After returning to the unit, the engineering corps received another mission, and the soldiers were stationed in Shui Bi Liao, Pingtung, to build military housing. The conditions there were still harsh. The construction site lacked proper bathrooms, so everyone had to bathe in irrigation ditches. Thankfully, the weather was warming up, and the cold water wasn’t much of an issue. However, leeches often came up with the scooped water, clinging to their skin. Sighing, Ashan lamented, “Life as an engineer is tough. Even after returning to Taiwan, there’s no respite.”
One weekend, an older sergeant asked Ashan to accompany him to Shandi Men to “buy a bride.” In those days, many senior non-commissioned officers struggled to find wives. When stationed on offshore islands for extended periods, they would often save up money over the years to “purchase” a bride. Driven by curiosity, Ashan joined the sergeant in a jeep to witness the process.
As soon as they arrived in a small village, a middleman greeted them. The group walked to an open area in the village, where a straw pavilion housed several mountain (now referred to as Indigenous) women. The sergeant scrutinized the women, eventually settling on a slightly plump young woman with large eyes. He sought Ashan’s opinion, to which Ashan replied, “She looks fortunate, like a mountain version of Yang Guifei, just a bit darker. Worth considering.”
Hearing this, the middleman eagerly chimed in, “Look at her round hips! She’ll definitely be great at having children.” The sergeant was thrilled and proceeded to haggle over the price, finally agreeing to a sum of 8,000 dollars.
At the time, Ashan earned 600 dollars a month, half of which he sent home while spending the rest on personal expenses, leaving him with no savings. Although the middleman tried to persuade Ashan, promising younger, prettier, and fairer-skinned women, Ashan, despite being tempted, politely declined.