I dreamed that I saw a young boy with severe nearsightedness suddenly put on his new glasses. The moment he did, he gasped in amazement, exclaiming, "Wow!" as his eyes darted around, curiously taking in everything. There were a few people nearby, possibly teachers, and it seemed like someone had sponsored his glasses.
The setting resembled a school cafeteria kitchen because I saw several multi-tiered metal racks on wheels, the kind used for serving food. I crouched down and looked through the gaps between the racks, spotting the boy. But then, all of a sudden, I had the strange feeling that the boy had turned into a small tabby cat. Regardless, I kept hearing his excited "Wow!" as he eagerly looked around.
Then, the scene shifted. I was practicing to get a license for an electric unicycle—apparently, such a license was required. I was on the road, training, and stopped at an intersection. My instructor told me to turn right, saying that there were fewer cars on that road and that I should avoid the main street for now.
After turning right, I kept going. It was a narrow alley, with temporary metal fencing on the right side, like the kind used at construction sites.
I continued riding until I reached a traffic light. I heard my instructor reminding me to yield to pedestrians and telling me that we would be making a left turn soon—he had to meet an investor named Jim. I actually knew Jim. During the pandemic, I had pitched my company to him, hoping for an investment, but it didn’t work out.
As I moved into the left-turn lane, preparing to turn, my instructor suddenly told me to go straight instead. However, I had already positioned myself in the left-turn lane and had my signal on. In the end, I decided to complete the left turn first, then find a safe spot to make a U-turn back to the original route. But now, I found myself on the opposite side of the road.
I kept riding forward and eventually saw my instructor talking to Jim. Jim seemed a little surprised to see me and asked, "You’re here?"
I replied, "Yeah!" and told him that I had closed my company.
He explained that the last time we met, it was during the pandemic, and he couldn’t invest recklessly at the time. I reassured him, saying, "It’s okay, I understand!" Then, I stood aside, waiting while Jim and my instructor continued their conversation…
這場景像是在學校餐廳的廚房裡,因為我看到很多那種像要出菜用,下面有輪子的多層鐵架。我彎下身,透過隔層,看到小男孩。可是這時候,我又突然覺得這男孩是隻小花貓。總之,我就一直聽到他 "哇" 的驚嘆聲,滿懷好奇地東張西望。
我繼續前進,來到一個紅綠燈路口,聽到教練叫我要先禮讓行人,待會我們要左轉,他要去找投資人 Jim。我其實認識 Jim,疫情期間,我曾向他公司簡報,希望他們能投資我的公司,但沒有成。
我繼續移動,後來看到教練和 Jim 在講話。Jim 看到我有點訝異,問我「你現在在這裡?」我說「對呀!」我告訴他我結束公司了。
他和我解釋上次見面是疫情期間,他不能貿然投資。我說「沒關係,這我都懂!」後來我在旁邊等著,讓 Jim 和我的教練繼續交談…

1. 小男孩與眼鏡:自我覺醒與新視角
2. 學校餐廳與廚房:集體無意識與滋養
3. 電動獨輪車與教練:自我控制與方向
4. Jim 與投資:失敗與接納
Jim 的角色和投資的情節可能與夢者過去的事業或人生選擇有關。疫情期間的失敗投資可能象徵夢者在某個階段的挫折或未實現的期望。夢中 Jim 的解釋(「不能貿然投資」)和夢者的回應(「沒關係,這我都懂!」)可能反映夢者已經接納了過去的失敗,並從中獲得了某種釋然或智慧。
5. 方向與道路:人生選擇與個體化
這個夢境可能反映了夢者正在經歷一個自我覺醒和整合的過程。從小男孩的新視角到獨輪車的練習,再到與 Jim 的對話,夢者似乎在探索自己的內在世界,並試圖接納過去的失敗與挫折。這個過程與榮格的「個體化」理論相符,即通過整合內在的對立面(如成功與失敗、理性與直覺)來實現更完整的自我。夢中的各種象徵(眼鏡、貓、教練、道路)都在提示夢者需要更多的自我覺察、耐心和接納,以實現內在的平衡與成長。
🔹 榮格解析:男孩可以代表你自己年輕或無意識的部分,最終「看清」事物。也許最近的經歷或內省,讓你對過去的掙扎有了新的視角,尤其是關於你的事業和個人旅程。
🔹 變成貓:男孩突然變成一隻花貓,這顯示他的適應能力和獨立性。夢中的貓通常象徵直覺、自給自足,或超越顯而易見的事物的能力。這可能表明你新發現的清晰性,正在引導你走向更大的獨立性,或以不同的方式看待你的過去。
🔹 講師的角色:教練代表一個內在的指導者或權威人物,幫助你駕馭改變。然而,當他突然改變指示時——告訴你直走而不是向左走——就會帶來混亂和對決策的外部影響。
🔹 榮格解析:這可能反映了你在遵循外在建議,和相信自己的直覺之間的掙扎。你已經決定左轉(你已經計劃好的路徑),但外部方向引起了猶豫。然而,你還是掉頭適應了。這表示你有韌性——你可能會走彎路,但你會找到糾正路線的方法。
遇見 Jim:回顧過去並接受
Jim 代表了你過去未解決的部分——你的創業抱負和未能獲得投資的失望。你的夢境把他帶回來,不是作為一個障礙,而是作為一個提供解釋和結束的人。
🔹 Jim 的反應:他看到你時的驚訝,可能表明你的一部分正在意外地重溫這一章。他不投資的理由(「那是疫情期間」),表明外部環境,而不是個人失敗,在過去的結果中發揮了作用。
🔹 你的回應(「我理解!」):這一刻意味著接受和情感的終結。它表明你不再懷有怨恨或遺憾,而是承認一切都按其必然的方式展開。
這個夢境反映了一個整合的過程——你正在獲得新的清晰度(以男孩的眼鏡為象徵),探索新的道路(電動獨輪車),遇到彎路(令人困惑的指示),並接受過去的經歷(遇見 Jim)。
✅ 你正在發展一種新的方式,來看待自己和你的旅程。
✅ 過去的失敗不再是負擔,而是教訓。
✅ 即使方向不明確,你也會積極適應變化。
✅ 你正在學習相信自己的直覺,同時仍樂於接受指導。
Here are four alternate endings for your dream, each emphasizing different themes: empowerment, reconciliation, clarity, and transformation.
