I dreamed of visiting my daughter's school, a place adorned with Chinese architecture.
My daughter showed me a photo taken in class. Pointing at the figure in the photo, I asked, "Is this you?" She replied, "Yes!". "Your hair looks so long! I can hardly recognize you," I said.
She then pointed out another figure in the photo, "Your hair is long too!" Oh! I didn't realize I was also in the photo. "I thought Daddy had cut my hair, I expected it to be shorter," I laughed.
Watching her mingling with her classmates, I felt a sudden surge of emotion. I walked over to her desk, embracing her tightly, overwhelmed with a sense of indebtedness.
Attempting to place her on the desk like a baby, I realized she had outgrown such accommodations. She contorted her body, trying to find a comfortable position.
Adjusting her position by 90 degrees, I said, "You've grown so much. Let's switch your sleeping direction, so you can stretch out comfortably."
As my daughter drifted off to sleep, my husband quietly arranged a few desks into a makeshift bed. We settled on either side of her, reminiscent of earlier years when she slept between us.
My husband softly asked what time I would wake up tomorrow. "As usual!" I replied. He then mentioned that our daughter has a school trip tomorrow, so we all need to get up early!
I whispered back, "Sure! I'll get up early tomorrow to match your schedule!"
我把她身體轉 90 度,說「妳長大了。得換個方向睡,腳才可以伸直好睡。」

Ending 1 - A Flash Forward
As you drift off to sleep beside your daughter, you experience a series of vivid images depicting her future milestones – graduating from school, pursuing a fulfilling career, and starting her own family. This dream-within-a-dream emphasizes the cyclical nature of life and the joy of witnessing your daughter's continued growth.
Ending 2 - A Journey Through Time
Instead of waking up early with your family, you find yourself transported back to your own school days. You experience a sense of nostalgia and gratitude for the memories and experiences that have shaped your life and your role as a mother.
Ending 3 - A Family Adventure
In the morning, your family decides to join your daughter's school trip, leading to an exciting and memorable day spent exploring new sights and learning together. This ending emphasizes the importance of shared experiences and family bonds that evolve over time.
Ending 4 - A Symbolic Awakening
As you prepare to wake up early with your family, you find yourself waking up from the dream, left with a profound appreciation for the precious moments and memories you share with your daughter and husband.
Ending 5 - A Twist of Fate
Upon waking up early, you receive an unexpected call informing you that your daughter's school trip has been canceled due to unforeseen circumstances. You and your husband decide to turn the unexpected free time into a fun-filled family day at home, showing your ability to adapt and find joy in the midst of change.
Each of these endings offers a unique conclusion to your dream, highlighting various aspects of growth, time, and the evolving dynamics of family relationships.