprised him too. We still had a few female dancers, so we would have to make do.
Just then, another rat came in, and Leeland went to catch it. This rat was strange—it had a fluffy tail and was incredibly nimble, almost like a little fox, running all over the place. I thought, ‘Wow, if we leave for the trip, won’t my apartment turn into a nest of rats?’
The tricky rat was hard to catch, and Leeland couldn’t get it, so I decided to try. To my surprise, I managed to catch it right away, probably because it was too focused on running forward and didn’t notice me grab it from behind.
I panicked and asked Leeland what to do, afraid the rat might bite me. I ended up grabbing it by the tail and started swinging it in the air, thinking maybe I could knock it out. After a few swings, the rat seemed a bit dizzy.
I asked Leeland again what to do, and he said, ‘Just throw it out the window!’ I saw a corner down below where some of the other rats we had thrown lay dead. I thought it would be safe to toss it there, so I did, making sure not to hit anyone.
There were still more rats, big and small, in the apartment, so we kept catching and throwing them out the window.
I told Leeland, ‘It’s already 9 PM, and we need to meet at the airport at 1 AM. We don’t have much time left.’ I asked him if three to four hours would be enough to pack, and he said it would be fine. I told everyone to hurry home, pack, and remember to bring warm clothes because it would be snowing there.
In the dream, I was wearing a suede coat in a dusty yellow color with a furry blue-hooded jacket underneath, so I had two layers. I thought, ‘With this long coat and the short jacket, plus a few more clothes, I’ll be all set.’
One of the female dancers came up to me and said she had never traveled abroad before and didn’t know how to get to the airport. I told her, ‘We’ll meet at the “Taoyuan Airport Immigration Office.” Just tell the taxi driver.’
Suddenly, the scene changed, and I was standing at the entrance of the immigration office. It didn’t quite look like what I remembered Taoyuan Airport to be. I specifically looked at a sign hanging at the entrance, which said ‘Immigration Office.’ There was a police officer at the door, so I went over and asked him to confirm that this was the exit for departures. He said it was.
Then the scene shifted back to my apartment. I told the female dancer, ‘I’ve confirmed the meeting spot, so I’ll wait for you at the entrance. We can check in together, so you won’t get lost.’ She seemed much more relieved. I told her to hurry home and pack, and we’d meet at the airport at 1 AM.
Suddenly, I remembered that before the meeting, Leeland had said he had a gift for me. At that moment, music started playing, and the male dancers Leeland had invited suddenly whipped off their shirts and performed a special dance to music I loved.
I was completely surprised and delighted. Leeland said it was a birthday gift for me. As they danced, I joined in, and we all danced together, singing and dancing like we were in a musical. I was so happy, feeling that Leeland was so thoughtful for remembering my birthday and organizing this performance with dancers to dance to my favorite music, and I even got to join them.
It felt like a musical, with us running through different scenes, singing and dancing to the music, and having the time of our lives!
In the end, Leeland asked me some questions about the dance details, and we continued discussing things. I checked the time and told him to hurry home and pack, or we’d run out of time.
