About a month later, Uncle Fu sent a letter with three photos of the Chen family's young master and a short note in English. After struggling to read the note, Ashan's father said to Ashan's mother, "The English handwriting is quite nice, but there's not much content, just a greeting. This boy has an English name, Johnson, which is quite similar to his Chinese name, Junsheng."
Ashan's mother, eager to see the photos, remarked, "Hmm, he looks quite decent, but why is his hair curly, and his skin a bit dark?"
In Uncle Fu's letter, he mentioned that Chen Junsheng's parents were very fond of Ashan's elder sister, especially pleased to know that she came from a general's family. Overseas Chinese in the South Ocean admired military leaders greatly, as there are very few generals in the South Ocean newly independent countries and held significant power and status, which naturally led to such admiration.
Ashan's father smiled shyly and said, "I am an old, retired general now, with hardly any soldiers left under me. What's there to admire?" Uncle Fu's letter also mentioned that if Ashan's father didn't mind, he could allow Junsheng and his daughter to start corresponding. Mr. Chen would send a letter to show his sincerity and gratitude. Ashan's father, unsure of what to do, decided to leave the matter aside for now.
A few weeks later, Uncle Fu sent an international telegram urging a response. He also briefly stated that Mr. Chen sincerely wished to find a well-educated and virtuous Chinese daughter-in-law and hoped for a prompt reply. At this point, Ashan's mother couldn't help but say, "Ashan's father, do you really need Uncle Fu to keep asking for your approval? This isn't the military. Just agree to let the young people start writing to each other." Reluctantly, Ashan's father wrote back to Uncle Fu, agreeing to the correspondence.
In truth, both Ashan's parents knew that their daughter had feelings for Ma Yingding. They tried to persuade her to start corresponding with Junsheng, even if it was just to practice her English. So, Ashan's sister unwillingly began writing to Junsheng, though she continued meeting Ma Yingding often.
Ma Yingding started sensing that something was amiss and couldn't help but press Ashan's sister for an explanation. She had no choice but to tell him the truth, explaining that she couldn't disobey her father's orders and mentioning Aunt Hu's warning, "Marrying an Air Force officer is like becoming a widow," as Ma Yingding was a pilot.
Ma Yingding, feeling indignant, responded, "A soldier's duty is to protect the country, always ready to sacrifice their life. Didn't your father serve as a soldier his entire life? Why can't you marry a soldier too?"
Poor young woman, torn between her beloved and her parents who raised her, was left speechless.
過了約一個月,符叔寄來了一封信,信中附了三張陳家少爺的相片,及一封英文短箋。阿三爸吃力的看完這封短箋後,向一旁的阿三媽說道:「英文字寫得還蠻漂亮,不過沒有什麼內容,只是問好而已。這小子還有個英文名字叫 Johnson,倒和中文名字『俊生』差不多。」阿三媽倒是急著看照片,然後一面說道:「嗯,人倒是還長得不錯,不過頭髮怎麼長得卷卷的,皮膚又有點黑黑的。」