《Ahua's Life》
Ahua remained silent. Even in the face of life and death, her expression and eyes always showed distrust and fear.
Ahua shed her old burdens and revealed her lifelong sorrows, recounting the layers of her past and the helplessness in the phases of her life as a woman.
It seemed Ahua knew her end was near. The physical pain was no longer as intense as the emotional wounds. Unburdening herself was like laying everything down heavily. Ahua gave her children only four months to get to know her.
During her hospital stay, when medical staff asked how many children she had, Ahua firmly and confidently replied, "Seven." Her children were, shocked, realized their mother had regained her clarity.
In the hospital, everyone knew her as the elderly woman who refused medication and never complained of pain, always insisting on going home. Unable to resist her determination, her children complied.
Back at home, Ahua’s gaze told the world: she wanted to die here. This place, built from nothing with Ajun, was the home she had created through silence, retreat, and suffering.
Ahua gave her children only four months to know her before passing away in 2015.
在現代醫療雙管照護下,醫生問診開藥,阿花蛻變一個人,好像睡一覺驚醒過來:一生歷經煎熬,有個女兒因為自己不夠勇敢而葬送;隻身任意進入複雜陌生環境被欺凌,而一切源頭來自這個男人 (阿俊)。
阿花住院期間,醫護人員問及阿花有幾個孩子。阿花堅定有力回應「7 個」。阿花兒女們錯愕臉龐,已知曉母親清醒了。
阿花僅僅給孩子四個月認識她,就撒手而歸。歿於 2015 年。