夢見我約了一群舞者到我的小套房 (不是現實生活中天母的小套房)。我記得有朋友 Leeland 和 Axl,還有一些男男女女。我跟大家說,我們要去歐洲表演跳舞,順便可以旅遊。
行程很趕,隔天凌晨就要出發。我約大家來我家討論一下行程。幾個男生聽完行程後就走了。Leeland 和幾個女生還在。其實我約了不少人,可是我以為會來的都沒來。
我跟 Leeland 說跳舞表演的人數可能不夠耶!他說對啊,有些人他以為會來也沒來。可能大家對於這種突發的歐洲表演機會,感到半信半疑。反正開會後有些人決定不去,有些人決定去。
因為我們凌晨就要到機場集合,我要大家趕快回家整理行李。歐洲天氣冷,我大概講一下要準備什麼樣的衣服,行李要多大才不會卡在海關。交待完畢,準備要放大家走。Leeland 想要打開窗,發現房間角落有一個洞,走過去看,竟然有一堆老鼠,開始到處亂竄。
Leeland 抓到一隻老鼠,問我怎麼辦。我說:「你不要給我啊!」我叫他打開窗,把老鼠往窗外丟出去。
因為我住在很高的樓,Leeland 把老鼠往窗外丟出去。我伸頭出去看,感覺好像老鼠摔死了。所以我們繼續抓老鼠,然後甩到窗外,儘量甩遠一點。
我繼續問 Leeland:「人不夠,怎麼辦?」他說他找了一些男舞者過來,以為他們對這行程會有興趣,可是沒想到他們聽完就走了,他也覺得有點訝異。反正還有幾位女舞者,只能先這樣了。
又看到老鼠進來,Leeland 就去抓老鼠。這隻老鼠好奇怪,牠有毛絨絨的尾巴,非常刁鑽,有點像是小狐狸,到處跑來跑去。我心想:「哇塞,那我們出國這段期間,我家不是成了鼠窩?」
這隻刁鑽的老鼠很會跑,Leeland 抓半天沒抓到,我想說我來!然後我伸手一抓,想不到就抓到這隻了。大概牠只顧往前跑,沒想到我從牠的背後抓住牠。
我驚慌地問 Leeland 怎麼辦,我很怕老鼠會反咬我。後來我乾脆抓著牠的尾巴,在天空甩來甩去,想說先把牠甩昏再說。老鼠被我用力甩了幾下,真的有點昏了。
我再問 Leeland 怎麼辦,他說:「就往窗外丟啊!」我看到樓下有個角落,看起來好像有幾隻我們甩下去老鼠的屍體。我想說好,我也往那邊丟過去,這樣子就不會打到路人。
我跟 Leeland 說,現在已經是晚上 9 點,我們凌晨 1 點要在機場集合,時間不多了。我問他三四個小時整理行李來得及嗎?他說好。我要大家趕快回家整理行李,記得帶保暖衣物,因為那邊會下雪。
場景又變回我在我的小套房。我跟這女舞者說:「我確認集合地點沒錯,我會在入口等妳,我們就可以一起 Check in ,這樣子妳就不會迷路了。」她看來放心多了。我叫她趕快回家整理行李,一點鐘機場集合。
突然想起夢境前半段要開會之前,Leeland 說他有個禮物要送我。此時音樂響起,他約的那幾個男舞者,突然就 "咻" 地把上衣脫了。他們集體跳了一個很特別的舞,搭配我很喜歡的音樂。
完全出乎意料,我感到驚喜。Leeland 說這是送給我的生日禮物。他們跳,我加入他們一起跳,感覺像是音樂劇,邊唱邊跳。我很開心,覺得 Leeland 對我還蠻好的,還會記得我的生日,安排這些舞者,跳我喜歡的舞,然後我也可以一起跟著跳。
總之後來 Leeland 又問我一些舞蹈的細節,我們繼續討論。我看一看時間,我叫他趕快回去整理行李,不然的話會來不及。

1. 計劃與焦慮
2. 控制與不確定性問題
3. 支持和關係
Leeland 的存在:Leeland 似乎是你夢境中的關鍵人物。他幫你捉老鼠,討論旅行細節,甚至給你一份生日禮物給你驚喜。這表明他代表著一種支持性的存在,是即使在有壓力的情況下也可以依靠的人。他似乎在幫助你解決實際問題(老鼠)和情感時刻(生日驚喜),這可能反映了你生活中一個真正的人,他給你帶來了穩定和快樂。
4. 創造力和快樂
5. 為新篇章做準備
6. 不確定性與探索
然而,在壓力之中,也有以 Leeland 和舞蹈為代表的歡樂和支持。這表明,雖然生活有時可能會很混亂,但也有值得慶祝的時刻,有人會在那裡提供幫助。這個夢境鼓勵你腳踏實地,為即將到來的挑戰做好準備,並記住即使在壓力下,也要找到快樂和創造力。
1. The Peaceful Ending: Harmony Restored
As you and Leeland continue to catch the rats and throw them out the window, you suddenly realize that the remaining rats aren’t running away in panic—they’re calmly gathering in one spot. Intrigued, you approach them and notice they aren’t ordinary rats but are turning into little white doves. The room becomes peaceful, filled with soft cooing as the doves flutter around you. Leeland smiles and says, “Looks like the chaos is over.” With all the worries behind you, you sit down and finalize the travel plans with ease. Everyone who initially left returns, eager to join the trip. You head off to Europe, where the performance goes flawlessly, and your journey is filled with laughter and discovery.