1. Empowerment: Taking Control of Your Own Path
As Jim and the instructor talk, you suddenly realize that you don’t need their approval or validation. You get back on your electric unicycle, feeling a newfound sense of freedom. Instead of waiting for their conversation to end, you ride forward, confidently exploring a new direction. The road ahead is open, and for the first time, you truly enjoy the journey—no longer seeking permission to move forward.
🔹 Symbolism: Instead of looking to the past for closure, you claim your independence and focus on your own path.
2. Reconciliation: Finding Common Ground with Jim
Jim listens to your story, then pauses and says, “You know, I’ve been thinking a lot about what you presented back then. I didn’t invest, but I never forgot your vision.” He takes a deep breath and asks, “Are you still working on something now?”
Surprised, you nod. Instead of rejection, you sense a new opportunity—this time, not as a struggling entrepreneur, but as someone on equal footing.
🔹 Symbolism: The past doesn't have to be a failure—it can be the foundation for new possibilities.
3. Clarity: Seeing the Past in a New Light
As you stand by, watching Jim and your instructor talk, you suddenly see them through the same fresh perspective as the nearsighted boy with his new glasses. The restaurant racks, the boy, the cat—everything in your dream flashes before you, and you realize:
🌟 It was never about external validation—it was about how you see yourself.
With this awareness, the dream world starts to dissolve. You wake up, feeling lighter, as if a weight from your past has finally lifted.
🔹 Symbolism: This ending mirrors the boy’s discovery—true vision comes from within.
4. Transformation: A Symbolic Leap Forward
As Jim and your instructor continue talking, you feel an impulse—a deep knowing. Instead of standing still, you step onto your unicycle and accelerate, heading straight into an unknown path.
The road changes beneath you, transforming into a floating bridge of light suspended in the sky. Below, the past—your closed business, old regrets—fades into the distance. Ahead, a vast horizon of possibilities stretches before you.
🔹 Symbolism: By trusting yourself and embracing the unknown, you transcend the limitations of the past.
This dream contains several symbolic elements that reflect themes of perception, transformation, direction in life, and past aspirations. Let’s analyze it using Jungian psychology:
1. The Nearsighted Boy and His Glasses: Clarity and New Perspectives
The young boy with severe nearsightedness suddenly gaining clear vision symbolizes a shift in perception. His amazement at the world suggests a newfound awareness or realization. The fact that someone sponsored his glasses may imply that external help or guidance has contributed to this clarity.
🔹 Jungian Interpretation: The boy could represent a younger or unconscious part of yourself that is finally "seeing" things clearly. Perhaps recent experiences or introspection have given you a fresh perspective on your past struggles, especially regarding your business and personal journey.
🔹 Transformation into a Cat: The boy’s sudden transformation into a small tabby cat suggests adaptability and independence. Cats in dreams often symbolize intuition, self-sufficiency, or an ability to see beyond the obvious. This could indicate that your newfound clarity is leading you toward greater independence or a different way of perceiving your past.
2. The Electric Unicycle and the Instructor: Navigating Change
The transition to practicing for an electric unicycle license suggests learning to balance and move forward in a new way. Since electric unicycles are unconventional and require skill, this could symbolize your attempt to master a new, unfamiliar path in life—perhaps related to your current creative and dream-related projects.
🔹 Instructor’s Role: The instructor represents an inner guide or authority figure helping you navigate changes. However, when he suddenly changes instructions—telling you to go straight instead of left—it introduces an element of confusion and external influence on decision-making.
🔹 Jungian Interpretation: This may reflect your struggle between following external advice and trusting your own instincts. You were already committed to the left turn (a path you had planned), yet external direction caused hesitation. However, you still adapted by making a U-turn. This suggests resilience—you may encounter detours, but you find ways to correct your course.
3. Meeting Jim: Revisiting the Past and Acceptance
Jim represents an unresolved piece of your past—your entrepreneurial aspirations and the disappointment of not securing investment. Your dream brings him back, not as an obstacle, but as someone offering an explanation and closure.
🔹 Jim’s Reaction: His surprise at seeing you could indicate that a part of you is revisiting this chapter unexpectedly. His reasoning for not investing ("it was during the pandemic") shows that external circumstances, not personal failure, played a role in the past outcome.
🔹 Your Response ("I understand!"): This moment signifies acceptance and emotional closure. It suggests that you no longer hold resentment or regret, but rather acknowledge that everything unfolded as it had to.
Overall Interpretation: Integration and Moving Forward
This dream reflects an integration process—you are gaining new clarity (symbolized by the boy’s glasses), navigating new paths (electric unicycle), encountering detours (confusing instructions), and coming to terms with past experiences (meeting Jim).
At its core, this dream suggests:
✅ You are developing a new way of seeing yourself and your journey.
✅ Past failures are no longer burdens but lessons.
✅ You are actively adapting to change, even when directions are unclear.
✅ You are learning to trust your own instincts while still being open to guidance.
This aligns with your ongoing process of rebuilding your dreams and projects. While doubts and detours may arise, this dream reassures you that you are on the right path—seeing things more clearly, adapting, and embracing growth.