I dreamt of riding in a carriage, trotting along a trail in the forest. I encouraged the passengers behind me to join me in writing a "Dream Journal."
Ahead, various fairies drifted by, some adorable, others sci-fi, all very intriguing.
I told everyone that keeping track of dreams is like catching fairies. Whatever type of fairy you catch, you record it, and save it as PDF file. With consistent practice, you'll end up with a fascinating "Dream Journal," serving as a source of creative stories with each entry.
我跟大家說,記錄夢境就像抓小精靈。看你抓到哪種小精靈,就把它記錄下來,存成 PDF 檔案。長期練習,就會發現這是一本精彩的「夢境日記」,變成一篇篇創意故事的來源。

Ending 1 - A Fairy's Gift
As you continue to encourage your fellow passengers to record their dreams, a particularly enchanting fairy approaches and bestows upon you a magical pen. This pen ensures that your dreams are captured in vivid detail, enhancing the connection between your waking and dreaming worlds.
Ending 2 - A Shared Dreamscape
One by one, your fellow passengers begin sharing their dreams, and you realize that some elements of your dreams overlap. This discovery leads to a collective exploration of shared dreamscapes, deepening your connections with one another and fostering a sense of community.
Ending 3 - A Dream-Inspired Creation
The night after your carriage ride, you experience an especially captivating dream that inspires you to create a work of art or literature. This creative endeavor allows you to channel the magic of your dreams into something tangible and share it with others.
Ending 4 - A Shift in Perspective
As the carriage ride comes to an end, you awaken from the dream, only to realize that your fellow passengers were characters within your dream. This revelation leads you to ponder the fluid boundaries between the dream world and reality.
Ending 5 - A Journey Continues
As the carriage ride concludes, you and your fellow passengers agree to continue sharing your dreams with one another, embarking on a journey of personal growth and discovery through the exploration of your subconscious minds.
These alternative endings offer different ways to conclude your dream, each emphasizing various aspects of dream journaling, personal connection, creativity, and the mysterious nature of dreams themselves.