2. The Heroic Ending: You Save the Day
As you struggle with catching the final tricky rat, you get an idea. Instead of throwing it out the window, you open a small door in the corner of your room that you hadn’t noticed before. It leads to a hidden chamber filled with old, magical objects. You find a glowing lantern and use it to gently lure the rats into the chamber. Once inside, the rats transform into golden coins. Leeland looks astonished and says, “You’ve uncovered a hidden fortune!” With the newfound wealth, you easily fund your European trip, hiring more dancers and securing luxurious accommodations. The performance in Europe turns out to be an extravagant success, and you come home celebrated as a hero.
3. The Dreamlike Ending: A Surreal Turn
As you continue to toss the rats out the window, you suddenly realize that the rats are floating back up into the sky, transforming into clouds of shimmering stardust. The entire room begins to shift, and your small apartment grows into an expansive ballroom, filled with all the dancers who had left earlier. You, Leeland, and the others are no longer just preparing for a trip—you’re already in Europe, dancing in a grand palace. The walls are made of glass, revealing a breathtaking view of snowy mountains and starry skies. It becomes clear that you’re in a dream within a dream, and the performance is part of a grand, celestial dance. You lose yourself in the music and the moment, fully immersed in joy and wonder.
4. The Empowering Ending: Finding Your Strength
Just as the rats start overwhelming you, you suddenly remember that you have a can of paint spray in your bag. You spray the room, and as the mist settles, the rats freeze in place and slowly vanish. The room is spotless, and a sense of calm washes over you. Leeland looks at you in admiration and says, “You handled that like a pro.” With everything resolved, you realize you’ve been letting other people’s decisions affect your confidence. This newfound empowerment fills you with energy. You gather the remaining dancers, and you all head to the airport early, perfectly prepared for the European trip. The performance becomes not only a success but a breakthrough moment for you, as you realize your own leadership and inner strength.
5. The Mysterious Ending: A Hidden Message
As you and Leeland catch the final rat, you notice something strange—the rat is wearing a tiny golden collar with a tag. Curious, you take a closer look and read the tag: “The answer lies within.” Leeland suggests you look around the apartment for clues. As you search, you find an old, dusty journal hidden in a drawer. Inside, there are sketches of dancers, travel plans, and a mysterious map leading to a place in Europe. You realize that the trip you’re planning isn’t just for a performance—it’s part of a larger puzzle. Intrigued, you and the dancers head to Europe, not only for the show but to uncover a hidden mystery that could change your lives forever.
6. The Reflective Ending: A Message from Within
Just as you’re about to catch the last rat, it stops, stands up on its hind legs, and looks directly into your eyes. You’re shocked when it begins to speak: “The chaos in this room is only a reflection of the chaos inside you.” Leeland steps back, equally surprised. The rat continues, “You don’t need to chase us away. You need to calm the storm within yourself.” You sit down and take a deep breath. As you do, the rats vanish, and the room becomes serene. You realize that the dream wasn’t about external problems, but about the inner turmoil you’ve been feeling. Feeling lighter and clearer, you and Leeland finalize the trip plans effortlessly. You head to Europe with a renewed sense of purpose, ready to embrace the adventure without fear or doubt.
7. The Whimsical Ending: A Playful Twist
Just when you think the rats are gone, the tricky one with the fluffy tail turns into a mischievous little sprite. “You thought you could get rid of me that easily?” it teases, giggling as it flies around the room. Instead of being scared, you start laughing at the absurdity of the situation. Leeland joins in, and together you chase the sprite, not with fear but with playful determination. Eventually, the sprite gives up and says, “Alright, alright, you win!” and disappears in a puff of smoke. The room fills with golden light, and a magical wardrobe appears. Inside, you find beautiful costumes for the trip, perfect for the snowy European adventure. With everything magically resolved, you feel lighthearted and ready for the journey ahead, filled with laughter and spontaneity.
