I dreamt that I was about to take a taxi with someone who felt like a friend, though I didn’t actually know who he was.
This friend was holding a box that seemed to be filled with valuable items. When we got into the taxi, my friend started telling the driver about the valuables inside the box. I didn’t understand why he would say such a thing, and I got the sense that the driver might have had bad intentions. Since I was getting out of the taxi first, I was worried about my friend’s safety. Before I got out, I made sure to let the driver know I had taken note of his details, warning him that if anything happened to my friend, I would know it was his doing.
The scene then shifted, and I was in another car with my good friend Grace and another friend, Brian. The car was being driven by yet another friend, Bao. The steering wheel of the car looked like a video game controller.
At some point, Bao got out, and Brian took over driving, deliberately showing off to be cool. The car itself seemed expensive, but Brian could afford it. We were driving down Hengyang Road in Taipei and stopped at a red light at an intersection. Brian wanted to turn left and drop me off there.
In the dream, it seemed I owned a restaurant, but running it was exhausting and very difficult. Despite that, I was planning to expand to the southern region of Taiwan. In the car, both Grace and Brian expressed their doubts about this plan, pointing out how tired I already was from dealing with staffing issues.
Deep down, I understood their concerns and knew they had a point. However, I felt stuck, like there was no turning back—the restaurant was already open, and the southern expansion was underway. When I opened a map, I noticed that there was also a place called "Neihu" in the south, marked in a special way.
In the dream, I seemed to have a business partner—an idealistic young man. He had originally opened a shop in Taipei’s Neihu District to promote Taiwanese tourism. Later, we partnered up to open a branch in the south. Interestingly, the city where the branch was located had even renamed itself "Neihu" for this purpose. It seemed he also understood how challenging it was to manage people.
In the dream, I felt quite sympathetic toward him, but it also felt like I was sympathizing with myself.
然後場景變成我和好友 Grace 在另一位朋友 Brian 的車上,開車的另一位朋友 Bao。
這車子有著像電玩搖控器的方向盤。車子開一開,Bao 下車,換 Brian 開,他就故意在耍酷。這車子好像很貴,反正 Brian 也買得起。
車子開在台北衡陽路上,來到一個叉路,紅燈停下來,Brian 想要左轉,然後讓我下車。
夢裡我好像有開一家餐廳,但做得很累,很難經營,但仍想在南部擴點。在車上,Grace 和 Brian 都表示他們並不看好,因為他們知道我在處理人事上很累。
在夢裡我好像有個合作伙伴,也是一個具理想性的男生。他好像本來是在台北內湖這裡有開一間店,想要推展台灣觀光。後來我們合作,一起要到南部開分店。為此南部那邊還特別把店面所在城市改名叫做 "內湖"。好像他也知道人的事情會很辛苦。

1. 搭乘計程車
2. 第二班車
朋友 Grace 和 Brian:這些朋友可能象徵著你清醒生活中理性或懷疑的聲音,敦促你重新考慮你的抱負,或強調你面臨的挑戰。
Brian 炫耀:他的行為可能暗示外部干擾或你生活中的人,可能會無意中轉移你的注意力,或讓事情看起來比實際情況更容易。
3. 餐廳及擴建計劃
4. 商業合作夥伴
這可能有助於反思你真正想要什麼,以及你願意做出哪些犧牲。傾聽謹慎的聲音(例如 Grace 和 Brian)並不意味著放棄——它可以幫助你做出更永續的選擇。