I dreamed that there was a widower in our circle of friends, and they were trying to match us up.
I went to his house and met his two kids, who were in college. We sat on the floor and chatted, and they told me about how they interacted with their father. They said he loved playing video games and was quite smart; unless he wanted you to, no one could beat him.
I felt like he was still mourning his late wife. My friends comforted me, telling me to continue looking after him, and that he would naturally grow accustomed to having me around.
This man hosted a party in memory of his wife, and the venue was filled with commemorative elements. My friends privately arranged a scenario where, before the party ended and emotions peaked, it turned into our wedding party. They would place the components of a ring set inside a small box, and he would open it before the party ended, see the rings, and propose to me. My friends had me wear one part of the ring set beforehand.
Throughout the event, the man was only focused on remembering his wife, and the atmosphere was somber. My friends worked hard to try to change the mood to a happier one.
When he opened the ring box, he immediately accused me of being involved. I was heartbroken as I admitted, "I know you never thought of marrying me."
I took off the ring component on my hand and threw it towards him, then walked towards the door. I hoped he would come after me, but he was too angry, convinced that my friends and I had conspired to deceive him, and he didn't follow.
As I walked towards the exit, I glanced around. The entire venue was decorated with lights, all elements his late wife loved. I realized then that there was no place for me in his heart.
I cried outside the door, and my friend came to comfort me. I saw a knitting craft shop next to the venue, teaching people how to knit sweaters. I thought about how much I enjoyed knitting and learning to knit sweaters might help me forget this heartbreak, so I went to the shop to learn more details.
I returned to the venue's entrance and continued to cry. I saw my friend Irene hastily passing by with a suitcase. Journalists approached her, asking for her opinion on the matter. Irene said she believed I had the ability to handle things satisfactorily.
I still felt heartbroken. I loved someone who didn't love me back, despite all I had done for him. He only mourned his late wife, and there was no place for me in his heart.
I lamented that the wedding I had hoped for never came to pass.
我再度回到會場門口繼續哭。看到好友 Irene 拖著行李箱,從我面前匆匆經過。有記者前去訪問她,問她對這事的看法。Irene 說相信我有能力把事情處理圓滿。