(白衣藍裙,髮禁年代。White clothes and blue skirts, the era of prohibition)
《Challenges in Family Relationships》
The Earth rotates and nurtures the land every day. With the rising of the sun and moon, all things grow together. Humanity follows the same pattern.
Ajun and Ahua are both family and adversaries, as they argue every single day. The children are growing up in this environment, which makes it difficult for them to stay unscathed.
Yan'er, the eldest, is entering adolescence. "Is my own mother really a mother?" she resents being born into this family, feeling unable to hold her head high and burdened with the title of "eldest sister," which only brings sacrifice and duty.
At sixteen, she experiences menstruation without understanding basic hygiene. In those days, the school's health education was virtually non-existent. Changing generations means changing mindsets, and cultural shifts take time.
Ahua, overlooked and forgotten by her children, faces the reality of her daughter's first period, which Ajun also encounters for the first time. Shy and embarrassed, he seeks help from the neighbor, Aunt Hua. Her arrival only adds to the endless drama. Ahua is like a ticking time bomb, ready to explode at any moment.
The deeply ingrained cultural bias of favoring sons over daughters is hard to change. Jue'er is the spitting image of Ahua, blatantly favored to the extreme, where right or wrong doesn't matter. In Ahua's subconscious, Jue'er represents hope and strength. She believes that one day, he will bring wealth because of his gender. So whenever Jue'er needs money, she always gives him some.
When Jue'er was nine, he was hit in the eye while playing with neighboring children, crying all the way home. Ahua, aware of what happened, carries him to the town clinic. In that moment, does anyone realize that Ahua might have genuine mental issues? Perhaps this is simply maternal love.
Each child in the family has their own traits. Jue'er, the second eldest, is mischievous and restless. Perhaps growing up in a business environment, profit margins become a necessity. Jue'er starts working during his junior high years. Because of this, Ahua showers him with even more love, now that her son has money. Every day's drama revolves around Ahua asking her son for money.
Gui'er, the third eldest, is sensitive. Whenever Ajun feels upset or frustrated at work, Gui'er patiently listens to the entire story, like a therapist. Whether she understands or not isn't important; perhaps Ajun has always known that this is the best way to relieve stress.
Because of this, Gui'er often feels insecure. Despite her young age, she constantly worries about losing what she has and struggles to make progress in her relationships with others.
爵兒 9 歲時,大家玩遊戲,被鄰家小孩射中眼睛哭回家。阿花知情,揹起爵兒,往鎮上診所奔。在當下沒人知曉??阿花是真的精神有問題嗎?也許這就是母愛。
排行老三的桂兒,心思細膩。阿俊心情鬱悶、或工作受挫,總是娓娓細數整個情節來龍去脈,告知自己的委屈和不滿,就像…… 心理醫師負責傾聽。了解與否不重要,也許阿俊一直知道,這是紓解壓力最佳良方。