I dreamt of myself promoting Buddhism, narrating the process through which Buddha practiced and propagated Buddhism through ascetic practices.
I said this wasn't a glamorous tale. Siddhartha Gautama, step by step, used his strength to spread Buddhism.
Among the crowd were individuals from other religions who, upon hearing my words, seemed skeptical.
I responded that every religion has its doctrine of promoting goodness. "I'm not here to argue with you; I'm simply presenting a very simple model, hoping everyone can join in its execution."
Coincidentally, I spotted my friend Stanley basking in the sunlight on the balcony. I remarked, "Practicing anytime, anywhere, enjoying life to the fullest, is also practicing Buddhism, cherishing the present moment!"
剛好看到我的朋友 Stanley 在陽台上做日光浴。我說「隨時隨地都可修行,好好地享受人生,也是在實踐佛法,珍惜當下啊!」

(The endings crafted by Pi AI)
Ending 1:
After explaining the essence of practicing Buddhism in daily life, you invited everyone present to share their own experiences of finding peace and harmony within their belief systems. This led to a fruitful exchange of ideas and stories, fostering a sense of understanding and respect among people of different faiths.
This ending emphasizes the power of dialogue and sharing personal experiences to create unity and appreciation for diverse perspectives.
Ending 2:
As you concluded your talk, you encouraged everyone to try implementing the simple model of promoting goodness in their lives for a week, regardless of their religious beliefs. Many took up the challenge and returned the following week to share their experiences, describing how this practice had positively impacted their interactions with others and their overall well-being.
This ending showcases the potential impact of your message on others and their willingness to incorporate the universal values of Buddhism into their lives, leading to personal growth and a more compassionate society.