I had a dream where I assisted my friend Rita in purchasing three sets of sofas: one teal and two beige (one high-backed, one low-backed).
While unwrapping and inspecting the quality of the sofas, I also helped in positioning them. I felt that the sofas were a bit small and lacked a sense of grandeur. I told Rita that it was fortunate one set was a high-backed sofa, as it could help balance the layout of the living room.
Later, I opened other boxes and found numerous books inside. Remembering two employees who could benefit from them, I began distributing the good books and notebooks to the senior staff. At the same time, I thought about the new employee. Not knowing how long he would stay, I saw a beautiful furniture calendar notebook and thought it would be a nice gift for him.
我夢見幫朋友 Rita 買了三組沙發,一組藍綠色,兩組米色 (一高背、一低背)。
我一邊拆封套上沙發套,一邊檢視品質,並且協助定位。我覺得沙發尺寸有點小,不夠大器。我跟 Rita 說還好有一組是高背沙發, 才能撐得住這客廳格局。