Each of these alternate endings changes the tone of your dream, offering different outcomes and insights based on the themes of control, support, creativity, and personal growth.
This dream seems to reflect several themes and emotions that could be connected to both your personal life and subconscious thoughts. Let’s break it down:
1. Planning and Anxiety
Plotting a Trip to Europe: You’re organizing a spontaneous trip with a group of people, which suggests an eagerness for adventure and new experiences. However, the rush and last-minute nature of the trip reflect a certain level of anxiety or pressure. Perhaps you feel overwhelmed by the speed of certain developments in your life or by the weight of responsibilities.
People Not Showing Up: This could symbolize feelings of disappointment or fear of being unsupported by those around you. You may feel like you're putting effort into something important, but not everyone is as committed or engaged as you expected.
2. Issues of Control and Uncertainty
Rats Running Around: The rats, while white (which may indicate they aren’t entirely harmful or negative), still cause distress. Rats often symbolize unwanted problems or issues that feel out of control. The fact that you’re trying to catch them could represent a struggle to regain control or deal with persistent, nagging problems in your waking life. The fear of your apartment becoming a "rat’s nest" might suggest worries about your personal space or environment being compromised while you're away or busy with other things.
Throwing Rats Out the Window: This action shows your desire to get rid of problems quickly, perhaps in a way that isn’t entirely well-thought-out but still effective in the moment. It might also indicate frustration with recurring issues that need to be dealt with continuously.
3. Support and Relationships
Leeland’s Presence: Leeland appears to be a key figure in your dream. He helps you with catching rats, discusses the trip details, and even surprises you with a birthday gift. This suggests he represents a supportive presence, someone you can rely on even in stressful situations. He seems to be helping you navigate both practical issues (the rats) and emotional moments (the birthday surprise), which may reflect a real person in your life who provides both stability and joy.
Others Leaving: Some people leave after hearing about the trip, indicating that not everyone is on board with your plans or ideas. This could represent feelings of abandonment or concern about people not sticking around when things get tough.
4. Creativity and Joy
The Dance Performance and Birthday Surprise: This part of the dream is joyful and celebratory, with dancing, singing, and a sense of being appreciated. It could symbolize your need for recognition, celebration, or a desire for more creativity in your life. The dance feels spontaneous and fun, which contrasts with the earlier stress and anxiety. It’s as if your subconscious is reminding you that even in difficult times, joy and connection with others are still possible.
Musical-Like Experience: The dream turning into a musical reflects a sense of harmony and unity, showing that there is a potential for joy and collaboration in your life if you open yourself up to it. It might also represent a wish for things to come together effortlessly, like a well-choreographed performance.
5. Preparation for a New Chapter
Packing for the Trip: The act of packing and reminding others to bring warm clothes for the snow suggests you are preparing for a new phase or journey in life. However, the fact that time is running short shows that you may feel under-prepared or rushed in some way.
Fear of Missing the Flight: This reflects your anxiety about timing, readiness, and possibly missing out on important opportunities. You want to ensure everything is in order before you embark on something new.
6. Uncertainty and Exploration
Not Knowing How to Get to the Airport: The female dancer asking for help in getting to the airport could represent feelings of uncertainty about how to navigate through upcoming transitions or changes. The fact that you reassure her indicates that you have the ability to guide others, even when you’re dealing with your own uncertainties.
Overall Interpretation:
This dream seems to reflect a mixture of anxiety, control, creativity, and support in your life. The rats symbolize challenges or persistent problems that feel overwhelming but manageable with effort. The chaotic atmosphere of the dream reflects internal or external pressures, possibly related to planning, responsibilities, or fear of being unprepared for the future.
However, amidst the stress, there is also joy and support, represented by Leeland and the dancing. This suggests that while life may be chaotic at times, there are moments of celebration and people who will be there to help. The dream is encouraging you to stay grounded, prepare well for upcoming challenges, and remember to find joy and creativity even in the midst of stress.