We want everyone to get the most out of this community, so we ask that you please read and follow these guidelines:
Keep it relevant: Posts should primarily focus on sharing dreams or dream-related content. Avoid posting explicit or excessively violent content.
Be respectful: Ensure that your posts are respectful towards others and do not contain offensive or inappropriate material.
No spam: Refrain from overposting or sharing repetitive content that may clutter the platform.
Use proper formatting: Format your posts appropriately for readability and clarity.
Follow guidelines: Adhere to any specific posting guidelines provided by the platform to maintain a positive and welcoming environment.
Stay on topic: Keep comments relevant to the dream or story being discussed.
Be respectful: Engage in civil and respectful discussions, avoiding personal attacks or disrespectful behavior towards others.
No spamming: Avoid overposting comments or repeating the same message excessively.
Use appropriate language: Refrain from using offensive or inappropriate language in your comments.
Encourage creativity: Provide constructive feedback and engage with others' creative storytelling efforts to foster a supportive community atmosphere.
Use it wisely: Use the like or thumbs-up feature to show appreciation for posts or comments that you find creative or enjoyable.
Be genuine: Only like content that genuinely resonates with you and that you find creative or interesting.
Avoid misuse: Refrain from using the like feature to artificially inflate the popularity of posts or comments.
Spread positivity: Use likes to encourage and support others' creative efforts and contributions to the platform.
Respect others' creativity: Even if you don't agree with a story or comment, consider respecting the effort and creativity of the author by giving it a like if you find it imaginative or engaging.