I dreamed that my younger brother, Adolf, took me to a fitness classroom, saying we could work out together. The coach was the actor Yun Chung-Yueh, still with his signature beard but visibly older.
The coach demonstrated exercises on a platform, in front of which was a U-shaped bar counter. From the platform, I looked down and saw that most of the participants were men, with only a few women seated in the back corner.
Yun Chung-Yueh looked thinner and older, but his movements remained agile. He even taught us yoga. Some of the poses were ones I often practiced at home, but in the dream, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't do them — my legs felt sore. I thought to myself, "That must mean the workout is working!"
After the session, the coach explained something to the class. I noticed that everyone was holding a potted plant in a transparent container. I had planted red beans, and they looked beautiful. Adolf raised his hand to ask a question about his green bean plant, which had a pest problem hidden inside the glass container.
From the outside, his plant looked healthy, but when the coach used a magnifying glass to inspect it, I saw many small white worms hidden inside. I felt relieved that my plant had no such issues — until the coach used the magnifying glass on mine. What I thought were bean sprouts were actually white worms' heads poking out.
I saw only two or three worms, not as many as Adolf's plant, but it was disheartening. I had been so proud of how perfect my plant looked, only to find out it was also infested. I realized if I didn't deal with the worms quickly, they would multiply like in Adolf's plant and ruin the entire pot. I immediately grabbed the magnifying glass and began picking out the worms.
As I prepared to leave the gym, I put on my high heels, which I had taken off upon entering. Walking down the street, I crossed the road and suddenly realized I was wearing the wrong pair of heels. I went back to the gym to search for my shoes.
At the entrance, I explained that I was looking for my shoes. There were several pairs of similar-looking high heels, but I wanted to find mine — cream-colored with crisscrossed satin ribbons in the front. Some people helped me search, repeatedly asking, "Is this your pair?" or "How about this one?" But none of them were mine.
Finally, I found my shoes. Someone nearby asked, "Are you sure these are yours?" because so many pairs looked alike. I carefully checked to confirm that both shoes matched and were indeed mine.
I left the gym again, walking under the blazing midday sun, carrying my pot of red beans. I thought about how I had crushed the worms I removed, making sure they were dead. But as I walked, I kept wondering — had I really only seen two or three worms? Could there be more hidden inside the plant? Adolf's pot had been full of worms. The coach had only found a few in mine — what if there were others he hadn't seen?
Earlier, I had been so satisfied, thinking my plant was flawless. But now that I knew there were worms, I couldn't shake the feeling that there must be more. I began to worry that if I waited until I got home to deal with them, the infestation would grow even worse.
夢見弟弟 Adolf 帶我來到一個健身房教室裡,說我們可以一起健身。教練是演員雲中岳,他還是留著鬍子,可是他變老了。
活動結束,教練在講解。此時我發現每個人手上都有一盆植物,種在透明容器裡。我看到我種了紅豆,我的這一盆紅豆長得很漂亮。Adolf 舉手發問,他那一盆是綠豆,可是有蟲害的問題,隱藏在他種的那個玻璃缸裡面。
我看到兩三隻蟲,雖不多,不像 Adolf 那盆有一大堆蟲,但原本我以為我這一盆長得很完美,想不到也有蟲,讓我好難過。我心想如果不趕快來處理蟲的問題的話,就會像 Adolf 那盆一樣,蟲變得越來越多,這樣整盆就報廢了。總之我就拿起放大鏡,趕快把蟲挑出來。
可是我邊走邊想,剛才只有看到兩三隻蟲,可是真的只有兩三隻嗎?會不會還有蟲隱藏在植物裡面?Adolf 那一盆裡面就有很多蟲。教練說我這盆只有兩三隻蟲,會不會只是沒有看到?

1. 弟弟 Adolf 和健身房
Adolf:在夢中,弟弟 Adolf 帶你進入健身房,可能象徵你內在的某個面向或陰影部分。Adolf 可能是你內在的某個「引導者」或「挑戰者」,幫助你進入一個需要「鍛鍊」的空間。
2. 教練雲中岳
3. 植物與蟲害
蟲害:蟲象徵潛在的問題、負面情緒或未被察覺的陰影。夢中你發現自己的紅豆也有蟲,可能反映你對自己內在問題的覺醒。Adolf 的綠豆有更多蟲,可能暗示你對他人(或自己某部分)的擔憂。
4. 高跟鞋與鞋子
5. 太陽與正午
6. 整體解析
7. 建議
整合陰影:Adolf 和蟲害可能代表你內在的陰影部分,試著理解並整合這些部分,而不是壓抑或忽略它們。